Each dosha type requires a different type of massage according to the qualities exhibited by the dosha imbalance.
Because Vatas are already dry, cold, irregular, and rough, they need to have an oily, warm, smooth and nurturing massage. Stroking should be firm but smooth. Abrupt, rough movements can be irritable and disturbing to Vata types. Lots and lots of warm oil should be used. Excess oil can be allowed to sit on the skin (after you’ve worked on the area) to soak in; Vata bodies will just absorb it. Oil should be allowed to stand and soak into the tissue over the entire abdomen. Keep Vatas warm with sheets, heating pads, and even blankets.


Pittas are oily, hot, intense and fluid, so they need a calming and relaxing massage. They do not need as much oil as Vata types, and their oils need to be of a cooling nature. The massage should be deep and varied, and the subject’s mind can be occupied using different techniques. Pitta tissues can sometimes be inflamed or irritated, so care should be used in these areas. Too much fast movement can worsen their imbalance; the massage must be slow and deliberate without much movement from one area to another. Pittas can become irritable if the therapist is not centred.
Kaphas require the most vigorous massage to stimulate their sluggish metabolism and lack of fluid movement. Fast, even harsh, movements are appropriate, with as little oil as possible. If the Kapha is out of balance, increasing amounts of diaphoretic and diuretic essential oils will be helpful. Since you will be using less oil, you can increase the mixture to approximately 75-100 drops of essential oil to four ounces of vegetable oil. During the massage, it’s crucial to draw Kaphas into a conversation so they can explore and let go of their own feelings, which they are usually reticent to divulge.