The experience of labour is different for every woman, as I’ve found out through treating lots of women through their pregnancies and after their baby has been born. What they do agree on, however, is the importance of being able to relax and that the touch of their partner is reassuring and relieving.


Using aromatherapy massage during labour helps you to relax and cope with the contractions. It can also reduce the tension and fear you will naturally feel because of its calming effect on your nervous system. You may find that early in labour, you like the feeling of quite firm pressure, but as your contraction becomes more intense, gentle strokes may be all you can bear. It’s up to you.
If you’ve already experienced aromatherapy massage earlier in your pregnancy, your partner will have an idea of the kind of touch that is most helpful to you.

This is helpful in the earlier stages of labour, and the movements are soothing when the contractions feel like period pains. Use three drops of camomile or lavender oil in 4 fl oz (100 ml) of light carrier oil.
• Using relaxed hands, make a figure-of-eight movement across the tummy and under the ‘bump’. This movement should be pretty light, especially if the tummy is tender.
• Gently stroke around the bump, using your fingertips in a circular movement.
Repeat these movements as necessary.
Again, use three drops of camomile or lavender oil in 4 fl oz (100 ml) of carrier oil.


• With the heel of your hand, apply pressure to the small of the back. Gently move your hand in an anti-clockwise circular movement while keeping firm contact with the skin.
• Place one hand on top of the other in the small of the back and allow heat to build up under your hands. These movements are helpful for contractions felt in the lower back.
If you are feeling too sensitive to be massaged or even touched on your body, try the following aromatherapy relaxers.
Add a few drops of lavender or rose oil to some chilled rosewater. Dip a small face sponge into this mixture, then smooth it over your forehead, down your face and neck, gently and rhythmically. Alternatively, your partner can do this for you. The flowery aroma is very comforting and helps to take your mind away from the labour pains.
Kneeling in a deep, warm bath can be soothing in the earlier stages of labour, and the addition of relaxing aromatherapy oils intensifies this experience. Choose from:
• Camomile
• Ylang-ylang
• Lavender
• Geranium
Your partner can help take your mind off the pain by rhythmically pouring warm, scented water down your back.
When the contractions become complicated, this simple touch is very reassuring and helps to create a feeling of safety.
• Ask your partner to rub a little lavender oil (in a carrier oil) into the solar plexus on your hand.
• Now, he or she can gently stoke and soothe your hand, keeping reassuring contact with you. Concentrate on relaxing to the touch.

If he or she is becoming weary, inhaling the following can help. Inhale neat:
• Rosemary
• Neroli
• Petigrain
• Lavender
• Peppermint

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