If you want to add some zing to your life, if you want to feel the exhilaration of some naughty banter with a member of the opposite sex, if you want to be the focus of a desirable man or woman’s attention, you need to know one thing; how to flirt. Even if you’re a bit shy in social situations, don’t lose heart. It’s not that difficult to become a pro at the game. You don’t have to be devastatingly attractive, rich, smooth-talking, or good at batting your eyelashes to flirt.

To master the art of flirting, you must first decide that you want to be a flirt. It’s one of the best ways of getting to know someone. Of course, it’s not necessary for a flirtation to turn into something serious, it’s more about loosening up and having a little fun. Flirting generally means, behaving amorously without any serious intent and it can be a heady experience. So, next time you go to a party, don’t sit in a corner and gaze at that sexy man or woman, go strike up a flirtatious conversation.

You have to keep your mental boundaries open and be prepared for the unexpected. Don’t approach someone with preconceived notions of what he or she is going to be like. Let go of yourself and flow with the tide. It’s different for each person, there are no hard and fast rules to be a good flirt. It’s got to do with how open you are as a person because it’s all harmless fun.

A simple, casual ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ can go a long way in making a person feel comfortable. Keep the conversation simple and talk about everything else, except past or present partners. It’s not as if only single people flirt, even married people do, so stay off taboo topics. Take things slowly, and don’t act as if the physical attraction is the only thing on your mind, otherwise, everything will be over before you can say ‘bingo’.

You must have strong body language to be able to communicate to a person that you are interested in him/her. Eye contact and a good smile are always what attract a person the first time. Keep the body language subtle if you want to flirt in style. Usually, that’s what really gets the other person interested. Physical attraction is always the motivating factor in flirting but doesn’t overdo it.

Sitting with legs crossed works well for women and men can sit with their hands dangling on their thighs. Licking the lips subtly or playing with the hair is also a woman’s way of showing flirtatious behavior. A man can look into the woman’s eyes and then suddenly dart the eyes that work, according to Joyce Jillson, author of The Fine Art of Flirting.

Make sure you’re looking good and feeling confident when you’re flirting. Your partner can sense your confidence level, so if you want to be successful, work at it. Invest in a good wardrobe, good clean clothes in smart cuts will get you all the attention you desire. If your outfit is a little sexy, all the better. Also, make sure you wear the right perfume that matches your body chemistry and makes you more appealing.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a man or a woman, you can go ahead and initiate flirting. “I feel I should do it, rather than the woman, because somehow it makes me feel good.” Talking and generally enjoying each other’s company is what flirting’s all about. If she likes you, then the phone number follows and it can lead to other things.

There are no rules in flirting but it depends on what you’re comfortable with. Your background and society dictate what you do, so if you think you have no limits or you have too many, that’s also your choice.

The idea is to have fun, so don’t behave like you won’t meet each other ever and get all physical or emotional. After all, flirting doesn’t necessarily have to lead to sex or to any long-term relationship. You can flirt the whole evening and night and keep having fun, maybe you can wind up with a close dance or whatever, but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to get intimate with anyone.

If you don’t meet your flirting partner again, it can remain a cherished memory, for some time, that is, till you meet the next man or woman to sweep you off your feet!
But if it’s someone you know, who you see every day, or even occasionally, keep the faith and do what your heart tells you to. You can flirt with each other if you’re still interested or else keep it in cold storage and just get on with your life.