The whole body is covered with clothes, but face is left open and exposed to summer, winter and rain. So it would be best if you cared for it. The look is the mirror of your mind and whole body.
Beauty was a mere blessing in olden times. Being beautiful or ugly was taken as a matter of fate. But today, it has become an art with the aid of cosmetics. Any lady can be perfect in this by making sincere efforts.
Not that everyone has sharp features and a fair complexion. Makeup can hide many of the deficiencies. No one can stop you from becoming beautiful if you have a strong will.
A lady good in makeup can hide her deficiencies and be beautiful, whereas another may be normal but can look unpleasant without proper makeup.
But makeup will glow a healthy face. Can all this blossom on a sick, glowless, pale, dull face? Never. So, first, improve your health to have a beautiful look.
Take balanced and nutritious food for good health to possess it forever.
Exercise: A few activities are explained below for the face. They are straightforward. They will exercise the muscles of the face. By doing them, your face will not hang loose or get disproportionate but will remain muscular.
• Pull both corners of lips with fingers. Count one to ten. The upper lip should touch the lower one and must not turn outwards. It makes the lower portion of the face shape. It brings a balance to the shape of the face.
• Fill your mouth with air and move it up-down in a round motion for three minutes. It will improve blood circulation, and dullness will vanish.
• Keep pressing the corners of the lips. Keep the face like this for three minutes. Movement of the cheeks, as well as the jaw, will improve the shape.
• Massage your cheeks with the hands from down upwards and outwards and repeat it ten times. It will improve the shape and bring a glow to the cheeks.
You must realize that only proper makeup makes a face attractive. Improper makeup can spoil it and make it look ugly and clumsy. The better way will be to know and use the tips for good makeup.
Wash your face with good soap and dry it with a towel before makeup. Do makeup after a few minutes.
Cleansing milk is applied first of all. This white milky liquid is available in nice-looking phials. Its primary function is to remove dirt, dust and clean the face. It is applied with cotton.
The dust, which is still left, even after washing the face with soap, is cleaned with cleansing milk. This is good for oily skin.
Those who have oily skin must use it before makeup. It will remove extra oil. Move your hands upwards and outwards while applying it. It will open the pores. Now a clean face is ready for the makeup.
This kind of liquid uniquely constricts pores; otherwise, cosmetics will creep into the skin and harm it. Use skin tonic on normal and dry skin.
You will not have sweat after applying it on the forehead, chin, lips nose. Apply it with the tips of your fingers.
If you have oily skin, move a piece of ice on the face first. It will reduce oiliness and prepare smooth skin for makeup. Makeup stays longer on such skin. Vanishing cream is the best base for those who have tiny pores. It is a light cream that saves your skin. Take a small quantity and massage it slowly with your fingertips. It is also as good as an astringent.
This cosmetic is available in light and dark skin colours. It renders the skin levelled and smooth. Buy the one which matches your complexion, neither dark nor light in colour. Apply it with the tips of your fingers instead of a brush.
The foundation is necessary to make the makeup long-lasting and natural.
You should buy two shades of foundation, one matching your skin and the other dark. Now apply light-coloured ones on the parts you want to make look more attractive and dark ones on the features you want people not to notice. Manipulate both shades so that the lines between these two cannot be distinguished.
They are available in many types, as explained below :
Lotion Foundation: It is oily and makes the skin glossy, so it should be used on normal and dry skin. Apply it with the tips of your fingers.
Matty Foundation: This mixture of foundation and powder as a thick paste. It is effective on oily skin.
The best way to apply foundation is to move the tips of fingers upwards and outwards. Put an even coating of it everywhere. It must not show white patches significantly below the eyes. Keep massaging it for a few minutes, after which the face will be smooth.
Apply foundation on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin in patches with a brush before spreading it with the tips of your fingers on the forehead, below the nose, cheeks, cheeks, ears and chin and let it dry up. Apply it below the ears and at the jaws too.
If you use a cake foundation, apply it with a wet sponge.
Take care of a few factors while applying foundation:
• Ensure that your face is clean to the base.
• Apply moisturizer on dry and normal skin. It is like a white cream that hides white patches on the skin. It is a perfect base. It is applied with hands.
• Apply a fresh, thin coating of the foundation followed by another, if needed, or one is sufficient.
Move a soaked flock of cotton on the face to level the coating. Apply the light foundation colour if you have dented cheeks and a dark stain on the bulge below your eyes. Use the light foundation colour on the part of bulging bones below the eyes when you want small eyes to look bigger.
Use the dark foundation colour on the upper portion of the cheeks if the part is ever bulging or swollen to hide them to be noticed. If the nose is extended, use a foundation of dark colour from the nose bone to the tip and light if it is short. You can hide the shortcomings of your face this way and look pretty as you desire.
It is used to bring colour to the face. It gives colour to the cheeks and fills the face with slowness and health. Put rouge in a way that looks natural. Light colour in the day and dark in the night looks beautiful. Use it after the foundation and before using powder. Powder rouge gives reddishness, so the ladies with yellow skin should use a creamy blusher, which will bring reddishness to the face.
Please don’t use it in summer and humid conditions because it turns dark after some time and looks like a patch. Another kind of rouge is cake. It is suitable for smooth skin. Apply it with cotton.
Mention one thing: dark rouge colour exhibits maturity on the face, and the light one provides youthful enthusiasm. The use of the rouge is deeply related to the shape of the face. A balance between these two hides most of the shortcomings.
Know the shape of your face first; read the suggestions below and then use rouge. Before applying blusher, laugh a little; the portion of the cheeks that bulges a bit is the part where you should apply rouge.
• For Long Face, apply rouge on the triangle of the cheeks, don’t spread it beyond the corner of the eyes. Spread it towards the ears, and your face will look broad.
• For Square Face, apply rouge on the lower part of the cheeks and spread it upwards and outwards; the squareness of the face will reduce, and there will be a balanced touch.
• For Round Face spread rouge towards the nose, the face will look long, and roundness will reduce. Apply blusher a bit above the bone of the cheeks. Don’t rub your face with a towel if more rouge has been applied; this can form patches. Rub a piece of dry sponge slowly to clean the extra amount. Now move the puff of powder and level rouge, pat a flock of soaked in astringent on the face.
It is a compact (dried, settled powder) of pink colour. It is in vogue nowadays. Both young and middle-aged ladies can use it.
It is applied on the forehead, chin, nose and cheeks. It brings shine to the face.
It is available in both dry and set forms. You may choose a shade matching skin colour or a bit lighter. Match colours of powder and foundation.
The powder does not stick on the face when applying a dry foundation. Apply powder on the front by rubbing it. Apply it with light pats and remove it with a brush from eyelashes, eyebrows, eyelids and hair. Move your hand upwards while applying it.
Shake the box of powder before using it. The light powder will stay on the face, and the makeup will not look thick. The puffs for applying powder are available in the market. Dirt settles in them after some time, so keep them clean always; then only it will help in proper makeup.
The settled powder is called compact. It can be kept easily in the purse; it does not spread. Keep your makeup fresh with it. The shade of the compact should always be the shadow of the powder so that lines don’t show on the face.
There are three primary shades. If you cannot choose the right shade of these, or your complexion is white, and the powder does not match the skin, the better choice is not to use it.
It is a cosmetic for the lips. They are coloured with it. It is available in sticks with caps and many light and dark shades. Open the lid, move it upwards and right to the left, first on the upper lip, then on the lower one.
Choose lipstick as in vogue and as per your complexion. Keep your age and occasion in mind too. Light shades suit ladies with fair complexion, and elaborate ones those with a less fair complexion.
Dark shades of lipstick look attractive in the evenings. Use colourless or light shades in the daytime. Italian pink and sweet talk match suitably with the pink shade of powder. Cracked lips become a big problem. Put a coating of chapstick or cold cream before applying lipstick. Lips will look levelled from a distance.
Apply cream on such lips first, put a tissue paper between the lips and press them so that the extra cream is removed. Sprinkle some powder on them and apply lipstick. Cracks will not be visible on the lips.
Black lips can be hidden with foundation, powder or a light shade of powder—now you may use the desired lipstick on the lips. Make an outer line with a lip brush before so that lipstick does not spread, and then fill it inside. A darker external line and light inside will make lips more attractive.
Make an artificial line above the upper lip and below the lower one if you have thin lips. Now fill the inside. The lips will look a little thick. Never use darker shades on thin lips; they will look slimmer. Light shades will suit them.
Draw a small line inside the outer lines of the lips and apply foundation on the remaining part; this will hide the undesired portion and bring a balanced look to the lips.
A face will look unattractive and dull with lips drooping down. Ladies with such lips should draw a line over the lower lips and put lipstick with a brush; they will not look drooping.
If you have one lip thick and the other thin, make a bit thin line out of the delicate lip and a thin line out of the wide lip and now fill it with a lip brush. They will look balanced and shapely.
Lipstick is used in the last of the makeup. There should not be any oiliness, wetness or lipstick used before on the lips while applying lipstick fresh. Draw lines from both corners of the lips towards the middle with a brush for the middle strings and the same way for the outlines and fill inside.
Always use creamy lipstick with lanolin; it makes the lips glossy and soft. Ladies with small faces should not use deep red lipstick. It will make the face look smaller. They should choose pink and orange shades.
If you are not getting the desired and matching colour, you may mix other colours and have a desired shade. Apply lipstick on your wrist when buying it. Wrist and face generally have the same complexion; if it looks attractive, buy it.