Twelve benefits of massage are mentioned in the ancient book of Ayurveda. They are :
Jarahar (remover of old age):  Daily massage to the spine, feet (soles), and heat with Almond oil increases virility and semen. The body is made of seven ingredients, such as :
1. Rasa (hormones, fluids, lymph)
2. Rakta (blood)
3. Mamsa (flesh)
4. Medha (tendons of nerves)
5. Asthi (bones, teeth, nails)
6. Majja (marrow)
7. Shukra (semen)BENEFITS OF MASSAGE

Massage provides energy to all these seven ingredients, and old age symptoms approach late.
Shramahar (Remover of Fatigue): One feels fat by physical and mental strain. It affects the muscles and causes tension. Rubbing, patting and squeezing muscles gently remove fatigue. Vatahar (Remover of humour of wind): Rheumatism is one of the ailments caused by wind. Daily massage with Maha Narayana taila or other Ayurvedic oils helps remove the troubles created by wind or gases.
Darsanakar (Increases sight): Regular massage improves presence and keeps blindness and other diseases of the eyes away. Feet massage, especially under the big toe, and massage of the spine, neck and head will remove eye troubles and improve vision. Pushtikar (Strengthener): By rubbing, pressing, kneading etc., the circulation of vital life fluids increases and strengthens the body.
Ayushkar (Supplier of longevity): By massage, longevity increases.
Swapnakar (That brings sleep):  Massage induces sleep. Head and feet massage with pumpkin seed oil before bed gets the patient to sleep.
Twakdhritakar (Skin strengthened): Massage makes the skin smooth, shining and strong. Dryness is a sign of disturbed wind elements in the body.
Sometimes dryness comes from meditation, mental work, anxieties and worries. People in cold regions get dry skin facing the chilled air.
Klesha sahatwa (Tolerate troubles):  Resistance against disease and disharmony increases by massage because it excites antibody production and strengthens the seven ingredients mentioned above. The antibodies give more disease resistance, and the seven terms’ strength gives tolerance.
Abhighat sahatwa (Tolerate injuries):  One who gets a massage regularly recovers damages more quickly than others who do not.
Kapha-Vata Nirodhaka : (Protector from the troubles of mucous and wind): Regular massage protects from the risk of mucous and wind.
Mrija Varna Baiaprada (Giver of colour and strength to the skin): By massage, the skin’s colour and texture improve, hence getting more power. So Ayurvedic massage is highly praised for using oils.