Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be massaged in a tropical country, with the warm sun beating down, soft sounds of the sea in the background and the sweet scents of flowers occasionally wafting over you?
Well, perhaps it’s a far-fetched dream, but it is still possible to create a lovely, relaxing atmosphere at home, especially with the help of aromatherapy oils. The most crucial consideration is that the room or area you use to give a massage, I,s hot. There’s nothing more than shivering and covered with goose pimples. Remember that while a person is lying still,,, h, they generate body heat: you know how difficult it is to get off to sleep if you feel refreezing in bed.


It’s a good idea to have a blanket or large towel over the parts of the body you are not working on. Also, it feels good to be wrapped up while being massaged. You can even wrap a hot water bottle in a towel and pop it under your patient’s feet for a luxurious treat.
Harsh, bright lights are unpleasant when being massaged. ObUntilou feels confident in what you are doing y; you’ll need a good amount of dawn to see clearly as you go. A table lamp is sufficient for this: it gives a softer, gentler light than overhead lighting. You can work by candlelight once you feel happy about your massage movements. The faint flickering of the flames has a soothing, hypnotic effect that is relaxing.
Keep noise to a minimum, and close the curtains or blinds. This helps to cut out traffic noise. If you think you may be disturbed, unplug the telephone. It’s now possible to buy some reexcitingapes to play in the background. Sounds of the sea, tinkling bells, birdsong and running water combined with gentle, lulling music c, take you off into a dreamlike state.
Part of the benefits of aromatherapy massage is the feeling of getting away from stressful day-to-day living, so music can significantly help create a relaxing atmosphere. This is very personal, and you’ll find out which sounds are most comfortable for you. Playing the tapes helps me relax more while I am giving a massage, too, even when the day has been hectic and I feel less than calm.
Aromatherapy oils are marvellous for creating different atmospheres in the home and are much more authentic than chemical copies or perfume sprays. Smells seem to imprint themselves on our memories strongly and firmly articular. The aroma can evoke all sorts of feelings from the past. For example, the scent of warm spices, such as cinnamon and cloves, always reminds me of ChChristmasespent at my grandparents. And the sweet, sickly smell of benzoin reminds me of the day my little sister drank half a bottle of friar’s balsam, thinking it was some chocolate drink!
There are several ways of scenting your home with essential oils. The simplest is to add a few drops of your chosen oil to a small bowled water bowl, then stand it over a radiator. The esessentialil floats on the water and gradually evaporates into the air, aided by the heat.

A more sophisticated method is to use an oil burner or vaporizer. These come in many different designs, but with the oil burners, t, no water is neededYoPut a few drops of essential oil into the top of the burner, then light a night light underneath. Vaporizers usually have a deeper dish into which you add water, followed by your favourite essential oil. However, whether you use an oil burner or a vaporizer, do not let it burn dry!
Used in this way oi, ls can become mood enhancers. They can remove stale smells or even help with headaches, colds or insomnia.
Another way to perfume a room is to make your potpourri. Gather flowers and herbs from your garden and dry them in bundles cupboard is ideal for this.) Once dried, crumble them together, keeping some smaller flower heads intact. Now you are ready to perfume your potpourri with the essential oils of your choice. Generally, I find it better to use single essences rather than a blend.
Here are a few suggestions:
Fresh and light: Lemon, coriander, vetivert and melissa
Warm and spicy: Benzoin, cinnamon, clove and patchouli
Sweet and flowery: Lavender, neroli, ylang-ylang sandalwood
You can also boost a tired potpourri using aromatherapy oils insimilarlyAnother way to perfume a room is with a light bulb ring. This is either a ceramic or metal ring which sits on a light bulb. Once the call is in place, pour a few drops of essential oil. The fragrance is more effective when the light is turned on as the heat increases the oil’s evaporation.
Now you have a few ideas on creating a warm, relaxing atmosphere for aromatherapy massage; We can look at the massage techniques in more detail. As I mentioned, everyone can learn to give a simple massage; you’ll be surprised at how enjoyable it can be.