The posture and position adopted at the time of coital acts are equally important. A posture that is easy and comfortable is good. But to adopt the same stance always is hardly desirable. Avoid monotony and routine and add a new dimension to this side also. Bring an element of pleasant surprise, freshness, and variety in your posture every time you begin your session. There are many postures. Try and see which one suits and favors you both.

How to Increase Sex Power

A man prone to early climax may adopt the inverted coital pose and its variations. The man lies on his back straight with thighs and legs together and the woman rides him. But remember it. The repeated use of any or a limited number of positions would make them harmless. Introduce the element of surprise whenever possible. Let your married life be a long and constant honeymoon. Chase and corner your lady in the kitchen. In the bathroom, in the dressing room, in the garden, on the roof, in the store room, or any other place, provided you both are alone and no eyes are prying around. With the change of your postures, change your strokes and the methods of your love play. Repeated coitus tends to help in a man’s retention and a woman’s first orgasm may take longer to come but her subsequent orgasms are obtained far more easily.

According to Vatsyayana, a man should increase the ways of his union with a woman by seeing the strange and amusing fashion of the congress of beasts and birds. It will surely enhance the passion and the mutual attraction. A man who according to a woman’s inclinations, customs, and practice of the province, and the time enters into Congress is intensely loved, liked, and respected by women.

How to Increase Sex Power

Coital postures certainly affect the quality and degree of sexual response in women. Lack of variety and suitable positions in sexual acts may cause maladjustment. There are many coital postures, but only those which are easy, comfortable, and satisfactory, both from a physical and psychological point of view, should be taken recourse to. The most common and comfortable posture is face to face position. But this too is not assumed correctly. To come into this posture the woman lies down on the bed on her back. She then bends and draws her knees up towards her, keeping the thighs separated and wide. The man bends over her between the thighs supporting his weight on his hands or elbows. This brings them closer and makes penetration easier. A pillow or a cushion is placed under the lower part of the underlying woman’s back to make the penetration more comfortable and complete. After the penetration, the woman can bring her legs around the man’s body or can keep her feet resting on the bed and her knees flexed.

Many couples ignorant of the technique of coital postures indulge in sexual acts in the wrong position. The result is that there is no consummation and satisfaction. Happiness in marriage depends on so many things. Anything that adds and supplements this happiness is welcome. In this context, the proper coital postures assume considerable importance.

The inverted pose is very popular for certain obvious reasons and advantages. It gives the maximum pleasure both to women and men. The woman gets the utmost freedom of movement and manipulation. The man can continue finding, caressing, and kissing while engaged in a coital act. The up and down movements of a woman add a further dimension to the continuous love play. Erection can be maintained longer and climax can be delayed to provide the woman with the greatest satisfaction. There are fewer chances of the woman becoming pregnant because of the upright angle of the phallus.

How to Increase Sex Power

There are two ways of coming into this pose. The first is when during the face-to-face coitus the woman turns round, without disengaging, and gets on top. The second is then the woman is on the top from the commencement of the act. The man lies stretched straight on his back with legs and thighs together. The woman rides him astride supporting her weight on her bent knees, elbows, and toes. Then she leans forward pressing upon him with her breasts and other parts of her body. A pillow or cushion may be placed under the lower part of the man’s back to facilitate deeper and complete penetration and closer contact.

Vatsyayana has given many interesting coital postures in his Kamasutra, an almost canonical work on eroticism. Most of the erotic sculptures and Mithunas on the walls of many famous Indian temples are after these sexual postures.

Utfullaka or the Wide Open position 

Lying down on her back, when she lowers down the upper half of the body and rises back and hips, it is called the wide open posture. In it the entrance of her vagina is stretched wide. A pillow should be placed under her back in this posture.

Indrani or the posture of the Consort of Indra 

This posture was first introduced and popularised by Indrani, the consort of Indra, therefore, it is called so. In this posture, the woman keeps bent legs and thighs together and keeps them well apart units. This position requires some practice.

Indrani posture can also be adapted to great satisfaction by a Dear Type woman and a Bull type man uniting in a higher congress.

Samputaka Posture

In actual union, when the legs of both the man and woman are stretched straight, it is called Samputaka or the Clasping posture.

Samputaka posture is of two kinds :

(i) Parshva or the Side posture and (ii) Ultana or the Supine posture. In the side posture, the man and woman invariably lie on their sides facing each other. In the supine posture the woman lies on her back and the man over her, facing each other.

In the side posture, the man should always lie on his left side, and the woman on her right side. This rule is universally practiced in lying down with all kinds of women.

Other Postures

  • Piditaka or the Pressing posture is assumed when the lovers begin in a clasping position, and then they press each other’s thighs with force.
  • Veshtika or the Twinning position is assumed when a woman unites with a man in the clasping position and places her left thigh on the right in order to contract her vagina even more.
  • Vadavaka or the Mare’s posture is acquired when a man’s penis is firmly held by the woman in her vagina as does the mare that of a horse. At this stage, she altogether stops embracing, kissing, etc. This posture requires much practice and chiefly courtesans are found well acquainted with it.
  • When the woman raises both of her legs, places them there over the man’s shoulders, and unites, Vijrimbhitaka or the Yawning posture is assured.
  • When only one of her legs is stretched out, and the other folded is pressed against his bosom. It is called Ardhapiditaka or the Half pressed posture.
  • When she places one of her legs on the man’s shoulder and keeps the other stretched out, it is called Venudaritaka or the splitting of the Bamboo posture.
  • When both of her legs are folded at the knees and placed below his navel at the time of the congress, it is called Karkata or the Crab posture.
  • When her thighs are raised and placed one upon the other, it is called Piditaka or the Packed posture.

Variety is the sugar and spice of sex. The incorporation of variety in coital postures will make you feel that you are untying with a new partner every time without actually changing your partner. Variety in posture renews mutual attraction and strengthens sexual bonds between the two partners participating. It further helps in maintaining fidelity and thus prevents sexual permissiveness.

There are possibilities of many varieties in lovemaking. These should be ingeniously exploited to heighten the joys of sex. Couples experts in various ways of love-making and sexual postures are really a fortunate lot. Lovers who are experts in the varieties of sex are certainly at great advantage. Nothing else can increase the passion and pleasures of the sexual union so much as the introduction of variety and new elements in coital postures. Indian erotic temple sculptures can be an object lesson in this context. The mithunas, carved out in rocks and stones illustrate many of the varieties of embrace, kissing, and copulating.