Bathing, no doubt, is not merely a ritual, but it has multiple benefits also, as water has curative and relaxing properties. When bathing is preceded by an essential oil massage, it has multifold salutary effects. In Hinduism, bathing is a way to healthy and hygienic life. Even in Greek and Roman cultures, bathing was a significantly important place. Bathing with essential oils can calm agitated nerves, stimulate blood circulation, relax and deodorise the foul-smelling body, uplift mood and remove the harmful foreign matters that cling to the body. There is an extensive list of essential oils, out of which you can choose the most suitable oil(s) depending on your individual requirement and state of health.


Needless to remind that aromatic baths can help a lot in mitigating or even removing the conditions like the stiffness of joints, pains and aches, fatigue, colds, and headaches, tone and condition the skin, relieve tension and anxiety and detoxify the body, remove foul odour and sweat etc.


Oils for Relaxation: Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Frankincense, Hyssop, Juniper, Lavender, Marjoram, Melissa, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose, Sage, Sandalwood, YlangYlang.
Oils for Stimulation: Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Geranium, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon grass, Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Thyme.
Oils for Rheumatism/Arthritis: Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme.
Oils for Eczema: Chamomile, Geranium, Hyssop, Juniper, Myrrh, Rosemary.
Oils for Dermatitis: Chamomile, Hyssop, Lavender.
Oils for Psoriasis: Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender
If you study the above list, you can easily make out that oils like Chamomile, Juniper Rosemary, and Lavender have been repeated quite often, which implies that related disorders can be treated by using a specific oil for various applications and uses.
Essential oils make a bath both aromatically and therapeutically. They sink into the skin quickly and thoroughly, apart from giving floral and herbal fragrances. If oil is added directly to the bath, it will float on the surface of the bathing water, thus imparting the full aromatic benefits to you. To yield better and quicker results, mix oil(s) in a base oil (like apricot kernel, sweet almond oil, Evening primrose or Jojoba base oils) and disperse the blended oil through the water.
While choosing oils, make sure that they do not counterbalance one another; somewhat, they should complement and enhance the effect of other oils. Do not blend more than three essential oils at a time. Mix 5 drops of each type of oil with 15 ml. of skin-softening oil (Stated earlier) base oil.
Time and temperature are essential in a bath. Boiling water is harmful and damaging in some diseases, even though it increases heartbeat and allows the capillaries and blood vessels to expand. Pregnant ladies and persons with high blood pressure, dandruff, piles, and varicose veins must avoid hot water for the above-given reasons. Spend around 15-20 minutes in the bath. Add diluted oils to water when the bathtub/buckets are complete, and serve earlier, as these oils evaporate quickly.
Mark Evans suggests—”To calm yourself after a frightful day or to prepare yourself for a peaceful night’s sleep, turn your bathroom into a private sanctuary. Keep the light soft, if possible, or use an eye mask or burn aromatic candles. Support your head with a bath pillow, close your eyes and inhale deeply. Concentrate on your breathing, empty your mind, and let the oil soothe your stresses and strains. After a 15-20 minute soak, get out slowly and wrap yourself in a large warm towel.”
In this context, Mark Evans adds—”Stimulating Bath is the best for the morning to get your start or to revive you before an evening out. Keep the water cool and use an invigorating bath to rub down and stimulate circulation. When you have soaked, rinse yourself with water as cold as you can bear, either by splashing directly from the lap or shower or adding more cold water to cool down your bath. As you get out, either slap yourself dry to make the skin tingle or rub yourself vigorously with a towel.

Invigorating jets of water are ideal for getting the blood pumping, and there is no need to forgo the benefits of aromatic oils. Skin tends to be sluggish in cold winter, but sloughing off dead top layers can help regenerate cells and allow moisturizers to be absorbed more easily. An aromatic shower is an excellent way of aiding recovery from a particular illness, lifting the spirits, or promoting relaxation after a busy day. Showers are ideal for smoothing skin with exfoliating rubs using wet salt, a loofah or a mitt to slough off the top surface of dead skin cells. A dry friction glove or loofah is too harsh for


most skins, so soften first in warm water. Soft bristle brushes can also help to get the circulation going with gentle massage on problem areas like hips or thighs. To keep friction brushes and mitts fresh, always rinse them well and hang them up to dry.
Essential oils can be used under the shower; try a base oil mixed with invigorating essences and with a clean face cloth or sponge, pour on the oils and rub all over the body in circular motions whilst showering. Sponge the chest with a mix of eucalyptus and peppermint oils to clear the sinuses and coughs and colds. A cold water shower after cleansing improves circulation and tightens skin pores.
Start off your shower or bath routine by whisking off dead skin cells with a friction mitt. Moisten the palm of the mitt with warm water or softening oils such as sweet almond or evening primrose. Concentrate on the outer thighs, working from the knee in upward circular movements across the buttocks.
“The power of perfume to inspire romance has been known since the Babyloninas, and perfume and flowers are still the favourable gifts for the lovers” and “The sense of smell is fundamental to our sensuality. Pheromones, chemicals secreted in human sweat, are the most basic trigger to sexual attraction. The smells of flowers and plants are the plant equivalent of pheromones, irresistible to birds and bees and just as attractive to humans. We can use natural aromatic plant oils to relax, heighten our awareness, excite the senses and create a mood for love.”
(Quoted from ‘The Guide to Natural Living)
Sex desire and urge are the basic traits of humans and animals, though ways to express love and practise romance as a prelude to physical mating may be (or generally) at variance. The author of The Guide to Natural Living has beautifully, succinctly and aesthetically explained the use of various essentials for setting the scene or, say, preparing an initial atmosphere and a launching pad, preparing the body for romance and sexual cohabitation, massaging the partner and using oils to seducing the partner.

Romance is always a bilateral experience. If you ignore your partner and look towards your own interest(s), you will not be able to enjoy either romance or sex. So it is necessary to create a sensual and calming atmosphere. To begin with, light some scented candles or evaporate a few drops of pleasing essential oil in a light bulb ring or a fragrance, then dim the light and turn up the heat. You can also sprinkle a few drops of Jasmine or Rose oils on your pillows, drop 3 drops of your favourite oil on your bedsheet, or drop 3 drops in bath water before you rinse or keep aromatic bags/scented balls in the drawers. Even flowers of Jasmine and Rose, if scattered on your bed, will ignite your libido and create a sensual atmosphere in the room.
Remember it is always necessary to dispose of any foul odour from the body, mouth, nose and armpits, and if you take an aromatic bath, you can quickly rid your body of all such nauseating smells. Next comes aromatic baths, where both partners should participate and rinse each other’s bodies with scented oils. After taking a bath, you should also dab your temples, wrists, armpits, and area behind the ears and knees and allow enough time for your partner to explore your body and, more particularly, the erogenous zones.
Ladies take longer time in sexual arousal. Hence the male partner should preferably massage his female partner. It would be still better if both equally participated in body massage and enjoyed the gradual experience of touch and smell. It also helps to soothe mental agitation, relaxes the body and mind, and is a prelude to a more joyous sexual union. It is an excellent total physical experience that stimulates sensuality. In order to excite the surface of the skin, you can knead with your fingertips to excite the surface. Use plenty of effleurages all over the body to excite tense areas. For both purposes, use some basic essential oils. But do not resort to any lymph drainage movements as they are counter-productive and unerotic. Do not do any act that turns


your partner off, and keep track of her preferences and sensitivity. Explore your partner’s inside thighs and underarm areas, explore her feet and ears, and massage her pubic areas. Let her feel comfortable and enjoy each and every stroke, touch and sense of smell. Be patient and do not hasten—at least wait till she herself beseeches you to have sex. During sensual body massage, keep your passions under control and avoid a ‘quickie’.
Do not blend too many oils at a time as they may clash or even create a sense of “Turn off”. All aphrodisiac essential oils do not suit all individuals alike. Hence, work out your preference, keeping in mind your partner’s choices. You can select an oil or oils of your choice, keeping a view of the under-noted properties of the oils.
Jasmine: Floral fragrance of this oil creates a pleasing luxurious atmosphere and boosts confidence.
Rose: It is a potent oil for seduction, but it is perhaps the costliest.

Sandalwood is a woody oil, exotic and sweet, with icy undertones.
Ylang-Ylang:  It gives a feeling of utmost relaxation, and its floral scent has a long-lasting effect. It also gives a feeling of well-being. It is also helpful in the case of frigidity and impotency.
Geranium:  Because of its intense floral scent, it uplifts moods and relaxes also.
Neroli: Its sweet and freshening fragrance helps to win over inhibitions and shyness.
Patchouli:  It heightens the senses, is stimulating even in small doses, and is heavy and exotic.
Clary sage:  It is sensuous, slightly intoxicating and sweet. But if used in high doses, its soothing effect will inhibit sex drive and urge. Hence use only in moderate and lower doses. In addition to the above-mentioned oils, you may also try cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, or black pepper, as they have spicy, exotic and warm properties. Due to their capacity to overpower easily, use them somewhat sparingly.
Finally, it is advised that the momentum of seduction and romance is built up gradually and not in a hush. If you are awfully hasty, you will end up as a dismal failure, much to the chagrin of your partner and yourself. First, try to soothe your mental agitation, physical fatigue or tension. Feel relaxed and cheerful.

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