Of all the methods to dispel diseases, through colours, gem therapy is the oldest and royal method, to which a lengthy chapter has been described in the Ayurveda cohesion. There is a mention of ash of gems which is considered to be a medicine for instant relief and powerful life-saver. In ancient times, kings and emperors used to utilise gems abundantly which were advised by their royal astrologers.
Gem is the only source through which sun-rays can be stored, and their effect passed on to the body quickly and continuously. Gems of varied colours cause reaction of diseases through their lustre and vibrations. According to Hindu belief, there are nine planets and a particular gem pertains to each of them which are termed as ‘ Nine Gems’ which are as follows:
(1) Ruby            (2) Pearl            (3) Topaz
(4) Agate          (5) Emerald       (6) Diamond
(7) Cat’s Eye    (8) Sapphire      (9) Coral
I would like to enlighten my readers that coral is not a stone but a gem. It is a sort of vegetation found underwater in the oceans. There is a misconception in the minds of various people (my readers also included) that sapphire, which is of blue colour, is a dangerous and also that it can either prosper or destroy a person. I would like to point out that of all the colours blue colour is the coldest one, then how could sapphire be harmful! In fact, this is a misplaced notion, as sapphire is the most pacifying and cold stone— thus it can not have any adverse impact, except that it should not be recommended to persons suffering from low blood pressure or those who are amenable to disorders arising out of cold.
In furthering our contention, it is pointed out that one can have cold tendency, because sapphire is a cold stone. Suppose we are sailing under the blue sky, and if water is deeper, it will look bluer, that is water looks blue when it is cold and deep. Further, we touch a blue coloured bulb at night so as to enjoy comfortable and tension free sleep. It is maintained that heaven is blue—that is why it is called a blue heaven’ in English. It can be deduced, on the basis of the said arguments, that sapphire is a cold, pacifying and useful stone.
The clearer and lustrous the stones, the better and more effective their vibrations would be. Medicines, processed out of gems are used in colour-therapy. There are various methods to process medicines. In my opinion the best method to utilise gems is to use a gem oil.


Take some pure mustard oil and immerse the gem of the same colour which is required by an ailing person and boil the oil for about 15 minutes on sharp fire. Thereafter, let the oil cool down. When it has cooled down fully, remove the gem out of the oil which should be massaged on the affected organ of patient’s body and also apply same oil at the centre of head. It proved that even after its use even for a day, the patient will positively derive benefit.


Take some quantity of rectified spirit or water and dip the gem of the same colour, of which the said liquid is to be prepared. Keep the spirit/water for seven days under light which will be a powerful medicine. Put a drop of the said medicine in an ounce of water and serve the same to the patient who will get relieved of his malady, or else the same medicated spirit can be used in homeopathic sugar of milk pills.

In addition to the above, paste and ash are also processed from the gems. Marvellous effects can be had, if paste or ash is licked with honey. Since this is the costliest medication which cannot be afforded by a mediocre family, because ash of a gem costs about 3000-4000 rupees a gram. Hence, knowledge of gem therapy is being imparted simply to enrich a reader’s knowledge.
Many books are available on gem therapy. Gems have gained popularity all over the world and affluent families continue to purchase the gems. Due to sky rocketing prices of gems like Diamond , Ruby, Emerald, Cat’s eye, Agate, Sapphire etc. gem therapy is almost beyond the reach of ordinary families.
Apart from the said nine gems, there are hundreds of varieties of second-quality gems whose prices are lower than those of costlier gems, but the former are also quite effective. ‘ Maarkaa’ is also a subgem (low-cost stone) which serves as a substitute for almost all the gems. The importance of gems lies in due to the fact that they have the capacity to control colours, lustre and vibrations (waves). In addition to colours and lustre, the gems have the capacity to ward off and prevent diseases, change a person’s temperament and in dispelling/removing his bad habits. The miracles of gems have been recognised fully well by Astrology and Ayurveda.

Astrology is called Jyotish in Sanskrit/Hindi, and is derived from the word Jyoti ( which means light). The astrologers also taking into account the importance of colours, suggest appropriate colours and gems relating thereto, to appease the planet. Actually astrology is another discipline of Surya chikitsa/Colour therapy. There are a few doctors, in India, who care their patients by means of gems, in addition to their other medicines.

I am giving, hereunder, a detailed description as to by wearing which gem, which of the diseases can be cured. Since description of gems is too large to describe, I give description below, only in a nutshell on the nine gems.
Ruby: All the blood-related diseases get treated by wearing ruby. For instance, in blood pressure, sugar, heart diseases, it is beneficial.
Sapphire: This stone possesses an extremely cool nature but vested interests and miscreants have spread misconceptions about it. By wearing this stone a drunkard abjures drinking habit, and one starts speaking the truth, peace returns to the family. In my experience a wife must wear this stone in order to improve cordial relations between husband and wife—it does not matter what her Lagna (first house in a horoscope) and Rashi (sign of zodiac) be. Since sapphire spread blue colour, hence it removes burning, injuries and restivity.
Pearl: Pearl is not a stone, rather it is found within the seashells. The deposit of calcium in the seashells forms in the shape of pearls whose effect is cold (pacifying, salutary). Pearls are also processed by way of Culture . Pearl should be worn when there is no freshness upon the face, when the skin cracks or there is deficiency of calcium. In addition to it, it is also useful for the heart, its use renders the skin lustrous.
Topaz: It is a costly stone and is the most favourite of the ladies. It is a unique for sex diseases of women. By wearing, frayed tempers remain under control and she starts liking her husband profusely. Its use also adds to power of comprehension.
Agate: The scriptures affirm that its colour resembles colour of cow’s urine. In stomach disorders, it is a unique and scintillating stone, that is why it promptly removes all stomach related disorders.
Emerald: It is considered to be a stone for the insane.

Among the planets, Mercury controls intellect, that is why the astrologers recommend its use. Similarly, for treating mental disorders and controlling weakness of brain, emerald is extremely useful and conspicuous gem. Emerald is highly effective to treat insanity, mania, hysteria, vacillation, restiveness and backward thoughts.
Diamond: Of all the gems it is the costliest one, and is a king of gems. It in available is various shades (colours), but ‘Blue Diamond’ is considered to be of the finest quality. It is pure carbon. This gem is useful in male sexual disorders. The person, whose sperms are deficient due to whatever reason, should wear diamond, because it removes all seminal defects/deficiencies, and also increases male sexual potency. It is a lustrous and fascinating germs.
Cat’s Eye: Its looks like a cat’s eyes and is a queen gem, that is why it is called ‘Cat’s Eye’ which is useful in skin diseases like ringworm, itching, eczema and also, cancer. I have myself noticed that skin diseases disappear by using this gem, and that it also protects our skin from external gersm.
Coral: Despite falling under the category of gems, it (coral) is not a stone, rather it is sort of vegetation which is found in the ocean. Coral purifies blood and also increases quantity of oxygen in the blood. It is specifically useful for curing ulcer, chronic wound or tumour. If coral is worn, it emulsifies tumour and also imparts freshness to body. In addition to the above mentioned nine gem, there are other useful mini gems too, out of which turmali is considered a highly useful mini-gem for increasing comprehension of the children. In kidney troubles ‘kidney stone’ and to offset ill- effects of demons evil spirits, ‘Peridot’ is used.
Astrologers utilise the gems to mollify the zodiac signs/planets or to control the light. According to them, there are nine gems for nine planets and according to colours of gems, following gems have been listed. It is believed that these gems control the ill-effects of rays with their capacity. Following are the nine planets and nine colours:


We can observe from the above details there is thick interrelation among planets, gems and colours. Since I am myself closely attached with astrology, I have myself observed the users deriving benefits from the use of gems.
A lot is expected more from gem therapy, as inquisitive people are still researching on the same. Since gems are abundantly used in Ayurveda, now even fashionable people have taken to the use of gems in ornaments. Due to their strong sparkling lustre, gems are used for beautification purposes.