Stretch marks are actually little tears in the tissue beneath the skin surface, and they show up first as red or purplish marks, which fade to a silvery white scar. They are caused by the skin stretching as your weight increases, and you are more prone to them during


pregnancy when your weight gain is rapid. Some skins can stretch better than others, so pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get stretch marks. Although I don’t believe that by applying oils and lotions, you can prevent stretch marks (the damage occurs quite deep in the skin), you can help to keep your skin elastic and supple. Also, using aromatherapy oils can minimize the scarring and speed up the skin’s healing process.
Add three drops of frankincense and three drops of tangerine oil to a carrier blend of 2 fl oz (50 ml) of avocado oil and 2 fl oz (50 ml) of wheat germ oil. Frankincense rejuvenates your skin, and tangerine oil is rich in Vitamin C and helps maintain your skin’s elasticity.
I recommend you start using this blend from the beginning of your pregnancy, paying particular attention to your breasts, tummy, hips and thighs. Massage it gently into all those areas at least once a day. A good time to do this is at night, after your bath when your skin is soft.
You may also like to try the following breast massage, as your breasts will increase in size during pregnancy and are prone to stretch marks and tissue damage.
Apply the stretch mark oil to your breasts.
• Gently work around each breast in a circular movement with your whole hand. Repeat five or six times.


• Now, place the heel of each hand on either side of one breast and gently stroke in towards the nipple. Repeat five or six times.
• Next, move your hands to the top and underside of the breast and again stroke into the nipple. Repeat five or six times.
• Gently stretch each nipple with your fingertips.
• Repeat step 1.

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