It was impossible to cure any disease in the past without herbs when the human being were ignorant of other alternative treatments and spiritual healing methods. Various kinds of flowers, roots, stems and leaves of the plants were used to treat chronic diseases. A drug named Echinacea, derived from a plant called “Purple coneflower”, was a top-rated medicine in the United States. It was used to fight infection. This herb is still in demand due to its healing properties. Herbalists say that it enhances the body’s immunity system by increasing the production of white blood cells that fight the diseases attacking the human body.
One of the most famous kings of Babylon, King Hammurabi, possessed vast knowledge of medicinal plants. “Peppermint” was initially discovered by him. He mentioned in the records that the mint heals stomach disorders. Research proves that mint does heal vomiting and mild stomach ailments.
India, Egypt and Mesopotamia were the leading countries that played a prominent role in discovering varied kinds of herbs to treat illnesses.
Europe introduced this concept in the 17th century. Nicholas Culpeper wrote “A physical Directory” in 1649. The first U.S. Pharmacopoeia was published in 1820. It contained articles on the use and healing properties of herbs.
Although there are more than 8,00,000 plants that have healing properties, yet, only a few are known to herbalists. Other plants are yet to be researched.

The herbs are divided into two categories :
1. Farm grown,         2. Wild grown.
A wild-grown herb grows naturally, without any effort from the human being. But it is essential to test the purity of the wild-grown herb before harvesting. They may be exposed to chemicals or pesticides. The presence of chemical industries nearby and the exhausting fumes of passing traffic also contaminate them. The purity of the wild-grown herbs must be tested before their application. OOrganisations like “Organic Growers and Buyers Association” and “California Certified Organic Farmers” examine the herbs and scrutinise whether they are contaminated or pure. If they are free from chemicals and pesticides, they are labelled as “Certified organic” before they are publicly available. Thus, a person must see “Certified organic” before purchasing any herb. Organic farm-grown products are free from chemicals and pesticides, as they are grown on herb farms by efficient staff management.
The herbal compounds are available in different forms, some of which are mentioned below :
Extracts: In extracts, alcohol or water is employed to take out the herb’s essence.
Tinctures: Tincture contains alcohol. Alcohol is used to extract the healing properties of herbs. The tinctured extracts are more potent than tablets and capsules.
Tablets and capsules: In this process, raw herbs are made available in the form of tablets and capsules in the market.
Herbal teas are usually meant to cure mild ailments like cough, cold, fever, etc. They are also suitable for general health.
Lozenges: Lozenges are available in the chemist’s shops. They have decongestant properties and are beneficial in treating coughs, colds, and minor ailments. They are mostly sweet.

Rubs and Ointments: The herbal formulations are also available in ointments and rubs, just like allopathic medicines. The difference between herbal ointments and allopathic medicine is that herbal ointment may be slow but heals the disease from the root without any side effects. In contrast, allopathic medicines give fast relief but do not eliminate the disease from the very core. It only suppresses the disease for some time, while the herbal ointment destroys it.
Herbal medicines must be used in recommended doses; otherwise, adverse reactions could be caused due to one’s careless attitude.
Some of the commonly used herbs are :
Echinacea: This herb improves the body’s immunity system and is applied to treat many infections due to its antibiotic properties.
Flax: It relieves constipation.
Chamomile: It induces sleep and cures stomach disorders.
Fennel: Relieves stomach ache.
Mahuang: Good for congestion and nasal swelling.
Parsley: Treats bladder infection.
Aloe vera: Very beneficial for pains, itching of chickenpox, burns, constipation and swelling of the stomach.
Golden seal: Meant to treat infections.
American Ginseng: Relieves stress and fatigue and is beneficial for overall health.
Burdock: Treats acne, Purifies blood.
Calendula: Heals burns, cuts and abrasions.
The herbs must be taken as per the instructions of the qualified herbalist. One should not come into the talks of ignorant and unqualified pretenders posing to be doctors. They would only make matters worst instead of making them better. One should visit a recognised naturecure hospital and get treated there to attain the best results.