Hilarious Hashtags



Meena to Sunny: If you had it all to do
over again, would you still get married?
Sunny: Yeah, Suppose I would; if I could
find the right woman.

A patient gazed fondly at the really stacked
girl in white beside the bed, “Wonderful nurse
you’ve got here,” he told the doctor. “One touch
of her hands cooled my fever immediately.”
“I know,” said the doctor, I could hear her
slap you way down the end of the hall.”

“I sold my house last week.”
“Are you happy with the price you got for
“Yeah, but, is my landlord upset.”
Would you ever appear in Playboy

She: “Yes and no”
Sunny: “What does that mean?”
She: “Well part of me would and part of
me wouldn’t. ”

A man advertised: “Wanted a wife!”
He received thousand and one replies which
read: “You can have mine.”

Newly married wife: “Will you love me
when I’m old?” she sighed.
Husband: “Love you! I’ll idolize you. I’ll
worship the ground under your small feet. I’ll er
you’re not going to look like your mother call

Two guys met at a bar. “Say,” said the first,
“What does your wife say when you stay out as
late as this?”
“Nothing,” replied the other, “I’m not
The first fellow pondered for a moment and
said, “Then why do you stay out as late as this?”

Doctor: “So what is your wife mores-lots
of wives snore!”
patient: “Yes, but my wife snores on both
sides of me at the same time.”

Mamta: “My husband never found any
strange men hiding in my bedroom closet!”
Meena: “He hasn’t!”
Mamta: “No! Every one of them was a good
friend of his!”

Vinay: “How did your wife make out with
her reducing diet.”
Sunny: “Fine! She disappeared completely
by last week!”

Meena: “Remember I am a lady!”
Sunny: “Don’t worry, I’ll keep it a secret.”

Sunny: “How much for this dog?”
Dog Dealer: “One thousand rupees only.”
Sunny: “Isn’t that too much?”
Dog Dealer: “Isn’t the dog too wonderful?”
Sunny: “Yes, the dog may be too wonderful
but is he faithful also?”
Dog Dealer: “Faithfull, Sir! Why, I’ve sold
him four times and he has always bun back within
one hour.”

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