Several herbs for these problems, exist, but the most reliable and common herbs are described for specific disorders.
Garlic: It is used in various preparations and can be taken in raw or cooked form as per an individual’s preference. In some parts of our country, garlic is peeled, cut into fine slices or small pieces, and sucked to allow the garlic juice to gain entry into our system gradually. Garlic pickle is another efficient method to use garlic often soaked in lemon juice and added salt to make it more palatable.
Raw Potato Juice:  Without peeling the potato, cut a medium-sized potato into thin slices and then keep it overnight in a large glass filled with water which may be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Otherwise, extract the juice from a medium-sized potato, dilute it with water, and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
Alfalfa:  Prepare tea by mixing a tsp. of Alfalfa herb with a cupful of water (or, still better, use alfalfa seeds). It is an efficient anti-arthritic drink thatcan be used 3 or 4 times adailyin the same quantity.
Lime Juice: It is believed to liquify uric acid,, a prime cause for gouty conditions and other types of arthritis, as its citric acid is a solvent of uric acid. Take a tsp. of lime juice in the morning as a first thing (on an empty stomach).

Raw Vegetable and Pineapple Juice:  Extract fresh juice from any green vegetable and mix the same with an equal quantity of red beet, carrot and celery juices. This compound dissolves the accumulation of deposits around joints and other tissues. Swelling/ inflammation can also be reduced by taking fresh juice of ripe pineapple, which contains an enzyme, called Bromelain.
Banana:  Eat about 8 to 10 bananas daily during a day (not in one go, but in divided doses) for 4-5 days to treat arthritic conditions of various oeteologies.
Sesame Seeds:  Soak a tsp. of sesame seeds in a cupful of water overnight. Take the water, in which seeds have been soaked, as a first thing in the morning to gain relief and prevention of frequent joint pains.
Calcium and Copper:  Calcium is claimed to relieve or even destroy pain in joints. Take 2 tsp. of calcium lactate thrice daily (which provide about 1.20 gm of absorbable calcium) before meals. In addition, one may use copperised water in the morning on empty stomach. Fill a copper tumbler with 250-300 ml. of water and let it remain in the vessel overnight and, thus, coppery content will percolate to water. Drinking this water in the morning will also prove effective.
The diet should consist mainly of raw and fresh vegetables like cabbage, carrot, radish, latuce, cucumber, tomato (to be used in the form of salad). Lightly steam vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, spinach (not to be used by kidney patients), carrot. Almost all fruits, except bananas, can be used (with or without milk) at breakfast or at any time during the day. Juices of vegetables and fruits can be taken in moderate quantity but both must never be blended together. Sprouted grams will prove far more effective. Avoid sugar, sweetmeats, spicy, fatty and fried foods, tinned, bottled juices or pulp.
Potato: Apply raw potato juice over painful spot especially in the lower part of the back and generally on the lumbar region. Roasted potatoes are also said to be effective, particularly when raw potato juice does not suit some patients.

Amla:  It is a storehouse of vitamin ‘C’ which does not get destroyed in whatever form amla is taken. It is better if juice of this fruit is used, otherwise some cloves of raw dried amla can be chewed after meals.
Garlic: Take 2 or 3 garlic cloves, fully peeled and finely crushed or as it is, in the morning. In some patients with bilious tendency, garlic may cause some untoward reaction. In order to avoid out this possibility, soak garlic cloves in a tsp. of honey and then take as it is or chew or slice the garlic cloves into very small pieces and then soak in honey. Some people use milk also as a substitute for honey (milk should not be less than 50 ml).
For local application some herbalists recommend use of pure garlic juice which may cause severe itching and or redness to a sensitive skin. For such sensitive skins, fry 10-15 garlic cloves (preferably peeled) in oil (60-75 ml) in a frying pan, on low flame. When the cloves turn brown, remove from fire and let it cool down, after which it should be preserved in a bottle. The cloves should be removed before the oil is bottled. Such a processed oil may be applied locally on the affected parts, but massage gently over the skin.

Herbal treatment is directed towards excretion of uric acid, halting of further (excessive) production of uric acid, pain and swelling. Hence treatment is aimed at correcting the malady and ruling out possibility of its occurrence in future.
Lime:  It is replete with vitamin ‘C’ which strengthens connective tissues, joints and bones and also affects cure of some joints. Citric acid found in lime, is a solvent of uric acid, the main causative of the malady. Squeeze juice of half a lemon into a glassful of water; for being taken 2-3 times daily.
Vegetable Juices:  Extract juices of carrot, beet, cucumber in the ratio of 3:1:1 to make a liquid quantity of 500 ml. It should be taken once daily. Diabetics should reduce quantity of beet and carrot juices and increase quantity of cucumber juice. In addition, gouty patients can also take, once daily 100-150 ml of juice of string or French beans.

Banana:  Gouty patients should exclusively keep on banana diet only for 3-4 days, taking 8-10 bananas during a day, in divided doses.
Apple:  Apple contains plenty of malic acid which is said to neutralise uric acid, hence an apple may be taken after meals daily. Gouty persons should take to fasting by keeping on permissible fruit diet, preferably on juice of orange and apples. Emphasis (after short fasting) should be on natural food, balanced diet and sprouts.
Avoid taking any food item that is rich in protein which is a contributory factor in pushing up uric acid level. Also do not consume fish, meats and eggs, sugar, tea, coffee, refined flour, polished rice, curd and also fried foods, ghee, preserved and canned food.
If possible, mix 200-400 gms of Epsom salt in tolerably hot water and take foot-bath daily but be careful about exposure to cold winds. Apply only cold packs to feet but not any hot water. Do not lead an inactive and sedentary life, rather resort to moderate activity like walking but do not exert the ailing part to stress.
In Greek language ‘Rheuma’ means a swelling which is characterised by swelling and pain in joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments but there is hardly any degeneration and obliteration of joints as is usually the case in osteo arthritis. Presence of toxins in blood is considered to be the chief factor in causing and precipitating this malady. Due to low incidence of general resistance of the body and resultant elimination of toxins; such foreign matters concentrate around joints and bony structures. Cold and damp climate further aggravate rheumatic symptoms. Celery : It is an effective remedy for this disorder. Use a fluid extract (5 to 10 drops) of its seeds with hot water before meals. If seeds are not handy, then fluid extract of raw vegetable should be taken, though it is not that effective. Celery has also salutary effect on kidneys and stomach. Powdered seeds of celery can also be used as a condiment.

Rhubarb: This is an almost unfailing remedy which very rarely fails to show favourable results. Pound green stalk of the herb with equal quantity of sugar. Usual dose being one tsp. 3-4 times daily with water.
Bitter Gourd: Extract Juice of fresh vegetable and take ½ cupful thereof, mixing a tsp. of honey but it has to be continued for 3 months, at least, to derive the desired results. Persons having low sugar content in blood should not consume it, but it is a boon for diabetics.
Walnuts: Masticate 4-6 walnuts thoroughly and let it go down the gullet with saliva. Do not take anything cold after that.
Potato juice: Take 2 tsp. of juice, obtained after pressing raw washed potatoes, twice daily, to eliminate toxins and ill effects thereof or, still better, prepare a decoction from 30-40 gms of potato peelings and boil in a glass of water. The resultant decoction (when reduced to ¼ quantity) should be strained and taken, 3-4 times daily. Potato skin is rich in vital mineral salts, hence a great eliminator of toxins. Wash the potatoes very well before peelings are removed.
Lemon: In order to obtain good results take lemon juice ½-1 tsp. 3-4 times daily, diluted in water.
Avoid meat, fish, sugar, white flour bread, refined cereals, rich and fried delicacies, tea, cocoa, coffee, pickles, sauces, condiments, alcohol etc. Take salads of raw vegetables in plenty. In winter take dates, resins, figs, prunes, orange, grape fruit. If possible, keep fast for 2-3 days a week. Buttermilk may also be had in moderate quantity, if it suits.
To relieve muscular aches and pains proceed as follows: Lavender oil, Rosemary oil and Thyme oil : 10 drops each should be infused with 19 ml of St. John’ s Wort oil and preserved in a fully sterilised dark glass bottle. Pour ¼ – ½ tsp. on palm and gently rub/massage over the affected area twice daily. Do not use it quite often as it may cause skin reaction. Chinese Tiger/ Pain balm : It is almost a panacea for all aches and pains.

Note: Always get in touch with a herbalist to seek guidance and proper knowledge, as most of the herbs may cause reactions to some individuals, particularly those having hypersensitive skin low-grade tolerance and precaution is more necessary in the case of infants, children, pregnant women, elderly persons and lactating mothers.
The diuretic property of the banana stem seems to react effectively in regulating the body fluid level. In this it helps sodium to discharge its functions. It is the main job of sodium to maintain the alkaline/acidic, ratio of our blood and other body fuids. This sodium rich vegetable reads quickly on the calcified bones in case of arthritis of every kind and brings back the needed limberness more quickly.