The Best Aroma Oils:
Clary sage Peppermint
Eucalyptus Petitgrain
Geranium Rosemary
Lavender Tea Tree
Lemon Ylang Ylang
Male Favourites:
Basil Lemon
Bergamot Patchouli
Eucalyptus Pine
Frankincense Sandalwood
Female Favourites:
Bergamot Lavender
Geranium Neroli
Patchouli Clarysage
Peppermint Ylang Ylang
Skin Patch Test: To test aroma oil blended with carrier or base oils…
• Wash and dry the forearm thoroughly.
• Apply a few drops of the blended aroma oil to moisten the area.
• Cover the area with sterile gauze.
• Let it remain for 24 hours.
• If there is irritation, then wash immediately.
• In case of irritation, you should not use this oil. To test essential oil in its pure state…
• Wash and dry the forearm thoroughly with an unscented vegetable soap.
• Apply one drop of the aroma oil to the crook of the arm.
• Bend the arm so that it touches the shoulder for five minutes.
• Open and close once more.
If any irritation occurs, wash immediately with water and soap or wipe carefully with a cotton ball soaked in milk and vegetable oil.
In case accidental poisoning occurs do the following: Aroma oils being potent, safety precautions need to be followed with utmost care. Do not allow children to play with these oils; always store them away from the reach of children and other nonqualified users of essential oils.
In cases essential oil comes in contact with the eyes, do not rinse with water. But instead, wipe the eye with a ball of cotton soaked in milk or vegetable oil. If irritation still persists, wash the eyes with water poured from a jug, from a height of 3-5 inches, for 15 minutes. Consult a doctor. It always helps to wash the eyes for 10 to 15 minutes than splashing it with running water.
Toxic effects can happen when the oil is not evenly spread out in the area and remains concentrated in one area in a large quantity. Even daily exposure to the same oil on a regular basis for a prolonged period can lead to toxicity. Symptoms that would follow a toxic reaction are fatigue, headaches, liver pain, liver enlargement, coughing and urine disturbances. This makes it mandatory for the therapists to use the ventilated room and wash their hands thoroughly after handling the oils.
An allergic reaction to aroma oil would result in nausea, dizziness, sweating, stomach pain, mucous membrane, irritation and palpitation. These allergic reactions are temporary and would cease to exist as soon as the use of the essential oils is stopped. The following precautions need to be followed while dealing with essential oils having a toxic rating.
The toxicity of essential oils depends on the level of toxicity and concentration of the chemical compounds. All aroma oils need to be used as per instructions only and more so when handling those essential oils under the toxic listing. Commonly a toxic reaction occurs when the essential oil is used in excess or incorrectly. It is safer to use aroma oils under proper guidance and instructions.
• Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
• If you feel uncomfortable even while using the recommended dosage, reduce the dosage to half.
• Follow the skin patch test carefully.
• Avoid usage for an extended period. The maximum administration time should not exceed 2 to 4 weeks. Leave a gap of 30 days before beginning to use it again.
• Avoid use during pregnancy.
• Do not use it if you are a nursing mother.
• Do not administer on infants, small children, frail or elderly people who have less resistance.