“Humorous SMS Jokes to Share with Friends and Family”
HER telephone is a private number-every
private has it.
“WHAT do Shivaji and the Indrani have is
“They both wear a glove on one hand for no
apparent reason.”
TWO hours after her marriage, the groom said;
“I’ll be frank with you, dear, and tell you that
you’re not the first girl I’ve kissed.”
Bride: “I’ll be frank too and tell you that you’ve
got a hell of a lot to learn.”
The popular Bollywood financier fell in love
with a new film extra and decided to have all
her movements checked. A week after he’d hired
the detective agency, he got the following report:
The Young lady is of immaculate reputation.
Her history is stainless, and a number of her
friends are of fine social standing. The only
element of a scandalous notion connected with
she is that she has often been in the company
lately of a businessman of questionable
Then there was the sexy nurse who deducted
ten beats brom the patient’s pulse to allow for
the effect she was having on him.
My girlfriend told me last night that she really
loved me. But I think It’s only puppy love as she
was panting. Licking my face. And rubbing me
behind the ears at the time.
THE FATHER: “Tell me, would you still love my
daughter even if she were poor?”
Suitor: “Of course.”
The father: “Then you’re out. We want no
fools in our family.”
“I must insist on knowing one thing.” said the
groom as her lay beside his bride in the darkness
of their honeymoon suit.” Am I the first man to
sleep with you?”
“You will be, darling,” answered the bird, “If
you doze off”.
TWO days after marriage, the lady rang up and
asked, “Is the Real fidelity insurance Co. I want
to get my husband’s fidelity insured.”