Puberty is the threshold of manhood and womanhood or simply ‘adulthood’. Adulthood entry is a way to experience happiness and pleasure—a time of real turbulence. This stage affords an opportunity for the new public person to decide (and learn also) whether to join in various forms of sexual activities, disorder the way how to express love, join in sex acts or not, or whether and how to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The burden of self-decision lands the adolescent in a state of confusion, conflict or pain.

There is a spurt in adolescent growth when males can ejaculate, and females menstruate. Now both sexes achieve fertility also; their pituitary gland and hypothalamus start playing respective roles, the latter controlling hormonal flow in boys with an increase of testosterone hormonal flow (which increases to 20 times in boys) and estrogen levels rising ten times in girls. Apart from this change, a rise in adrenal levels output trigger hair growth in pubic and underarm areas. Acne is a disturbing word to adolescents. The excess production of skin oil causes acne. In addition, many more physical changes appear.

Growth spurt occurs two years earlier in girls, resulting in taller girls than boys in whom growth spurt is noticed two years after (or later) than the girls.


A small mound of tissue (called the ‘breast bud’) appears in girls, but slowly are Areola and Nipple enlarge and breast contour becomes prominently visible—this happens around year 12th or so, whereas some girls have fully developed breasts even at this stage, though some may have developed breasts after or until the 19th year. The variation in breast growth and size is dependent and controlled by heredity and estrogen levels. A word of caution and advice for the growing girls. They should not feel ashamed and develop any inferiority complex if the size of their breasts is small. They can do fairly little to achieve bigger sizes. Taking any cream/tablet, water, or oil massages can do little to let them have bigger breasts. ‘Breast developers’ is an exercise-based device. The daily message may be done, either by them or by their partner, to achieve some success in size enlargement. It may also precipitate milk production in breasts and is generally used by women who want to breastfeed their babies.

One lady is frank enough to admit that the only way to enlarge her bosoms is to get pregnant. But after the baby’s delivery, the breasts again attain the old size. But, the suggested method can only add to the woes of the family as it decreases the size of breasts than enlarging them.

Let both men and women realise that the size of the breast hardly plays a role in female sexuality and responsiveness, as women with fairly large breasts are also found to be frigid. There are instances where a lot of flat-breasted women are found to be highly sexed and superb lovers.

The areola may have various shapes and sizes. Some women may have hair around the edge, which is quite normal. Excessive hair growth maybe gets rid of by an expert electrolyser. During the pubic age colour of the nipples are normally light brown but gets darker when the woman is pregnant. Most men have a fancy for the ‘Virgin nipple’, but this is again a matter of choice. Some women (even virgins) have large-sized nipples, whereas even the same may not be present in pregnant and nursing mothers.

During love-making, breasts do enlarge, but such an enlargement lasts till the end of the coital act. Women in whom the nipple turns inward or if there is any lump must contact their doctor. As a rule, all girls and women, especially those above 23, must get their breasts checked once a month.

Vulva and Labia: Let there be no confusion about the vulva, which simply means the outside of the female’s sex organs, which one can actually see. It is covered with pubic hair and has two lips—the Labia Majora (the bigger lip that divides the walls) and the Labia Minora (the inner entry area to the vagina). Thickness and colour of hair need not cause discomfort to any girl. This part should be cleaned, shaved and kept free from infection, as it is a matter of hygiene only.

Labia in resemblance is almost identical to our mouth, and its appearance is also like the mouth while the mouth lets in food, and labia enables a penis to penetrate a woman’s vagina. It is a gateway to coital entry. The lips of the labia keep it closed so that unwanted matters do not gain entry into the vaginal canal.

Clitoris: It is a soft organ situated just above the upper end of the labia. It is the most exciting organ which plays an important role in sexual stimulation. It is also called a woman penis because, during sexual arousal, it stands erect and hardens also, due to more blood flow.

Pubic Bone: It is not a part of the vulva. It can be felt though not seen, under the middle part of the triangle of hair. During intercourse and loveplay, it provides (and also stands as a protective barrier) something against which a man can compress the woman’s clitoris and the surrounding tissues.

Urinary Opening: It is situated below the clitoris and has pink tissues measuring about 2″. The urethra (urinary opening) leads up to the bladder. In males, the penis is the organ that can be seen, but in a woman, the urinary opening is not visible to the naked eye. Men should abstain from inserting the fingertip against the urinary opening or playing with it, as it is quite agonising for any woman (as it tightens up the adjoining tissues). Avoiding the urinary opening or poking with fingers or tongue is always better. It is a common factor that germs can be introduced into this passage, and the woman may be subjected to any type of urinary infection. No other object should also be inserted, especially during masturbation.

The Hymen: When the inner lips are opened, a large hole below the urinary opening is big enough to accommodate the penis. From the frontal passage, it is an entry point to the vagina. This entry is generally closed off by a thin membrane called ‘Hymen’, called a virgin’s veil or maiden-head. The girls, who have painful menstrual periods at puberty, will have their hymns without a gap, resulting in dammed blood behind the hymen. A simple operation will set the problem in order. The shape of the hymen is generally a crescent across the lower half of the vaginal opening.

We would like to clarify that if there is no blood flow (normally called a ‘show’), it must never be concluded that the girl is not a virgin or has been cohabited before her first intercourse. The hymen, in many cases, gets injured during playing games, racing, jumping or other athletic feats. A tough hymen may impede penetration of the penis, but many women become pregnant despite that. Certain women complain of pain when the penis is inserted forcefully. Forceful penile thrust often breaks the hymen. But, the husbands should never suspect the wives’ virginity. Marital relations have become strained or broken due to such a baseless concept. Without proper sexual stimulation, the girl does not get excited; her vagina may not lubricate properly or remain dry—this may also account towards letting the hymen (especially if it is thick) remain intact. Even medically, it is often not possible to detect whether the hymen is intact or not. An ordinary man only speculates though he can’t say with certainty whether the girl underneath is a virgin. Let not married couples break their marriages on such grounds.

Vagina: This passage is like a tunnel of love, and its only function is to accommodate the penis, whether small or big. It can adjust itself according to the size of a penis. Vaginal walls are so flexible that a baby comes out of it, then what to speak of the length and thickness of any penis. During lovemaking, its passage lubricates and expands due to its flexibility. The vaginal walls, rather than the vagina as a whole, are lined with a lining resembling the mouth. It (the vagina) has mucosa inside, which is a source of vaginal lubrication. Though no secretory glands exist in the vagina, it has a rich supply through blood vessels. It has no sensory nerve endings within, but its opening has sensory nerve endings, resulting from which about 2/3rd of its inner portion is not sensitive to pain or touch.

According to a study, it is a confirmed belief now that a region in front of the vaginal wall (lying mid-way between the cervix and pubic bone) has a special sensitivity to sexual/erotic stimulation, which is now known as G-Spot which, in turn, is a mass of tissue, resembling the size of a bean in unstimulated form and size of a dame/or still larger even) when the tissue is stimulated. An erudite and expert woman can contract the pelvic muscles to tighten the inserted penis or some other object, to enhance the erotic effect. The muscles can be contracted and then released repeatedly to seek more joy. But opinions vary on the finding whether such muscles do exist or not, and if they exist, whether they can arouse erotic sensations, as claimed by others. But, according to Helen Kaplan, “The knowledge that many women have erotically sensitive areas in their vaginas, which contribute to pleasure and orgasm, is not new or conventional.”

Cervix: The bottom part of the uterus protrudes into the vagina. In an ageing woman with no pregnancy, its size measures up to and is like a smooth pink button, with a rounded face and a small central hole. It has no surface nerveendings. Hence it does not play any part in sexual feelings, and even its removal by surgical means causes no let-up in sexual response.

It is often observed that baby girls play with their genitals, and others also explore and touch other body parts, which gives pleasure and creates interest. The young girls are told, “It’s dirty, it’s not nice”, in a prohibitive rather than explanatory or educative tone. Such prohibition creates a sense of curiosity. When the little ones are urged to “wipe carefully and be clean” in toilet training, the little girl has more and better chances to explore her private parts during bathing when others do not watch her. As they grow into young girls, such sex-negative tones of childhood grow into inhibitions and anxieties about sex in general and sexual anatomy in particular.

Another negative attitude is about that menses and its complications, such as it being a period of the curse, resorting to hygienic means during the period, avoidance of sex, isolating women from the rest of the family, treating her as an untouchable, unpleased vaginal odour, it is painful and agonizing etc. Do not frighten the young girl ever in respect of the above abuses; instead, lay the maximum emphasis of hygienic methods and also on how to overcome such a periodic event.

Most of the women still don’t have any idea of their genitals, not knowing their names or sexual anatomy. They should also be told explicitly about male sex organs and their anatomy. Proper knowledge has no substitute. So guide your child from the inception stage and let her enjoy free and joyful pubic and marital life.


The emergence of breasts in girls is only the visible sign of sexual maturity, whereas, in boys, hair on the face (beard) is the only sign of sexual maturity. The rest of the sexual organs are invisible in both sexes. It has been often observed that certain boys have sparse growth of tender facial hair; on the contrary, girls also have hair growth on their lips and chin. The abnormal developments are odd, unnatural and disturbing to adolescent girls and boys. These oddities occur due to hormonal imbalances. Similarly, the absence of hair on a man’s chest or sparse and/or scattered growth, or hair growth on a girl’s chest is another sign also due to hormonal imbalances. When, after proper tests, corrective treatment is given, the problem is resolved. Following details on male sex organs will enable the parents to educate their male children about their sexual organs, changes and their functions.

Penis: It is an external organ that consists mainly of 3 parallel cylinders of spongy tissue (bound in thick membrane sheaths). The cylinder body on the underside of the penis is called the ‘Spongy body’ (corpus spongiosum). The tube which carries urine or semen is known as the ‘urethra’, which runs through the middle part of the spongy body and is situated at the tip of the penis via ‘Urethral Meatus’ (urinary opening). In its erectile position, the spongy body on the underside looks like a straight ridge. The other two cylinders (called cavernous bodies) are positioned above, on both sides, of the spongy body. These tissues are replete with small blood vessels which swell during the course of sexual arousal, causing the erection of the penis.

The penis abounds with stool vessels both inside thereof and cylindrical bodies. The penis is highly sensitive to touch, pressure and temperature and such qualities are due to the penis having many nerves.

The tip (or head) of the penis is called ‘Glans’, also a susceptible organ due to its spongy body. The glans are highly sensitive to physical stimulation. The skin that covers the glans penis is called. ‘Foreskin or Prepuce’ is freely movable, as it can be drawn back and forth at will. If the glans is infected, the foreskin may atrophy, resulting in severe pain when drawing back or when once drawn back can’t be forced back. As the foreskin can’t be drawn back or forth, it can cause pain while masturbating, coition or sexual stimulation. When the foreskin remains stiff and does not react, it must be circumcised. Otherwise, the male is bound to have a painful condition, and he will have fissured skin. As time passes, the foreskin or prepuce will go on hardening and may also show signs of pain, but urination is generally not impeded.

To get rid of the problem, even if circumcision is required, infants, children, and young and married males must, as a matter of practice, draw back the prepuce and wash it properly, at least while taking a bath, so that the filth that gets stuck up with the glans, is removed. The adhesions are infectious and foul-smelling too. So, ensure proper hygiene thereof. This advice is equally meant for young male, adults and their parents. It was noticed, in the case of a male who came to the doctor with a fissured, inflamed and tight foreskin, the doctor came to the conclusion that the said situation had arisen as his wife is having leucorrhea. When the penis comes into contact with the vaginal flow (due to the flow being acrid), the former imbibes the reported symptoms. Any discharge of pus, blood, burning sensation interrupted and/or painful flow, or pain itself, must be diagnosed and treated, failing which one may have serious complications. The chances are that, in case of any venereal infection, the female also would get infected, and the infection may even pass on to the foetus. This is more true of gonorrhoea and syphilis.

Testicles: These are two ball-shaped male sex glands that are housed in the little bag called the ‘scrotum’. These testicles actually produce millions of sperm generated in the body. Each testicle is like a flattened ball, say of golf, and is akin to it in size and shape. Generally, each testicle is around 1¾” long, 1¼” deep and 1″ thick. But, actual size may vary from one person to another. Hence size should not ever cause any concern; It is totally a myth that the male having large-sized balls is more virile or sexy, or potent than others who have smaller balls. In fact, the large size of a ball indicates the presence of accumulated serum, commonly known as ‘hydrocele’, which needs to be tapped off.

Generally, one testicle is smaller than the other, which causes worry to most men. It is not known why and how the variation in size of testicles takes place, but it is quite commonly found, hence quite natural, and must not cause any anxiety. Further, one testicle is lower than the other—this is also natural, not alarming or unnatural. Some males have small testicles (called atrophied testicles), but whether big or small, their size does not affect the masculinity of any male nor coital and sexual pleasure.

Some people (men) are born with one testicle only, which upsets them. There should be no cause for undue worry, as one testicle would function for the other also, and it is not any odd sign and would not cause any lessening of sexual pleasure. Sometimes, one testicle is thought to be missing, but the fact is that it gets stuck up in the canal that leads down from the abdomen. As a matter of rule, such an undescended testicle should come down before birth, but if it does not, for any reason whatsoever, it must be noticed at the inception stage (when the baby is medically examined), and should be brought down, even if some fairly minor surgical operation is to be performed. The male should also contact his doctor in case he has an undescended testicle so that corrective measures are taken before there is any problem later in life.

It is quite common during coitus that a gland may retire inside the canal mouth for a few minutes. It may even get pushed up during the course of coition or as a result of some blow or in the event of any sudden reaction to an external threat, say fear. When in a state of danger, the fear psychosis generally pushes the testicles up. This is known as the ‘Cremasteric Reflex’, a state of fear the body intrinsically pushes up the testicles. Even while through cold water, the same position occurs. The reflex action is indicative of a fine instinct for self-preservation, moving upwards quickly in volleys of leaps and bounds. During sexual excitement also, the testicles move up. When a male is due to ejaculate, the testicles are normally jammed up against the body.

Scrotum: This is a bag of skin in which both the testicles are held. It is partly covered in deep wrinkles and partly smooth. Actually, it is the radiator of heat. If the temperature in the testicles is lower than the body temperature, it is only then that the testicles can efficiently produce the sperms efficiently. So, both glands are to be suspended outside the body to enable the scrotum to hold and protect them. When the temperature in the testicle is quite high, the wrinkles in the scrotum expand to let out heat. But, if the temperature is too low (chilly), the scrotum contracts to conserve heat. So, don’t worry if, during intercourse, swimming, in heat conditions, in chilly weather, or under fear, your scrotum expands or contracts in size—it is quite a natural reflex action to offset the odd situations.

Scrotum is one of the erotic zones in which a man loves to be tickled and stroked by his female partner.


Male sex organs are far less complicated than those of a female, for the simple reason that man doesn’t have to bear babies. That is why organs for the birth of an infant are missing in a male. The testicle produces millions of sperms in a single orgasm which travel up to the tube known as ‘VAS’. When a male is sterilized, the Vas (Tube) is cut. Sperms enter the urinary passage—just in front of the bladder. At this point, the prostate gland discharges or adds its own secretion into the seminal fluid, which nourishes the sperms and keeps them active and alive (lively) so that their chance to contact the female ova to fertilize is increased. At the time of ejaculation, the semen spurts out of the penis in gushes and travels to meet the female egg for fertilisation. This is a natural process, common to all males and females. Germs also pass out from the same passage meant for urine to pass out. In an ejaculate state, a man can’t urinate. Hence both semen and urine never mix—either one can ejaculate or pass urine out, but both acts can never happen at one time.

Prostate Gland: Under the age, normally under 55, this gland should not cause any concern for any male. Even its presence is never felt by any male. It can only be felt by inserting a finger deep into the rectum. When in a state of hypertrophy, it can be felt by the probing finger but hardly otherwise. In an enlarged form, it expands at the mouth of the urethra (opening of the urinary passage), thus interrupting the flow of urine. There is hesitancy, i.e. one visits many a time to urinate, consequent upon the constant urge to urinate, but urine dribbles out in droplets only. Until the aforesaid symptoms surface, the only function of this gland is only to produce prostatic fluid, which mixes up with the seminal fluid at the time of ejaculation, so to say.

The prostate produces clear fluids, which amounts to almost 1/3rd of total seminal fluid, and the rest of 2/3rd is a seminal fluid that is carried by the seminal vesicles, which, in turn, are two small structures that lie against the hind (back) portion at the base of the bladder and join with the ends of the vas deferens to constitute ejaculatory ducts. Such ducts join the urethra so that a continuous tubing system leading to the end of the penis is created.

There is a lot of opinion on how much semen is ejaculated in an ejaculate. But this is a variable problem because each person’s ejaculate can’t be generalised. Normally, 40 to 120 million counts of sperms in a single ejaculation is considered normal, from which one can easily deduce that in a single ejaculate, there might be 120 to 600 million sperms. After vasectomy (explained earlier), the amount of seminal fluid is the same, even though the same has no sperms in the ejaculated fluid.

The colour of seminal fluid often varies. It may be white, slightly grey or yellowish, creamy, and its texture (appearance) is often sticky. After ejaculation, the semen is adhesive (sticky) and liquefies quickly. The semen consists of mucus, water, a host of chemical substances, which include sugar, bases for the energy of sperms (to neutralize the acidity of the female vagina and male urethra), and prostaglandins that cause contractions in the fallopian tubes and uterus, possibly assisting the upward journey of sperm, or to hasten ‘meeting’ between sperm and egg.

Urethra: It is a sort of tube that carries urine and semen and runs through the spongy body of the penis, viz., the urinary opening, known as the ‘urethral opening’. During the onset of any venereal disease, the urethral discharge is muddy, thick, bloody, and has pus. In kidney stones, the urine may be red or blood and pus cells may also pass. Such serious infections should never be treated at home with home remedies. Instead, a qualified doctor be consulted to have the problem examined. Any unusual and unseemly discharge must be examined at the first instance, failing which some serious problem may surface, or for that matter, no urinary problem should ever be ignored or taken lightly.

The object of describing the physical anatomy of the sex parts is a prerequisite to educating the child, young or old. The caring parents will do well to go through the entire spectrum of all the details so that they are conversant with the names and functions of each organ and also how and in what way to educate their child.