“Laughing Lab: A Fun-filled Experiment in Comedy”


She was so dumb she thought a vice president was in charge of a house of ill-repute.

You don’t need to be too much of a thespian
to act in pornographic movies. We’re told that
this is one dramatic medium in which it’s
quite acceptable for an actor to muff his lines.

Entering the night-club restroom
to purchase some condoms for what he hoped
would be a pleasant end to the evening,
a young man found a drunk standing at the
vending machine pouring in a steady s
stream of coins and tossing the condom
packages into a hat.
Afraid that he wouldn’t get his needed supplies,
the man asked if he could use
the machine just once.
“Are you nuts?” the drunk replied.
“I’m on a winning streak.”

Then there was the randy old bloke who
was stung on his private parts by a
bee and asked the doctor to relieve
the pain but leave the swelling.

Model: I dreamed of all my former dates’
sleep in the same room as me.
Gal: Where did you sleep? Madison Square Garden.

“Senator, a lot of your constituents
can’t understand from your speech
last night just how you stand on the question.”
“Fine, it took me seven hours to write it that way.”
(As the speaker of the evening hours to
write it, you may tell this one.
But, of course, you have no intention of
delivering that type of speech.
You hope there will be no doubt as
to just where you stand on the issues under discussion.)

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