When the properties of a magnet are absorbed in water by continuous contact between the two, the water gets magnetized. It gives relief in innumerable diseases when taken internally for some considerable time.
Magnetized water can be easily prepared at home.

• Two round-shaped powerful magnets. (Magnets should be of 2 to 3 thousand gauss).
• Fresh drinking water.
• Two glasses.
• A big and clean glass bottle.

Boil one litre of fresh water and cool it. Fill both glasses with this water. Keep the North Pole magnet towards the North and the South Pole magnet towards the South on a wooden plank. Keep the drinks in the centre of the attractions. Cover the glasses with plastic or wooden lids and keep them on the interests for 24 hours. Magnet waves pass through glass and affect the water. Thus, the water gets magnetized. Then the water from both drinks is transferred to a clean glass bottle. The magnets should not be kept in water. The bottle should be filled with magnetized water up to the neck. Stir it well before use.
• For the one-year-old infant, One Spoon

• For a baby of two years, Two spoons
• For a child of 3 years, Three spoons at a time, thrice daily
• For a child of 12 years, Half a cup of water
• For adults and old persons, Two ounces (50 ml.) at a time, twice daily
It may be good to drink in the morning before breakfast and after the significant meals.
A dose of magnetized water may be taken every two hours for fever.
Note: Magnetized water with magnetised properties becomes a medicine and should not be taken in excessive quantities like simple plain water.

Scientists have proved that the magnetized water, prepared from the healing vibrations of permanent magnets, helps in almost all diseases and is especially beneficial in digestive, nervous and urinary systems disorders. The main benefits of it are as follows:
• Magnetized water improves digestion, increases appetite and reduces excess acids and bile.
• It improves bowel movements wels and expels poison, unwanted salts and morbidity from the body.
• The magnetized water helps with kidney troubles. If urine is stopped, administration of 25 ml. (one ounce) of the magnetized water mixed with an equal quantity of plain water in a succession of 5 to 10 minutes for 8 to 10 times will make the patient pass urine.
• It helps wash out the salts and stones from the kidneys and gallbladder.
• The magnetized water is effective in treating all sorts of free of pain, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, headaches, etc.

• The magnetized water helps in clearing clogged arteries. It normalizes the circulatory system and helps regulate the heart’s functioning.
• Magnetized water is administered to women to regulate their cycle of menses.

Oil can be magnetized and made more potent with healing characteristics like water. Yellow mustard oil, sesame oil or groundnut oil can be magnetized. Oil magnetized by the North Pole assists in curing paralysis, baldness, weakness etc. Oil magnetized by the South Pole relieves skin diseases, ear diseases, all sorts of pains, insomnia,ia etc.
Oil magnetized by the Poles is effective for hair and body massage. The hThe magnetised oil should massage the head-magnetized h soles of the feet. Keep the oil magnetized by the North Pole in a bottle of red colour in the sunshine for eight hours. Similarly, keep the oil magnetized by the South Pole in a bottle of blue colour in the sun for eight hours. The bottles should be tightly corked. Thus the oil becomes more potent.