Here is a list of some essential items needed for makeup.
The foundation contains a vitamin or a talc base. It helps to cover up flaws like blemishes and leaves a smooth base for makeup. Foundations are of different kinds: liquid foundation, cream foundation, pancake or solid foundation.
Liquid Foundation is light and used for day makeup. It is applied with fingertips or a damp sponge.
Cream Foundation is slightly heavier than liquid foundation. Cream foundation can provide a good cover-up if you have blemished skin.
Pancake or Solid Foundation is the heaviest mask of foundation. It leaves you with a highly unnatural ‘over-made-up’ look. Unsuited for day makeup but ideal for photography and other theatrical events that employ lighting effects.
Blusher comes in various forms like liquid creams, sticks, solid creams and powder. Blusher adds a lovely glow to your face. A powder blusher is the ideal form.
This perfect accessory is used to apply and blend your blusher effectively.
The highlighter comes in cream and powder form. Creamish in colour, highlighters typically highlight the brow bone and top of the cheekbone.
Contours and shades are available in powder and cream textures. Shapes have a brownish tint and are used in areas on the face you want to slim down.
Shaders are also brown and can be used to make areas recede.
Use two shades of foundation darker for the natural contours of cheekbones.
A highlighter is best applied using a contour brush to project a subtle dramatic look. A contour brush is also used to apply shader or contour below your cheekbones and other areas you want to slim down.
Lip pencils: Lip pencils are ideally used to outline and reshape lips.
Lip brush: A lip brush is used to smear lipstick onto lips rather than using lipstick directly on lips. The soft lip brush helps to fill in colour smoothly to your lips without leaving lines on your lips.
Lipstick: Lipstick is available in cream and tube form. Lovely, plain, and frosted colours add colour to your face. Lipsticks lend the lips an enticing sensuous look. Mix and match lipsticks for new shades.
Lip gloss: Most lip glosses are straightforward, except for a few tinted masks. Lip glosses lend your lips a soft, glamorous look.
Kohl: Kohl is used to outlining the inside rim of your eyes for that, indeed, dreamy effect—dark-coloured kohl brings out the best in your eyes.
Eye pencil: Eye pencils are available in black, blue, grey and brown.
Eyeliners are used to highlight the shape of the eyes.
Concealers: Concealers are a unique contribution to the art of makeup. They mask dark circles under the eyes, blemishes and spots on the face.
Mascara: Mascara lends eyelashes thickness and length. Mascara is available in liquid or cake form. Mascara comes along with its applicator.
Eye shadow: Using eye shadow, colouring and shaping the eye socket area. Eye shadows are available in cream or powder form.
Eye shadow brush: A good eye shadow brush is an angled one that effectively helps to apply eye shadow on eyelids and into the eye socket area.
Face powder: Translucent, Block and Loose powders are used to set the foundation.
Powder Puff and Cotton Pads: Powder and cotton pads may dust loose powder on the face. Puffs or pads must be kept clean always.
Sponges: Sponges are of different types. You have natural or synthetic sponges as well as wedges.
Natural or synthetic sponges have to be moistened before use. Wedge or latex rubber triangles are used without moistening. It provides the beginner with an easy, hassle-free application of foundation.
Cotton buds: Cotton buds are not confined only to the task of cleaning your ears. Cotton buds also help to pick up slight makeup droppings like mascara on cheeks. Press the cotton bud onto the makeup dropping, swivel, and off it comes.
Tissue: Wet tissues are sometimes scented and can be utilized to freshen up the body.
Dry tissues absorb excess oil from the face and blot lips after applying lipstick.
Choosing the proper foundation can be a painful job. Your skin type and colour determine the suitable foundation base. Your chosen foundation should match your actual skin tone as closely as possible.
Foundations come in three forms—liquid, cream and solid form.
Dry skin needs a cream base foundation. Cake makeup has a drying effect on the skin; hence, it is suitable only for oily skin. It is ideal for touch up. It is a little heavy, and thus it looks excellent under artificial lights.
Tinted liquid foundation gives the skin a uniform, even texture and is ideal for special evenings. An oil-free, water-based foundation is for oily skin. The water-based foundation dries quickly, so blend immediately to avoid a blotchy look.
Your chosen foundation should match your true facial skin tone as closely as possible. You may use a shade darker or lighter, but too much variation will result in a highly unnatural look. You may use a medicated stick to cover up blemishes or to lighten dark shadows before putting on the foundation. Please do not overdo it, as it will project a painted appearance.
• Lighting must be adequate, without throwing in shadows on the face. While applying day makeup, sit with your back to the window.
• Your makeup necessities require you to be the best judge. Decide your makeup requirements bearing in mind the type of skin, complexion and the nature of your vocation.
• Always buy cosmetic items from a reputed company.
• Your requirements include cosmetics and items such as absorbent cotton pads, cotton buds, and wet and dry tissues.
• The shade of foundation you choose must match the darkest part of your face. There is a tendency for women to buy a lighter shade, thinking that it will make them look a shade fairer.
• An oily skin requires a foundation with a water base. An oil-based foundation is ideal for dry, regular, and combination skin.
• Never test the shade or colour of makeup on your wrist. Dot your forehead with the different shades of foundation and pick the one closest to your skin tone.
• Never test colours in artificial light.
• Always use the right accessories while making up your face.
• Never use foundation over stale makeup.