What is premature ejaculation?
This is one of the most common sexual disorders, perhaps as common as the common cold. Generally, ‘climaxing’ before one wants to is considered as ‘premature ejaculation’. This term confuses orgasm with ejaculation. This is early orgasmic response wherein an individual experience orgasm earlier than his idealized expectation.
What are the causes of premature ejaculation?
The causes may be primary, wherein the disorder exists from the beginning, or secondary, wherein it occurs subsequent to a prior normal function. The causes are illustrated as follows:
Situations Constitutional
(Usually primary) (Usually secondary)
Anxiety Diabetes mellitus
Sexual inexperience Neurological disorders
Deterioration of Genito-urinary pathology
Prolonged abstinence
Victimization by partner
Unrealistic expectation
From self / partner.
What is phimosis?
Inability to retract the foreskin (prepuce) due to adhesions between the foreskin and the glans penis is called phimosis. It may lead to pain, frenulum tear or paraphimosis during intercourse and also predisposes the individual to recurrent infections. It can be prevented by good local hygienic and can be easily cured by circumcision.
What is a penile implant?
A penile implant is a mechanical device used in cases of erectly dysfunction. It is implanted into the penis and is not an artificial penis. There are two varieties of penile implants. One is the semi-rigid implant and the other is the inflatable implant (three-part implant). The details are tabulated as follows:
Semi-Frigid Inflatable
Cost Less More More
Appearance Always erects Under your control.
Comfort Less More
Consistency Fixed Adjustable
Complications Less More
Surgery Less time More time and
and skill skill
Is it advisable to use a rubber band or a cloth strip around the penis in cases of Impotence?
No, such a practice is extremely dangerous, as instances of gangrene have been reported in such cases.
What about orgasm and ejaculation after implant surgery?
The quality and quantity of orgasm and ejaculation remain unaffected by the surgery, i.e.; the patient will experience an orgasm and will have an ejaculation as he used to have prior to the surgery.
What are the common causes of pain in an erect penis?
Phimosis, paraphimosis, local injuries, ulcers, and urethral and prostatic inflammation are known to cause pain on erection. At times in Peronei’s disease or fibrous cameronites, pain on erection may be a common symptom. Priapism is another condition in which there is prolonged painful erection.
At times, just following an erection or prior to ejaculation, a drop or two of a sticky transparent fluid ooze out from the penis. Is this normal?
Yes. In such situations, the fluid which comes out is the secretion of Cowper’s glands or bulbourethral glands. When one encounters a sexual situation, there is secretion (akin to salivation) from the Cowper’s glands.
Can this fluid cause pregnancy?
Is the penis usually inclined towards the left?
Yes, this is true for a majority of men. This is so perhaps because the left testis is lower than the right. Therefore, while wearing their undergarments, most men adjust their penis on the left side as more space exists on the left as compared to the right.
Does a slight curvature of the penis lead to any difficulty in penetration?
No. A slight curvature of the penis, either to the left or to the right, is common and does not affect the ability to penetrate at all.
Is it a fact that a woman must bleed at the first attempt of sexual intercourse?
No. Such bleeding usually occurs due to the rupture of the hymen in virgins. However, the hymen may be absent from birth or might rupture while playing games, doing exercises or using tampons. Hence, a woman may not bleed during the first sexual intercourse though she is a virgin. I have seen many marriages on the rocks because of this misconception. It is a matter of a big issue over a small tissue!
Do men have a greater sex drive than women?
The sexual urge depends on the individual’s sexuality and a greater sex drive is not the prerogative of either sex!
What is sleep emission? Are they normal?
Sleep emissions or ‘nightfall’s’ represent a normal physiological phenomenon. Semen is being secreted continuously by the genital apparatus; it has to be expelled by some means. If one does not have sex or does not masturbate either, semen gets expelled in the form of sleep emission. The situation is akin to a glass full of water to which you add more water with the logical result that it overflows.
What is masturbation?
Masturbation is self-stimulation of the genitals for pleasure, which may or may not be pursued to the point of orgasm.
How do men masturbate?
For men, the most common method is to hold the penis with the hand, so as to encircle it in the palm and produce friction by to-and-fro movements, often till orgasm and ejaculation are reached. Variation such as mimicking coital movements against bedclothes, a pillow, pressing against some objects are also common.
What is the ‘normal standard time’ for an intercourse?
There is no ‘normal standard time’ for an intercourse. It depends upon the partners. Intercourse may be continued till it is mutually satisfying. A prolonged intercourse does not necessarily give more pleasure. This is a myth. What is important is not how long, but how satisfying!
How often should a couple have sexual intercourse?
Sexual intercourse is the means to an end, the end being pleasure. Therefore, a couple can have intercourse as often as it pleases them. It is a pleasure to be shared between the partners and there is no need to keep a tally. ‘Frequent’ or ‘normal’ depends upon the individual couple. The best thing to do is to forget the number game and indulge as often as it is mutually pleasurable and satisfying. What are important are the quality and not the quantity.
Is frequent intercourse harmful?
Present medical knowledge acknowledges the fact that as long as intercourse occurs among accepting partners and is not associated with physical trauma of irritation, the act itself is not harmful, irrespective of its frequency.
Is testicular self-examination (TSE) necessary for an adult male?
Yes. Every adult male should perform the TSE every month. If testicular malignancy is diagnosed early, it can be cured completely.
What are the symptoms and signs of testicular tumors?
The first sign of testicular malignancy is usually a slight enlargement of one of the testes and a change is consistency. Pain may be absent but often there is a dull ache in the lower abdomen and groin together with a dragging sensation and heaviness.
How does one perform the TSE?
The TSE involves a simple, three-minute monthly self-examination. The best time is after a warm bath or shower, when the scrotal skin is the most relaxed. Following are the simple steps for an effective TSE:
- Do the TSE first on one testicle, then on the other.
- Use both hands to examine each testicle.
- Place your fingers behind your testicle, with the thumb in the front.
- Roll each testicle gently between the thumb and fingers of both hands. Most likely, the testicles will feel smooth and spongy if they are completely normal. But if your feel any hard lumps or nodules on the front or side of the testicles, you must see your doctor promptly.
The TSE is a healthy habit, and it should be practiced regularly, every month.