It is generally asked as to whether a man or woman does have to necessarily get married in order to enjoy sex or had every man or woman been much happier, had they not been bound by wedlock. It is also asked as to whether marriage is merely a social formality or a way to attain a more respectable place in society or else is not ‘marriage a necessary (social) evil’.

The answer to all the above-mentioned apprehensions and conceptions depends on the culture of the society we have been forced to live in. Free sex was commonly prevalent in olden times when either sex had no regard for society and social norms. As civilizations advanced, due to the necessities of life and other persons, men and women felt compelled to leave their native places and migrate to other zones for better living conditions. Society is simply a human being’s own creation and certain rules were framed for being practiced to live a better, healthier, civilized, and organized life where better openings were available. Every human being is an inseparable part of the society in which he lives; hence individuals and societies cannot and should not be viewed in isolation—if one is the body, the other is its soul, and vice versa.

There is no society where only men or women exist. No society can ever exist without men and women, as society is meant to serve the individuals who constituted societies as per their needs and comforts and framed rules and regulations. When certain persons failed to live within the framework of a particular society, they left the same and craved another society that could serve their ends better and meet their expectations and demands. Though the topic pertains to sociology, it has been dealt with here because the restriction is the main irritant that makes or mars a society. It created rebels or protestants who did everything which was prohibited in and by their parent society.

It is natural for humans tract to find out what we lack. Man and Woman, simply due to their variable physical forms and distinct body organs, got attracted to each other, even when social order was a far cry. Their mutual attraction gave way to sexual union, whether before or after marriage. Had there been no reciprocal attraction and weakness for the opposite sex, there would have been no human growth on Earth. Not only human beings but even all animals are equally fascinated by the mere sight of a member of the opposite sex.

Marriage is the solemnization of the relationship between a man and a woman. Whether it is in a civilized society or in a cultured primitive society, sex remains to be a common factor. A reputed columnist was once confronted, during the course of a T.V. interview, as to why he dwelt and reveled on sex in his writings, the scribe shot back: “Had there been no sex between your parents, you wouldn’t have been here.” Howsoever we may criticize sex or view it with a tainted or jaundiced eye, none of us can contest the established truth that sex is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) urge and desire of human beings. Had there been no sex, there would have been no progeny on earth. In Hindu society, the birth of a son is deemed an auspicious occasion for the simple reason that he is a propeller of the dynasty. But the million-dollar question still evades a suitable reply as to whether could there be a birth of a son, had there been no girl, and the answer is quite simple. It is only the girl who can bear a child, be it a son or daughter.

Husband and wife do not make a family, as a family has no existence without a child. It is the child who makes a man’s father and a woman a proud mother. So, without going into the unnecessary dynamics, as to whether a son is superior to a daughter or vice versa, let us admit, without fear of being contradicted, that both are an inseparable part of the family, as men can cause conception but cannot conceive or give birth to any child.


By the word ‘Sex’ we mean gender, gender distinction, sexual urge/desire, libido, the act of performing sex (i.e. coitus or coition), or even attraction or infatuation towards the opposite sex.

Sex is the most tantalizing and thrilling experience of life and it adds charm variety and meaning to life. Sex is not only a meeting of two bodies, it is also a meeting of souls. Most of the threatening episodal problems are solved during sex-act, when ladies normally prevail upon their husbands to yield to their demands, when mutual problems and irritating problems are resolved when bodies are worked up to meet extreme satiation of passions, when love notes are exchanged etc.

Flirting and Foreplay

Sex is not an isolated affair, it is a great nerve reliever, calms down agitated and frayed tempers, brings each partner nearer to the other, helps in sorting out differences, helps the normal functioning of all endocrine glands, is a tonic for the body, mind, and intellect, is an all-inclusive exercise, corrects cardiac, respiratory, digestive systems. Sex is a great tension reliever, and rejuvenator of body, mind, and intellect. It modifies activities.

Recent opinion about sex has gone a seachange. It is no more regarded as a shameful, secretive, prohibitive, and repellant device, instead, it is thought to energize various faculties of body and mind. When husband and wife fall out, and have serious family and job-related problems, it is the sex act that serves as a great tension reliever.

Western concept of sex is at total variance with that of the Indian concept. There is no element of permissiveness in our sex approach, whereas the Western approach is permissive and nonprohibitive. Our approach is simply casual and lopsided whereas sex is regarded as an inseparable and essential part of life in the West though, of late, permissive openness has gradually started intruding into our way of thinking and action, yet both are still poles apart.


Fear of social sanctions and resultant social boycotts is still rampant in our psyche. Sex, without marriage, is both a sin and a crime. If any act is performed under fear psychosis, no pleasure can possibly be derived. Those young men and ladies who indulge in premarital sex are not treated kindly in society and have to face the wrath of society. No doubt, there are still a few neo-rich families where sex, without marriage, is not considered an act that should raise eyebrows, though the element of admission and openness is still missing, and that may possibly be the reason why incest is still considered a religious and social crime.


  • Agitated and withdrawn behavior
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Communicable diseases
  • Hysteria, Epilepsy, Leucorrhoea
  • Neurasthenia, Nervous debility, loss or lack of sleep, or disturbed sleep pattern
  • Somnabulance (sleepwalking)
  • Hysterical fits or even comatose
  • AIDS
  • Urinary problems and Venereal diseases
  • Backache, lassitude, pains & aches (in general)