This process consists of two methods, viz effleurage and leg stretching. The term ‘effleurage’ means when a masseur passes his/her hands continuously and rhythmically over a person’s skin in one direction only, with the aim of increasing the flow of blood in that direction and aiding the dispersal of any swelling due to oedema.)
To begin with, apply oil to both legs using effleurage movement working from the ankles upwards, in the same manner as detailed in the case of massaging the back of the legs. In order to ensure an even distribution of oil, repeat the sequence of effleurage several times.
Support the leg at the ankle and behind the knee, bend the leg up and place the same in line with the shoulder. Clasp your hands around the back of the knee, ask your partner to inhale deeply, and then pull the calf muscle toward you. Hold the calf muscle for a slow count of 3. When your partner breathes out, release your pull on the calf muscles.
Above detailed movement should be repeated 3 times, after which let the leg be laid down. Then, repeat the stretch on the other leg also.
• Be seated to the side of your partner and, then, slightly move one arm away from her. Now apply oil from just above the wrist, up to the shoulder and round.
• Now, your first arm should come off the arm, while the other hand will start (movement) at the wrist and sweep up toward the gland that is seated in the joint of the elbow.
Now the first hand should cross the second hand as it reaches the elbow and sweeps again from the wrist to the shoulder. Repeat this movement 6-7 times on one leg, and then repeat the same process on the other leg also.
When you have finished the above-described movements on both legs, you can follow the effleurage with flushing to the inside of the arm, using the same movements performed on the leg, working from the wrist to the elbow. Before going on to the second arm, massage the hand of the first arm.
• Rest your partner’s palm of the hand over your palm, and use small brushing movements with the help of your thumbs so as to work upward between the joints of the fingers towards the wrist.
• Pulling back to the fingers, gently massage the joint between your thumb and forefinger as you draw towards the tips of your fingers. Then finish up with a slight pull to the finger so as to stretch it out.
Repeat the process with a finger, finally finishing with the
• Repeat the identical movements on the other hand and arm also.
When you have finished the massage, the partner should be covered up to the knee and make sure that she is completely relaxed, comfortable and warm. Now let her relax or rest for 5-15 minutes. After requisite rest, help your partner in sitting up rather carefully and after a glassful of water is required.