“Modern SMS: The New Era of Messaging”


  • How Dogs and Women are alike…Neither believe that
    silence is golden. Neither can balance a checkbook. Both
    put too much value on kissing.

"Modern SMS: The New Era of Messaging"








  • I‘ve got the ship, you‘ve got the harbor…what say we
    tie up for the night?


  • Press down..More…Ok more…WOW yes ahh ohh
    yes….almost there….oh god harder…faster..FEELS
    GOOD…oh goddd!…That‘s how I sex on text!


  • Q: How many men does it take to change a toilet roll?
    A: We don‘t know. Never happens.


  • What are 3 words you never wanna hear whilst making
    Honey, I‘m home!


  • The lady and her lover were in bed in a motel. Lady
    suddenly exclaimed, ‘‘You know what I’m doing is
    strictly against doctor’s orders.’’
    ‘‘What’s the matter honey? Are you ill?’’
    ‘‘No, I’m married to a doctor.’’


  • There was this Eskimo chick who spent the night with
    her boy friend.
    Next morning she found out she was 6 months


  • Hi I‘m an alien. I‘m checking for some chicks in your
    phonebook searching…searching…searching…sorry no
    chicks found.


  • What’s the definition of suspicion?
    A nun doing pressups in a cucumber field.


  • Q: Wat‘s the diff between pulling a curtain and a
    A: When u pull a curtain, it means Dat the show is
    over. But pulling down a panty means IT‘S


  • Bhagwan ko gussa kab aata hai?
    Jab koyi larki shadi se pahle pregnant ho jaye aur
    uski maa bole, HEY BHAGWAN yeh tune kya kiya?


  • Jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water.
    God knows what they did but came back with a


  • Q: How do you reuse a condom?
    A: Turn inside out and shake d fuck out of it!


  • I only have SEX on days that begin with T: Thanks
    giving. Tuesday. Thursday. Today. Tomorrow.
    Thaturday. thunday.. Every thucking day!

"Modern SMS: The New Era of Messaging"








  • Teacher to Bunty: How’s your new home?
    Bunty: Excellent. I’ve my own room, my sister has her
    room, and my brother has his separate room. But poor
    mum, she has to live in dad’s room.


  • Q: According to a Botany student which thing grows
    before it is planted?
    A: Male organ!


  • Some people say money can’t buy happiness. But we
    all know money can buy sex. So what does it mean?
    It means some people don’t know what happiness is.


  • You know things have gotten bad when you fake your orgasms while masturbating.


  • Today its cool to have small cars and small computers.
    Soon it will be cool to have a small penis too.
    Then you my friend will be THE MAN!!


  • According to Japanese doctors, woman’s body has 5
    1. Face (Show room),
    2. Boobs (Play room),
    3. Tummy (Store room),
    4. Vagina (Men’s room),
    5. Anus (Emergency room).


  • Q: Why is a prosititure like a chicken farmer?
    A: Both of them earn a living raising cocks.


  • Man who fights with his wife all day gets no piece 8


  • Q: What’s d lightest thing in d world?
    A: A penis. Even a thought can raise it.


  • Q: Know d definition of a wife?
    A: An attachment you screw on d bed to get d housework done.


  • BAHU ka 1st & 2nd affair sunne ke baad SASUR ne
    Bahu ko mara. 3rd & 4th sunne ke baad PATI ne mara,
    but SAAS chup rahi why?


  • A man wanted 2 get married!He had a choice of 3
    women!1st woz a rich doctor, 2nd woz a poor
    cleaner & 3rd woz a prostitute !
    WHO DID HE PICK? The 1 wid big tits!


  • 23 useless parts on a mans body. 20 nails u can’t
    hammer. 2 balls u can’t throw & 1 cock that can’t
    “crow.” Don’t laff ladies?? UR PUSSY CAN’T CATCH