What is an alternative orientation?
Any sexual orientation apart from the popular heterosexual orientation may be termed as an ‘alternative orientation’. It is not necessarily an aberrant or deviant expression of one’s sexuality. No one knows definitely why some people develop such alternative preferences.
What is homosexuality?
A strong preferential sexual attraction towards, and/or indulgence in sexual activity with partners of the same biological sex as oneself is called homosexuality.
What is lesbianism?
Mutual sexual attraction, and/or indulgence in sexual activity, between two women are termed as lesbianism. It is a specific term for female homosexuality.
What is bisexuality?
Attraction towards, and/or indulgence in sexual activity with partners of both biological sexes are termed as bisexuality.
What health hazards does bisexuality pose?
Bisexuals are usually more promiscuous and are prone to health hazards such as STDs, AIDS, rectal prolapse, and sphincter incontinence (because they have multiple sexual partners). They are also more prone to paraphilias.
What is a paraphilia?
Para means ‘beyond’ and philia means ‘love’. Paraphilics have an unusual pattern of stimulus preference to arouse and evoke the sexual state. They involve themselves in a ritualistic drama of fantasy in each sexual episode that is etched in their paraphilic imagery. This pattern includes fetishism, zoophilia, pedophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual masochism, and sexual sadism amongst many others. These characteristics are more common in males than females. Let us take up each one individually, as well as other related conditions.
Fetishism: This is a condition in which a person is dependent on a talisman or a fetish object, substance, or part of the body in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.
Transvestism: It is the act of dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex and/or the condition of feeling compelled to cross-dress, often in relation to sexual arousal and attainment of orgasm.
Zoophilia: This is the condition of being responsive to, or depending on, sexual activity with an animal in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate orgasm. This condition is also known as bestiality. Sexual contact (oral or genital) with an animal may occur sporadically in the course of human development without leading to long-term zoophilia.
Paedophilia: This is the condition in which an adult is responsive to, or dependent on, the imagery or the reality of erotic/sexual activity with a prepubertal or early puberty boy or girl, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. Pedophilia may be replayed in fantasy during masturbation or copulation with an older partner.
Exhibitionism: This is the condition of being responsive to, or dependent on, the surprise, debasement, shock, or outcry of a strange (usually female) unexpectedly exposed to the sight of the genitals, in order to obtain one’s erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. The actual event may be replayed in a masturbation or coital fantasy.
Voyeurism: It is also called scopophilia. The desire to observe the genitals or sexual intercourse of others becomes the source of erotic excitement and gratification. A voyeur is also known as a ‘peeping Tom’. The actual event may be replayed in masturbation or a coital fantasy.
Masochism: This is the condition of being responsive to, or being dependent on, receiving punishment and humiliation in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. As the partner of a sadist, a person may impersonate a masochist partner for commercial gain, within the limits set by the pain threshold.
Sadism: This is the condition of being responsive to, or dependent on, meting out punishment and humiliation in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate orgasm. A person, especially a woman may impersonate a sadist to oblige masochistic partners for commercial gain.
Frottage: Rubbing or pressing against some object, usually the buttocks of a fully clothed woman, in public places, becomes the condition for sexual excitement.
Gerontophilia: The condition in which one prefers to obtain sexual gratification from an elderly person.
Necrophilia: In this condition, gratification is obtained by indulging in sexual activity with a corpse.
Is sex with animals a common phenomenon?
Sex with animals is called zoophilia, catasexuality, or bestiality. Though not very common, cases of catasexuality have been reported.
Mostly in catasexuality animals like dogs, goats, donkeys, cows, buffaloes, sheep and camels have been involved.
What is the difference between a transvestite and a transsexual?
A transvestite is an individual who becomes sexually aroused by putting on the apparel of the opposite sex, and a transsexual is one who strongly feels that he or she belongs to the opposite sex.
Who are transsexuals?
Transsexuals are males or females who believe and behave as if they are of the opposite sex and want to have their genitals changed to conform to their idealistic patterns. In other words, a male kind in a female body and vice versa.
Who are eunuchs?
Eunuchs are males who have had their testes and penis removed usually prior to puberty and without their consent. In the medieval period, these individuals were meant to serve as household servants or guards for the harems.