The postnatal programme is short—as new mums have so little time for themselves. Ten minutes of specific exercises daily are sufficient.

A few weeks after the birth of your baby, you will be ready to exercise to restore muscles weakened by pregnancy. The following exercises can be done as soon as bleeding from the vagina has ceased; however, if you feel ready and able to begin before that time, it is safe to do all. Be conscious of your lower back throughout, as it remains vulnerable to strain for some months following the softening effects of pregnancy. Protect it at all times by keeping it flat on the floor as you exercise.

1. Check the separation between your abdominal muscles. Place your fingers along the linea alba (a line that extends from the centre of your rib cage, through your belly buttons towards your pubic bone), lift your head as you breathe out and feel for the gap or a bulge along this line. If your separation is wider than three fingers, only do exercises 3 and 4 for 10 minutes twice daily until it is down to three fingers.

2. Your hand is your own bio-feedback. Check that you are exercising the pelvic floor muscles by feeling for the lift as you tighten. Lift your vagina and anus always from your hand as you tighten, feeling the contraction externally with your hand, then gradually internally to feel the tightening at the top of the vagina. Hold only for a moment or two, then release downwards slowly. Repeat this procedure about 10 times and again every time you urinate. Try to do 200 contractions a day—but remember only in groups of about 10 or so at a time as the pelvic floor muscles fatigue after too many more than 10 at a time.

3. Pelvic tilting Clasping your hands over your chest, breathe out as you roll your pelvis towards your chest, flattening your lower back to the floor. Thrust your hands upwards as you flatten your lower back. Feel your tummy muscles tighten around the waist and when you are ready to breathe in, release your pelvis and bring your hands back down to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

4. Waist-liners Cradle your head in your hands, and as you breathe out, roll over to touch your right elbow to your left knee. Return to the starting position as illustrated, and keep your lower back flat on the floor throughout. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.

5. Reaching and rolling, Cradle your head in your hands, bringing both knees toward your chest. Breathe out, rolling to your left, extending your left leg out and reaching for your left foot with your right hand. When ready to breathe, return to the starting position and repeat to the opposite side.