“Romantic SMS Ideas”
Y do we close our eyes wen
we sleep- wen we dream,
wen we kiss?dis is becoz the
most precious thing in the
world is unseen.Wen i close
my eyes i c u!
Dream a dream 2nite as u
sleep.smile a smile 2morrow
that u may keep.may
all of ur dreams and wishes
come true cause i could‘nt
find a better friend like u!
i wish i were ur blanket,i
wish i was ur bed, i wish i
was ur pillow underneath
ur head,i wanna b around
u,i wanna hold u tight, & b
the lucky person who
kisses u goodnite
Uve won my luv now I luv
u.This heart of mine I give 2
u.So keep it safe as i have
done.For u have 2 and i have
i dont have the measels, i am
not confined to bed, asperin
wont help coz i aint my
head, i dont have back ache
or the flu, its more
serious…i am missin u!
Ull always be mine 4 now &
4ever.Ull always be mine 4 u
r my treasure.Ull always be
mine please tell me its
true.Please be mine 4ever ill
always luv u
There are Tulips in my
garden,there are Tulips in
the park.but nothing is more
be beautiful then our two
lips meeting in the dark!
I love 3 things! The sun, the
moon and U! The sun for the
day, the moon for the night
and you forever!
if i died or travelled far, i’d
write ur name on every
star,so everyone could look
up & see, dat u mean the
world 2 me
Wantin u is easy missin u is
hard.Wishin u was wiv me
wrapped up in my
arms.Constantly think of u
wen we r apart.Ive got the
padlock u hav the key to my
How can u tell the rain not 2
fall wen clouds exist?How
can u tell the leaves not 2 fall
wen the wind exists?How
can u tell me not 2 fall in love
wen u exist?
Accidents do happen.i slip- i
trip- i stumble- i fall & usually
i dont care at all.but
now i dont know what to do
cos i slipped and fell in love
with u
Love is like a golden chain
that links our hearts together
and if you ever break
that chain youll break my
heart 4ever!xxx
When the night comes, look
at the sky. If you see a falling
star, don’t wonder why, just
make a wish. Trust me, it
will come true, because I did
it and I found you