What is an aphrodisiac (sex tonic)?
‘Aphrodisiacs’ are foods, herbs, lotions, or drugs which are believed to increase sexual desire and improve sexual performance. Aphrodisiacs are named after the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite. The belief is sex tonics to stimulate one’s sexuality is as old as the human race. Different aphrodisiacs have been in vogue at different times. In the 1960s, an Oriental herb called Ginseng was very popular. The root of this plant became the largest selling aphrodisiac in the American market. In the 1970s, ‘royal jelly’ became a popular energizer for the gonads. Later on, vitamin E and zinc became the most commonly accepted nutritional aphrodisiacs.
How do aphrodisiacs work?
Sex tonics usually ‘work’ in three ways. Some like alcohol and marijuana, alter the mental state; others increase the flow of blood to the genital apparatus, e.g., yohimbine and some others cause severe irritation and inflammation of the Genito-urinary tract, e.g., Spanish fly. Sex tonics, as such, have no effect on sexuality. The most effective mode of action is the well-known mechanism of suggestion. The fact remains that no food or drug on earth has as yet been to be a direct sex stimulant.
What is the effect of alcohol on sexual functioning?
Alcohol is essentially a central nervous system depressant. In small doses, it gives a feeling of warmth and well-being and removes social inhibitions which probably accounts for its popularity as an aphrodisiac. However, as mentioned, “The desire it provides, but takes away the performance” is unfortunately yet undisputed true.
What are the long-term effects of alcohol on an individual’s sexual functioning?
Chronic alcoholism impairs the sexual functioning due to many causes. The repeated impairment of response and performance during acute episodes of alcohol intake create anxiety which proves to be a ‘psychological barrier’ to responses and performance in subsequent sexual encounters also.
Besides, chronic alcoholism results in hepatic and neurological damage. This damage leads to decreased sensitivity and impotence in the male and early menopause, excessive menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding in the female and an overall decrease in sexual desire in both sexes.
Is marijuana a sexual stimulant?
Though it has been experimented extensively all over the world, the use of marijuana as an aphrodisiac is unpredictable and the effects are largely because of reduction of inhibition, increased suggestibility and a time distortion effect.
What are the sexual effects of cocaine?
Cocaine leads to a temporary increase in sexual excitability but along with this feeling, it also leads to flight to ideas, fear reaction and paranoid thinking.
What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a natural androgen produced by the Leydig cells of the testes in men. If the cells do not function, puberty is delayed and sexual infantilism persists. If these cells fail later in life, i.e., after puberty, a man experiences loss of libido and potency, a reduced ejaculate, a gradual decrease in testicular size and slow growing facial hair.
What is your opinion about testosterone in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions?
Testosterone is often used for its “supposed.” aphrodisiac effect. However, it is seldom. effective and is useful only in those exceptional cases where there is a genuine lack of testosterone in the body or where there is evidence of failure in the development of secondary sexual characteristics or during old age when there is evidence of low levels of testosterone. If used irrationally in young individuals, it may cause a decrease in the sperm. count. Abnormal liver functions and cases of liver malignancy have also been reported. If administered in females, hirsutism, the male. pattern of baldness, enlargement of the clitoris and deepening of the voice are the chief side effects. Abnormalities of the glucose tolerance curve (the test for diabetes) may be encountered. and disturbances could occur in previously. stable diabetes. Testosterone is often used, empirically, to improve sexual desire and performance in middle-aged men. However, a significant decrease in testosterone secretion in middle-aged men in very uncommon.
While using testosterone for the elderly, it is advisable to do a rectal examination prior to its use, as testosterone can precipitate malignancy of the prostate gland. Unless the symptoms reveal, and metabolic investigations confirm, a deficiency of testosterone, it should never be used.
What is Papaverine?
Papaverine is a drug that acts as a vasodilator and muscle relaxant. Direct injection of the drug into the penis will result in a firm and relatively longlisting erection.
Which is the other drug used in the injection erection therapy?
Phantomlike, chlorpromazine and prostate land in E, can be used in combination with papaverine. Prostate land in E, can also be used alone.
Are there any side-effects of using Papaverine?
Sometimes the erection achieved by the papaverine injection fails to subside. Hence, this drug should be used with caution. One should avoid using papaverine more than twice a week, as it may lead to scarring, bruising, etc. long-term use may cause fibrosis and curvature of the penis. The drug also suffers from the disadvantage of losing its effect over a period of time. It should be used only under a physician’s guidance.
What are the modern medicines commonly used that can paralyze the sexual system?
Modern medicine, if indiscriminately used, can play havoc with the sexual system. Over-the- counter medicines, easy accessibility and self-medication have made many a drug liable for potential abuse. In my experience, the drugs commonly used that could be detrimental in terms of sexual health are the following:
- Antihypertensives: Reserpine (rauwolfia alkaloid), beta-blockers, alpha-methyl dopa, ganglion-blocking agents.
- Antiandrogens: Cimetidine, ketoconazole, spironolactone.
- Anticonvulsants: Barbiturates, carbamazepine.
- Anticholinergics: Belladonna alkaloids.
- Antipsychotics, Antidepressants, and antianxiety group of drugs.
In such cases, the medication can be changed to drugs which have the same effect on the target symptom without paralyzing the sexual system.
What is Viagra?
Viagra, pharmacologically known as Sildenafil Citrate, is an oral drug preparation for the treatment of the erectile dysfunction. It is used for the treatment of men who have difficulty in maintaining an erection.
Is it a true aphrodisiac?
Yes and no. In other words, it does not create an erection but can enhance an already achieved erection.
How is it available?
It is available in 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg potency, only on the production of a prescription and not over the counter.
What is the mechanism of action?
For understanding the mechanism of action, it is essential to know the physiology of penile erection, which involves the release of a chemical mediator that increases the blood flow to the penis, resulting in an erection. Viagra enhances the effect of this chemical mediator, thereby enhancing the erection. Thus, it enhances an already achieved erection and does not create an erection.
What are personal massagers? Are they useful?
‘Personal massagers’ are also known as vibrators. These vibrators can help in providing additional stimulation in some individuals. Some women prefer to hold a vibrator on the clitoris even during coitus. Most men prefer to use a vibrator with slow speed on the area around the scrotum and the underside of the penis. It is particularly helpful for older men as they require more intense physical stimulation as compared to younger men, and a vibrator could serve as a good adjunct.
Which is the best vibrator?
There are several models available, like the battery-operated ones and the electricity operated ones with multiple attachments. However, one must not forget that at times even a finger could prove to be the best vibrator!
What is the role of Ayurvedic medicines?
Ayurvedic medicines are best aphronias with no side effects. The mixtures and powder prepared by well qualified physician are helpful in using most sex problems including impotency and premature ejaculation. Author of this book has prepared such formulations.
What advice would you give for leading a better sex life?
Sexual literacy is the primary requirement for a good sex life. Do not be under pressure to perform or respond. Try to get familiar with your own and your partner’s anatomy. Communicate mutual likes and dislikes. Adequate communication is vital for a healthy and mutually satisfying sex life. Avoid being monotonous. Be innovative and try different positions. Devote adequate time for foreplay and after play. Remember sensual is sexual.
Avoid stress, smoking and alcohol. Proper weight, balanced diet, regular exercise and yoga are essential for a better sex life. What is good for the whole body is good for sex.