Along with stress and diet, environmental factors are one of the major causes of premature ageing. Seasonal and climatic changes not only imbalance the subtle internal energies of the body and mind but also have an effect externally on the skin. Sun, wind and cold can be particularly damaging unless you take action to counter their effects.


The sun has always been a prime offender against the skin, but in recent years its harmful effects have increased as the protective ozone layer has weakened. Solar radiation is a factor in cataracts, cell degeneration and the breakdown of collagen and elastin, which leads to premature ageing and wrinkles. It is the leading cause of skin cancer and increases free radical generation in the skin because it decreases the production of antioxidant enzymes. Drugs, such as blood pressure pills, diuretics and Thorazine and foods and herbs, such as artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, lemon, lime, carrot, fennel, parsley and bergamot, are photosynthesisers. When ingested and absorbed into the body will cause hyperpigmentation if the skin is exposed to too much sun. Of course, summer heat aggravates Bile in general, leading to increased skin sensitivity and increased sebaceous secretions.
In general, sensitive skin types tend to turn red rather than tan in the sun and develop freckles. Dry and oily skin types both tan easily. Nevertheless, nothing ages the skin more quickly than a sunburn, so individuals of every skin type should take precautions to protect themselves from the sun.
• Warm weather is Bile season, so adjust your lifestyle and diet to avoid ‘overheating’. Chlorinated pools, saltwater and sun, dehydrate and age the skin, so the body needs extra moisture inside and out all summer long.
• Avoid sunbathing. If you want to be in the sun, stay active (do errands, take a walk), but it is better to stay out of the direct sun as much as possible. However, if you do sunbathe, olive and coconut oils are natural tanning agents since they absorb ultraviolet light and provide even colouring. A daily dose of B-complex vitamins also helps produce an even tan.


• Use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 to 30, depending on your skin. If you don’t burn quickly but do tan easily, use lower SPF. If you burn more quickly than you can, use higher SPF. Try not to use sunscreen unless you are in the sun since it tends to increase skin sensitivity in general.
• Sesame or neem oil are excellent natural sunscreens, according to Ayurveda.
• After sunbathing, take a cool bath, adding a few drops of rose, sandalwood or vetiver essence to the •  water. Afterwards, pat the skin dry and massage it all over with your body oil when it is still moist.
• To treat sunburned skin, rub on either crushed cucumber, cucumber juice, aloe vera juice, an ice infusion of elderflower and chamomile, or cold buttermilk.
Overexposure to dry, cold wind also damages the skin. In addition to their dehydrating effects, cold and wind put pressure on the epidermis, the horny protective top layer of skin, which is composed of dead cells. When the cold and pressure are extreme, the dead cells desquamate—they burst—leaving the living, young cells of the derm layer exposed prematurely to the elements. As a result, the unprotected cells become inflamed, causing a characteristic tingling sensation on the skin, a problem that is particularly common among the elderly in the cold season. Too much peeling with acids produces the same result. The best protection against this effect is not face creams but essential oils.
• Cold weather and calm winds aggravate Air and cause dry skin conditions, so adjust your lifestyle and diet to add warmth, lubrication and moisture.
• Take fewer baths and showers in the cold season to avoid dryness. When you bathe, add a few drops of essential oil to the water to provide lubrication. Massage with oil before and after showering or bathing.
• Keep the temperature of your home as low as you comfortably can, and use a humidifier or keep a bowl of water on your radiators to add moisture to the air.
• Take an occasional steam bath, but avoid saunas, which are dehydrating. Use petroleum jelly if dryness persists.

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