“Sneezy The Clown”
The two Madison Avenue types met on the
suburban train platform.
“It’s Charley,” greeted the one, “how’s your
“Compared to what?” responded the other
“How is it I find you making love to my
daughter?” stormed the outraged father. I ask
you, young man, how is it?”
“Why, just great, Sir, replied the calm young
Man, “Just great!”
A bachelor friend of ours defines the ideal
wife as a beautiful, sex-starved deaf mute who
owns a liquor store.
Our unabashed Dictionary defines
an intellectual girl as one who can think up an excuse
that her boyfriend’s wife will believe.
An executive friend of ours is so dedicated
to his work that he keeps his secretory near his
bed in case he gets an idea during the night.
Vinay and Sunny, expectant fathers, both,
nervously paced the flour in the waiting room of
a maternity hospital.
“What tough luck,” grumbled Vinay. “This
had to happen during my vacation.”
“You think you’ve got troubles?” said
Sunny. “I’m on my honeymoon.”
Marriage is a good deal, like taking a bath
not so hot, once you get accustomed to it.
The difference between a wife and a
mistress is night and day.
Two little boys were engaging in the
traditional verbal battle of little boys everywhere
“My father is better than your father?”
“No, he’s not!”
“My brother is bitter that your brother?”
“No, he’s not!”
“My mother is better than your mother?”
A pause.
“Well, I guess you’ve got me there. My
father says the same thing.”
The difference between the average man
and a playboy is the average man who likes to give
a girl a present, while the playboy would rather
give her a past.
“I understand you took out the gorgeous
new receptionist last night” said one ad
executive to another, “How was she?”
“Not so good,” was the reply.
“Yeah,” said the first Executive, you always
we’re lucky.
Some girls marry old men for money and
spend the rest of their lives looking for a little
The sexy wife of a busy husband recently
won a divorce charging her hubby with a lack of
attentiveness. If anything happened to me,
“The stacked missus claimed, my husband
wouldn’t even be able to identify the body.”