In the following, we have tried to give those special Ayurvedic, Allopathic, Homeopathic, and Unani medicines that have been found to work wonders in increasing your sexual appetite together with increasing the efficiency of your sexual vigor. Using these medicines those who feel sexually emaciated would find them restoring their sexual potency not only to normal but even enhancing them. These are all tried and tested formulas or recipes. When you wish to use them please make sure that you get genuine constitute and not the substitute.
The Miraculous Amla
Dry this fruit in large quantities, then grind them to powder. Now strain this powder through a thin cloth. Now take out the juice of some fresh Amlas and mix this powder into that juice and allow it to dry again. Thus continue adding the powder to the juice for seven days. Now when this mixture is totally dry, keep it in a bottle. Take this powder (12 gms) mixed in 12 gms. of ghee and 6 grams of honey and have it twice daily. This formula cures all the afflictions of the semen and enhances your sexual potency. It can just also be taken immediately after coitus to drive full pleasure in the second go.
The Singhara (Waternut) Formula
Grind the dried water nuts to a powder form and strain it through a thin cloth. Now take the required quantity of it and make the Halwa of it by mixing it in ghee and sugar. A forty days regular course of it gives the energy of an elephant. The problem of premature ejaculation would be eliminated by regular intake.
The Garlic Recipe
Take about 4 kilos of garlic and boil it in 2 ltrs. of milk. When the milk is dry, roast this semi-liquid mixture in about half a kg. of ghee. Allow it to dry further and then cut the cakes out of it by adding a little honey to it. It is especially effective for those who get supercharged with sexual thoughts and ejaculate before their penis reaches even near the vagina.
The Tamarind (Imli) Recipe
Take clean seeds of tamarind, one kilo in weight, and soak them for four days in water. Then peel away their black skin. Now allow the seeds to become totally dry. When it is dry, grind it to powder form along with the same quantity of sugar candy (Misri). Keep this powdered mixture in a bottle. Take a spoon of it daily for forty days to fight your problem of early ejaculation. It also makes you sexually robust.
Strengthen your Semen
Take about one lit. of cow’s milk and set it for curd in the night. In the morning churn this curd and separate butter from it. Now mix the yellow part of the twenty eggs with it. Add about 50 gms. of sugar in 500 gms. of this paste after properly mashing it. This is an ideal medicine for any masculine sexual deficiency and has withstood the test of time from pre-historic days. Not only sexually, but it also makes you powerful, it eliminates all the afflictions caused by a disturbance in one of the prime humor of the body—phlegm or cuff. It helps to cure asthma and enhances the proportion of red corpuscles in your blood.
A medicine
Just take a little mustard seeds (about 2.5 to 5 gms) cinnamon (Dalchini) and clove also 2.5 gms. Grind all three to powder form. Have it three-four times a day with warm milk, and reap the untold pleasure of sex. It helps you retain your erection for a longer duration and digests all you have eaten quite easily.
The Miracles of Cannabis Sativa (Bhang)
Bhang has been known to be a powerful herb and celebrated aphrodisiac from the very past. Given below is a special recipe found very effective not only to increase the duration of retention of erection but otherwise very conducive to increasing sexual pleasure.
Take the fully verdant plant of bhang, wash it properly with water, and grind it into a paste form. Strain this paste through a thin cloth and keep it in a wide-mouthed utensil and place it over a simmering fire. When this paste becomes as viscous as honey, keep the utensil in the boiling water with caution so that no drop of water should fall into it. When it is fully dry, make small tablets of it and give it to the desirous ones with the instruction to take it with milk. This tablet is very effective to enhance your appetite for hunger and sex, making your sleep very sound, and providing an effective cure against loose motions or diarrhoeic conditions.
An Aphrodisiac Lotion prepared from the Wasps
Catch hold of 11 wasps and burn them down by boiling them in about 125 gms. of coconut oil. Now allow it to cool and then strain the solution through a sturdy strain so that no unwanted elements come in. When cool, keep this oil in a bottle. If you massage your penis with it, you will have double excitement and a longer period of coitus.
An Alum (Phitakari) Lotion
Take about 6 gms. of ground alum, 20 to 25 drops of attar gulab, and about 6 gms. of borax. Keep the mixture in the boiling water in such a way that no drop of the water falls into it. When the entire mixture is completely melted, allow it to cool and massage your penis with this viscous fluid before coitus. Massage it properly till the entire fluid is absorbed by the glans penis. Now you will derive double pleasure in coitus with the increased intensity that too without ejaculating early.
A Queer Lotion to Apply on Penis
Find a hen who is still a virgin. Cut her throat and take a little of her blood into a cup. Add to it the blood of a robust donkey. Churn both the blood properly. Now leaving apart the glans penis, rub this lotion on your penis. The first application might cause irritation but it would go on subsiding day by day. But don’t indulge in coitus the same day after applying the lotion. When the irritation has completely subsided, you should wait for two days more. Then you can go ahead to fulfill your wish. It is very effective and the queerness of the lotion quite matches with the effectiveness. This secret lotion was brought by Turk soldiers and was one of the very favorite lotions used by the Mughal emperors.
Effective Fomenting Bags
Some males have their penis curved up, so much so that they really hurt their spouse in the sexual bouts. The reasons for this defect would be many. But this defect is cured once and for all by the following fomenting bag.
The material needed for this Bag (Potali) is A Little ivory powder, a dried coconut fruit, Malkangni 6 gms, and Amba Haldi 12 gms. Take all these ingredients and grind them to powder form and make seven small cloth pieces and tie the powdered mixture to form a ponytail. In the night before sleeping keep a heater near you and heat each of these potali one by one by the heater to ferment the base of your organs and thighs. The duration of each fomentation should be about 15 to 20 minutes. After this fomentation use the following oil to massage your penis in the morning.
Take out the juice of the two jasmine buds and heat this juice with the Sesame oil on a simmering fire. When the entire juice has been burnt and only an oily portion of the mixture remains, add fifty big ants normally found at the base of the mango trees. Keep the oil with ants thrown in it for 15 days in the sun. Then strain the solution thoroughly and apply it regularly on your deformed penis. It is guaranteed to cure the defect just after a fortnight’s period of application.
A Stimulating Miraculous Bag
The material used and the process of forming this Potali are given below:
Ivory powder 48 gms., the powder of fish teeth 48 gms, cloves 8 gms, jay phal 2 small pieces, wild onion 1 medium size.
Mix all the ingredients and grind them to powder form. Divide the total contents into two heaps upon two pieces of cloth and tie the cloth securely. Now take a small stove or handi and place a utensil with a tight-fitting cover over it. Make a small hole in the cover that you could pierce your small finger into it. Cover the utensil with a fine cloth, so that there may be no escape of the contents on boiling. Now fill the utensil with half-lit. of sheep milk and heat it on a simmering fire. When the mixture is heated the vapor would escape through only the hole on the cover, as the sides of the utensil have been almost sealed. Now keep a bag on over the hole and let it grow hot. When sufficiently hot, bring it down and foment your organ, thigh joints, baseline, etc. properly. When one portal becomes cool by radiating its head into your private part, the other kept at the hole would be ready to replace it. Thus go on fomenting your private region for about one and a half to two hours. After this fomenting process overtake a Bangala betel- leaf and tie it over your penis. Don’t take a bath at all during the process of this treatment. This fomenting treatment continues for 4 days.
This especial treatment is supposed to be very effective and has cured scores of physical impotency cases. If there is any physical defect or deficiency in one’s penis this treatment is believed to be the ultimate cure.
Allopathic-Ayurvedic Mixture to Cure Physical Impotence
Very mild hydrochloride 1 gm., oil made of yellow of an egg 6 gms., malkangani oil 6 gms., dalchini oil 6 gms, clove oil 6 gms.
Mix the ingredients properly and grind them to a fine paste for at least two hours. Now apply it by means of cotton bud on the penis and have a piece of it tied around it. This is supposed to cure flaccidness insensibility of the glans, and the looseness of the veins of the penis most effectively.
Another Allopathic Cure
Tantric Acid 1 part
Rectified Spirit 10 parts.
Take both ingredients in a bottle and mix well.
Method of Application
Apply this mixture to the gland and keep it there for 5 to 6 minutes. Later remove the mixture by rectifying the spirit alone. This treatment is also known to be effective in curing even physical impotence.
Famous Homeopathic Medicines
Besides Ayurveda, homeopathy too is equally good and there are time-tested aphrodisiacs too. Some important homeopathic medicines are described here.
It is the most famous Homeopathic medicine. Famous sexologist of U.S.A. Dr. Nash M.D. says that if taken in proper dose this drug not only makes youth robust and filled with abundant semen, it even revitalize the sexual potency of the old persons. The effect of the medicine is not temporary but permanent, hence it should be administered in fixed intervals of time. This medicine is available in various potencies, from 200 to 10000 or even of one lakh. The higher the potency the better would be the results. But it is advisable that these medicines should be taken after proper medical advice. Or else they create quite serious complications. This medicine is especially recommended for those strayed youth who ruin their sexual potency through the constant use of their male organ. In fact, this medicine should be taken by increasing its potency gradually. The medicine of 200 potency should be given on an empty stomach to the patient and the next dose of higher potency after one full week. In the same way, the potency should be increased from 1000 to the dose of the desired potency when the affliction is cured.
Phosphoric Acid
It is also a wonder Homeopathic drug to cure sexual weakness. The constant malpractice result in the patient’s face becoming pale and sallow, eyes sunken in the sockets and constant complaints of pain in the waist. The afflicted person’s semen also becomes very thin and often passes out with urine while passing stool. This medicine is also good for those patients afflicted with diabetes. It not only enhances the physical power of the patient but makes him very strong mentally also. This medicine is to be administered mixed with three to five drops of mother tincture diluted with 25 to 30 gms. of water. Ask the patient to have the medicine before taking his meal. Phosphoric acid is a powerful drug and should not be administered on an empty stomach.
All these medicines are to be taken after
proper medical advice. Don’t rush to take
them without consulting a good Homeopathic
physician. Other good remedies are caladium,
conium, staphysagria, and selenium.
Avena Sativa
The cautious use of this celebrated medicine administered mixed with five to six drops of mother tincture is an unfailing remedy for all sexual weakness. A timid listless boy turns into a robust man by the use of this medicine. It not only strengthens the user’s body but increases the efficiency of his mental faculties.
Some especial Diets for enhancing Sexual Potency
The following diets have an age-old experience enshrined in their regular intake. They could be termed as powerful aphrodisiacs which go to make you robustly healthy and virile.
The Halwa of Malai or Cream
This halwa is an ideal breakfast during winter and is equally tasty. Take about 125 gms. of fresh cream or malai and roast it on fire after adding 250 gms. sugar candy. Keep 125 gms. of ghee on another stove and go on stirring it. When the sugar candy and the cream coalesce, they will form a homogenous paste. Put this paste in the boiling ghee and go on stirring till it becomes golden brown. When dry, garnish it with shreds of almonds, raisins, and pistachios and cover it with silver foil. Take about a small plate full of this halwa first thing in the morning. It not only restores your lost energy during the coitus the previous night, but it also makes you sufficiently powerful to keep you fresh and energetic throughout the day.
The Milk Halwa
Take about 5 ltrs. of the cow’s milk and heat it on a slow fire while constantly stirring it. When the milk becomes quite viscous and reduced to about one-third of its original quantity, mix in adequate sugar, the ghee, made of cow’s milk about one and half-lit. plus the yellow part of the eggs. Continue simmering it on low fire and go on stirring it after every two or three minutes. When it begins assume golden brown color add the shreds of almonds, pistachios, walnut, and chilgoza after priory mincing them. Now take it away from the fire and add ‘ Salabh’ misri or sugar-candy and saffron-rose essence in adequate quantity. Now your halwa is ready. Have it every morning and evening about a small plateful. It quickly restores the energy due to semen loss, makes the semen thick and viscous and your sperm quite strong.
The Almond Halwa
Take about 50 almond kernels and soak them night long in lukewarm water. In the morning unpeel the skin and grind them to a fine paste. Add about 250 gms. of sugar candy after making a syrup of the misri or sugar candy. When they form a homogeneous paste, pour in about 100 gms. of ghee made from cow’s milk and simmer it on low fire. When partially solidified due to heat, take it away from the fire and add the powder of about 10 small cardamoms. Cover it with the silver foil. You can add pistachio shreds to it if you so desire. Have it every morning and evening in the winter season. In scorching summers it should not be eaten as it increases tremendous heat in the body. It is ideal for those suffering from the problem of premature ejaculation or very frequent nocturnal emissions.
Shree Khand
It is a famous Maharashtrian dish renowned for enhancing the sexual potency of males.
Material required: 1 Kg. thick creamy curd, white sugar or sugar candy 1 kg., ghee made from cow’s milk 100 gms. honey, 100 gms., black pepper, dalchini, small cardamom, tej patta, and dry ginger every 5 gms.
Grind all the hot spices along with the cardamom to a fine powder. Mix this powder well in the curd after properly mashing it. Now keep this curd on a thin cloth and hang the cloth after properly tying it so that entire water contents ooze out. When the water stops seeping out from it, open the cloth and take out the curd. Now add some saffron essence or musk if you so desire, and properly rub the essence in the entire curd. Now keep this curd in an earthen container perfumed with a little camphor. Some people perfume the earthen container with kewra essence. This is an extremely delicious dish. You can eat it as it is but normally it is eaten with maida puri with superior quality of rice. It is a tried and tested formula for centuries to enhance sexual potency and make you powerfully robust.
The Gajar Halwa
It is a powerful aphrodisiac full of proteins and vitamin ‘A’ contents. It is a very favorite dish of the entire North India. Believed to have been invented by the later Mughals, it is full of energy-giving elements and yet quite easy to digest.
Peel the outer layer of red carrots and take out the white hard part. Now mince the red shreds of the carrots properly. Take about 1 kg. of carrots and pour in about one and a half kg. of rich milk. Heat them enough to make their quantity reduced by one-third of their original weight. Now roast half a kg. of Khoya in half a kg. of the ghee made from cow’s milk. When your halwa is almost ready add 25 gms. of the following ingredients: Kakoli, White Bahaman, Yellow Torai, White Moosali, Salabh Mishri, or sugar candy. Make their mixture a fine powder and add this to the halwa. Add about 250 gms. of chukars (dried dates) along with 50 gms of almond shreds, pistachios, and the dry fruits of your choice. Now grind the two or three saffron shreds in about a spoon full of Gulab Jal. Now add all the contents into the halwa. It is an extremely rich and delicious dish guaranteed to enhance your sexual potency to no end. Take about a plate full of this halwa every evening and morning and enjoy life to the full.
An Aphrodisiac Cake
Take 360 gms. of powdered urad’s husk, starch 360 gms. santhi rice, powered 180 gms., ghee 1 kg. 80 gms, sugar 2 kilos 170 gms.
Roast all the ingredients except sugar in ghee. When the mixture becomes cracking red and starts giving fragrance bring it down from the fire. Now make a thick syrup of sugar. Put the mixer in the syrup and make small cakes or laddoos out of it when totally dry. To add more taste and potency to the cake, garnish with almond shreds and other dry fruits. Have this one laddoo with milk every morning and evening to enhance your sexual potency. It is one of the age-old tried and tested recipes to make the user sexually robust.
Another Very Potent Aphrodisiac Laddoos
To prepare these Laddoos, the material required is :
(a) 1.25 kg. media of superior quality, 1.25 kg. Khoya, 1 kg. ghee, 2.50 kg. Sugarcandy (Mishri).
(b) Kernel of almond 120 gms., the kernel of chilgoza 60 gms., the kernel of pistachio 60 gms. and other dry fruits in proportionate quantity.
All the ingredients of the category (a) are to be converted into dry halwa by roasting in a liberal quantity of ghee. Then mix the shreds of the ingredients listed in category (b) and make laddoos of the entire product. Take these laddoos one at a time with the cow’s milk in the morning and evening.
Dates and Milk
It is also a time-tested aphrodisiac that makes the user’s semen thick and sperms powerful. Have four or five dates daily along with a cup full of cream-rich milk, if you take it first thing in the morning it is still better. Since it gives you instant energy, it can also be taken after coitus.
The author has developed a well-experimented formula of Ayurvedic and Homeopathic drugs for patients with impotency, Early ejaculation, and deficiency of sperm. The readers can consult him, but first, fix an appointment on the phone.
Some External Applications for Men & Women
(a) If a man, after anointing his penis with a mixture of the powders of the white thorn apple, the long pepper and the black pepper, and honey, engages in sexual union with a woman, he makes her subject to his will.
(b) Anointing oneself with an ointment made of the plant Emblica myrobolans has the power of subjecting women to one’s will.
(c) If a man cuts into small pieces the sprouts of the Vajnasunhi plant, dips them into a mixture of red arsenic and sulfur, and then dries them seven times, and applies this powder mixed with honey to his penis, he can subjugate a woman to his will directly. He has had sexual union with her, or if by burning these very sprouts at night and looking at the smoke, he sees a golden moon behind, he will then be successful with any woman, or if he throws some of the powder of these same sprouts mixed with the excrement of a monkey upon a maiden, she will not be given in marriage to anybody else.
(d) If pieces of the orrisroot are dressed with the oil of the mango, and placed for six months in a hole made in the trunk of the Sisam tree, and are then taken out and applied to the penis, this is said to serve as the means of subjugating women.
(e) If the bone of a camel is dipped into the juice of the plant Eclipta prostate and then burned, and the black pigment produced from its ashes is placed in a box also made of the bone of a camel, and applied together with antimony to the eyelashes with a pencil also made of the bone of a camel, then that pigment is said to be very pure, and wholesome for the eyes, and serves as a means of subjugating others to the person who uses it. The same effect can be produced by black pigment made from the bones of hawks, vultures, and peacocks.
Other Means for Sexual Vigour
(a) A man obtains sexual vigor by drinking milk mixed with sugar, the root of the Uchchaa plant, the Piper chaba, and licorice.
(b) Drinking milk mixed with sugar, and having the testicle of a ram or a goat boiled in it, is also productive of vigor.
(c) The drinking of the juice of the Hedysarum gangeticum, the quilt, and the Ksurika plant, mixed with milk produces the same effect.
(d) The seed of long pepper, along with the seeds of the Sansevieria roxburghiana, and the Hedysarum gangeticum plant, all pounded together, and mixed with milk is productive of a similar result.
(e) According to ancient authors, if a man pounds the seeds or roots of the Trpaa spins, the Kasurika, the Tuscan jasmine, and licorice, together with the Kashmiri kaolin (a kind of onion), and puts the powder into milk mixed with sugar and ghee, and having boiled the whole mixture on a moderate fire, drinks the paste so formed, he will be able to enjoy innumerable women.
(f) In the same way, if a man mixes rice with the eggs of the sparrow and has boiled this in milk, adds to it ghee and honey, and drinks as much of it as is necessary, this will produce the same effect.
(g) If a man takes the outer covering of sesame seeds, soaks them with the eggs of sparrows, and then having boiled them in milk, mixed with sugar and ghee, along with the fruits of the Trapa bispinosa and the Kasurika plant, and adds to it the flour of wheat and beans, and then drinks this composition, he is said to be able to enjoy many women.
(h) If ghee, honey, sugar, and licorice in equal quantities, the juice of the fennel plant, and milk are mixed together, this nectar-like composition is said to be holy, and provocative of sexual vigor, a preservative of life, and sweet to the taste.
(i) The drinking of a paste composed of the Asparagus racemosus, the Shvadaushtra plant, the Guduchi plant, the long pepper, and licorice, boiled in milk, honey, and ghee in the spring, is said to have the same effect as the above.
(j) Boiling the Asparagus racemosus and the Shvadaushtra plant, along with the pounded fruits of the Premna spinosa in water, and drinking the same, is said to act in the same way.
(k) Drinking boiled ghee or clarified butter in the morning, during the spring season, is said to be beneficial to health and strength, and agreeable to the taste.
(l) If the powder of the seed of the Shvadaushtra plant and the flour of barley are mixed together in equal parts, and a portion of it is eaten every morning upon getting up, it has the same effect as the preceding recipe.
There are also verses on the subject, as follows :
“The means of producing love and sexual vigor should be learned from the science of medicine, from the Vedas, from those who are learned in the arts of magic, and from confidential relatives. No means should be tried which are doubtful in their effect, which is likely to cause injury to the body, which involve the death of animals, or which bring us in contact with impure things. Only such means should be used as are holy, acknowledged, to be good, and approved of by Brahmins and friends.”
When a man wishes to enlarge his penis, he should rub it with the bristles of certain insects that live in trees, and then, after rubbing it fourteen nights with oils, he should again rub it with the bristles as before. By continuing to do this swelling will be gradually produced on the penis, and he should then lie on a cot, to make his penis land down through a hole in the cot. After this, he should take away all the pain from the swelling by using cool concoctions. The swelling, which is called ‘Suka’, and is often brought about among the people of the Dravidian country, lasts for life.
If the penis is rubbed with the following things, namely, the plant Physalis flexuosa, the Shavara-kanaka plant, the Jalasuka plant, the fruit of the eggplant, the butter of a she-buffalo, the hasty-pharma plant, and the juice of the Vajrarasna plant, a swelling lasting for one month will be produced.
By rubbing it with oil boiled in the concoctions of the above things, the same effect will be produced, but lasting for six months.
The enlargement of the lingam is also effected by rubbing it or moistening it with oil boiled on a moderate fire along with the seeds of the pomegranate, the cucumber, the juices of the Valuka plant, the Hasticharma plant, and the eggplant.
In addition to the above, other means may be learned from experience and confidential persons.
The miscellaneous experiments and recipes are as follows :
(a) If a man mixed the powder of the Milk hedge plant and the Kantaka plant with the excrement of a monkey and the powdered root of the Lanjalika plant, and throws this mixture on a woman, she will not love anybody else afterward.
(b) If a man thickens the juice of the fruits of the Cassia fistula and the Eugenia jambolana by mixing them with the powder of the Soma plant, the Evarnonia anthelmintic, the Eclipta prostate, and the Lohopa-jihirka, and applies this composition to the vagina of a woman and then has sexual intercourse with her, his love for her will be destroyed.
(c) The same effect is produced if a man has a connection with a woman who has bathed in the buttermilk of a she-buffalo mixed with the powders of the Gopalika plant, the Banupadika plant, and the Yellow amaranth.
(d) An ointment made of the flowers of the Nauclea cadamba, the Hog plum, and the Eugenia jambolana, used by a woman, causes her to be disliked by her husband.
(e) Garlands made of the above flowers, when worn by the woman, produce the same effect.
(f) An ointment made of the fruit of the Asteracantha longifolia (kokilaksha) will contract the yoni of a Hastini or elephant woman, and this contraction lasts for one night.
(g) An ointment made by pounding the roots of the Nalumbium speciosum and of the Blue lotus, and the powder of the plant Physals flexuosa mixed with ghee and honey, will enlarge the yoni of the Mrigi or deer woman.
(h) An ointment made of the fruit of the Amblica myrobolans, soaked in the milky juice of the Milk hedge plant, of the Soma plant, of the Calotropis, and the juice of the fruit of the Vernonia anthelmintic, will make the hair white.
(i) The juice of the roots of the Madayantika plant, the Yellow amaranth, the Anjanika plant, the Clitoria ternatea, and the Shlakshnaparni plant, used as a lotion, will make the hair grow.
(j) An ointment made by boiling the above roots in oil and rubbing in, will make the hair black, and will also gradually restore hair that has fallen off.
(k) If lac is saturated seven times in the sweat of the testicle of a white horse, and applied to a red lip, the lip will become white.
(l) The color of the lips can be regained by means of the Madayantika and other plants mentioned above.
(m) A woman who bears a man playing on a reed pipe which has been dressed with juices of the Bahupadika plant the Tabernaemonfana coronaria, the Costus specious or arabicus, the Pinus deodorant, the Euphorbia antiquorum, the Vajra and the Karnataka plant, becomes his slave.
Accupressure Points to arouse Sex Feeling
Acupressure is an alternative system, whereby exerting pressure on a particular point can increase the flow of hormones, thus increasing sex power and pleasure.
Points for Females
Make pressure on the points shown above regularly in the morning and evening with your thumb or Gimmy (an acupressure instrument) for 10 seconds to 20 seconds. These points help in increasing the blood and hormones and thus increasing the sex instinct.
Points for Males
These are the points to receive mental fatigue and anxiety as most of the male sex problems are psychological.
These are the points that are helpful in increasing sex power and in curing several male disorders like impotency, early ejaculation, etc.