“Start Your Day with These Funny SMS Jokes”
STENO to his Boss, I saw a young fellow trying
to lay your daughter last night.
Boos: Did he succeed?
Steno: No
Boss: Then it wasn’t my daughter.
WHY most wives fall in love with other men is
because the other man teaches them everything
their husbands kept hidden from them.
I caught my husband kissing.
That’s exactly how I caught mine.
WHAT was Pooja Bhatt on the internet?
Pooja Bhatt.
I want a divorce Because my husband has
become impossible to live with, insisted the
woman, Why, now he wants to have sex with
me once a week.
But that doesn’t sound unreasonable,
countered her solicitor. It does, to me, snap
the client because he used to get about twenty-five days a month.
AFTER having it once, she said, Oh, darling,
Its marvellous, delicious, and delightful, and I asked,
Where have you been? And she said I have been
Darling, what was your reason for marrying
There was no reason—I was in love with you.
HONESTLY, I haven’t seen a man so bad that a
the woman could make him worse.
THE Bollywood actress liked her fourth
husband, so much she decided to keep him for
an extra fortnight.
HEARD about a playgirl who had a supreme court
figure. No appeal?
ABSENT-MINDED is hardly the word for the pretty
secretary who left her clothes at the office and
took her boss to the cleaner.
The fact that sex is so popular because it
attracts everyone.
COMPATIBLE colour is when your girl’s lipstick
is the same as your wife’s.
A Girl met an old friend and his wife at a
cocktail party. When the wife slipped away for a drink, the girl said, “Your wife looks
completely different with her new hairdo.”
“That’s not a new hairdo.” replied the friend.
“That’s a new wife.”