It has been rightly remarked that the “sun can be woman’s best friend or her worst enemy”. Sun in moderation, lights up your beauty and excess exposure to sun gives your skin the look of old leather.
Sunlight is excellent for you as it is nature’s source of vitamin D. Strong sunlight over prolonged periods are best avoided as it leads to sunburn. Your skin produces melanin which acts as an in-built barrier against ultra violet rays.
Over exposure to sun, actually burn up surface skin and penetrate deep into lower cells causing sunburn and other aging problems like lines and wrinkles due jto its ultra violet effect.
Sunburn is a condition that is better prevented than treated. Sunburn can be a painful affair literally.
Despite your intentions, if you are a victim of sunburn, pamper your skin with
(a) Application of vitamin D ointment.
(b) Use peanut oil, olive oil or lanolin.
(c) Mineral oil can also be used.
• Drink plenty of lemon juice before venturing outdoors.
• Grate and squeeze cucumber. Spread the seeds and juice
over the burn.
• Take three small tomatoes and mash them well. Add a cup of butter milk. Mix well and apply on skin. Allow it to dry
for one hour atleast.
This will help to reduce pain and take heat out of skin
• Cold water compresses together with an additional intake
of vitamin A, C and E are recommended for the treatment of
Ingredients: 1 lemon
1 egg white
Method: Add the juice of lemon to the white of egg. Whisk briskly, transfer contents to a pan and simmer on low flame till it thickens. Cool it.
Apply to sunburn and do not wash off.
• Boil lettuce leaves in a cup of boiling water to get a strong
infusion which may be applied on sunburn skin.
• Use whey on sunburns.
• Yoghurt together with little honey helps to cool and promote
healing in sunburnt skin.
• Combine together a tsp. of lemon juice with 7-8 drops of
milk and gently massage on to skin. Let it soak in before
rinsing off with soap and water.
(a) Ingredients: 2 tbsp. of lanolin
1 tbsp. of glycerine
1 tbsp. of hydrogen peroxide
½ tbsp. of almond oil
Method: Melt lanolin by using the double boiling method. While still hot, whisk oil and glycerine. Cool completely and add the hydrogen peroxide.
(b) Ingredients: 1 tbsp. of buttermilk.
Method: Saturate cotton wool with butter milk and apply. This is a good remedy to remove suntan.
(c) Ingredients: 1 tbsp. of lemon juice
8 drops of rose water
Method: Mix both ingredients, apply and leave on for 5-6 hours.
(d) Ingredients: 6 tbsp. of olive oil
6 tbsp. of vinegar
Method: Combine and apply at least two hours before bath.
Freckles are spots that appear over bridge of nose and over the cheeks. Freckles are the outcome of lack of melanin in the skin.
• Saturate cotton wool with butter milk and pat on face. Wash off after it has dried.
• Dip your cotton wool in a solution made by combining one tsp. of butter milk, one tsp. of lemon juice and one tbsp. radish juice. Swab face with this and allow to dry before rinsing off.
Remove skin of apple and mash it well, apply on freckles everyday.
Ingredients: 1 tbsp. oatmeal powder
Method: Add enough butter milk to oatmeal to make a smooth paste.
Application: Apply and leave on for 20 minutes and wash off with cold water.
Ingredients : 3 almonds
1 egg white
1 tsp. of lemon juice
Method: Grind soaked almonds to a smooth paste. Whisk egg white, add lemon juice and combine. Add to the almond paste.
Application: Apply on freckles and wash with tepid water. Followed by splashing on cold water.