“Texting Love Language”


There Were Times You
Make Me Cry… Looking 4 A
Reason Why… There Were
Times You Make Me
Fly…Stay With Me Until I
Die…Stay With Me…











I am looking for a word. I am
looking for a whole new
word. I am looking for a
word. I am looking for a
word that nobody knows. I
am looking for a word. I am
looking for a word that
says you are the best !!!

There are thousands of roses
on this world, even if I gave
you every rose to you, that
would not be enough to tell
you how much I love you!

When the night comes, look
at the sky. If you see a falling
star, don’t wonder why, just
make a wish. Trust me, it
will come true, ‘cause I did it
and I found you!

When a heart is the sign of
love ,and red the colour
…and when walking around
with your head in the clouds
means that one is in
love..Why do I draw a line in
blue and am I only thinking
of you ?

The sky is full of golden stars
shining in the light of the
moon, but the most beautiful light
I see is in your eyes …

The rose speaks of love
silently in a language
known only to the heart.

In dreams and in love there
are no impossibilities.

What holds you together is
far greater than what can
tear you apart.











A dream costs nothing
unless you want it to come

A butterfly needs its wings …
an icebear needs cold
weather and I … I need you!

Love… I want to hold you
close to me and feel our
hearts beat as one … forever….

I love you! From the earth
till the moon!

I hope that you finally understand,
that I will love you
until the end, because your
not just my girl, you are also
my best friend!

What is a flower without the
sun, what is the earth without
the sky. What am I
without you, that is why I
tell you … I love you

Tomorrow there is an other
day. A day i’d rather spend
with you….without you
there is no joy, only pain!

Of all the friends I’ve ever
met. Your the one I won’t
forget. And if I die before
you do I’ll go to heaven and
wait for you.











Words, however special…
could never even start to
tell you all the love I have for
you within my heart. xXx

Love is forever; only the
partners change…

If I would get a rose for every
the time I think of you, I would
spend every day in a rose
garden, … thinking of you

How can it be that I am sad
and happy at the same time
… it’s because I know … that
you aren’t back until tomorrow

I love two things, a rose and
you. A rose for a short while,
but you the rest of my life

I feel something in my heart,
it’s like a little flame, every
the time I see you, this flame
lights up, this flame is special
for you because I LOVE











Love is……. to love more and
more each day….
Love under the stars… they
seem very far, but you are so
close the star I love the most

Lonely? no, how can I be
lonely when you are always
in my thoughts. I wake up
with you and go to sleep
with you. I love you!!

Kiss me and you will see
stars ….Love me and I will
give them to you.