“The Best Internet Pranks and Hoaxes”
Sunny heard that his friend Vinay had a
huge fire in his factory and went to commiserate
with him.
“Vinay year, I am very Sorry to hear that
your factory was burnt down. What were you
manufacturing in the factory?”
“Fire extinguishers,” replied Vinay.
Meena: “If I dismiss the cook and make
the food for you myself for a month, what will
you pay me?”
Sunny: “I don’t need to pay you. You’ll
get my entire life Insurance amount.”
While being interviewed an actress was
asked whether she intended to get married in the
near future.
The lady replied, “Never, I will follow in
the footsteps of my mother, Like her I will
remain single.”
Two dogs were discussing their masters.
The first said, “My master is the speaker of
the House; when I start barking, he cannot stand
it and keeps saying, “Please, Please, Please…To
stop me from barking.”
The other, belonging to an MP, said, “At
At least your master is polite. Mine is a most devious
man. After abusing everyone in the house he has
the audacity to put a signboard on his gate,
“Beware of the dog.”
When Surinder Kaur disapproved of the girl
her son wanted to marry, a friend told the young
man, “You must find a girl who is like your
Several months later, the young man told
his friend, “I finally found a girl who looks, talks,
and acts, just like my mother.”
“Congratulations!” said his friend.
“Not yet,” said the young man and added,
“this time my father objected!”
A husband and wife were having a bitter
quarrel. The husband exploded in rage, “I must
have been mad to marry you.”
“You were, but I didn’t notice it as I was
madly in love,” replied the wife.