“The Best SMS Jokes to Share on Social Media”
A young man looks fancy to a stunning
blonde at the party. Later in the evening. He
coaxed her into a bedroom, where
they made love. Afterwards, he turned over
and asked her, “Do your toes always curl up
when you make love?”
“No, not usually,” replied the blonde
sarcastically. “Only when I don’t have time to
take my pantyhose off first.”
CLINTON once tried to have telephone sex with
Hillary said, “ Not tonight. I have an
The couple spent their honeymoon at Kanti
falls. The husband told his friends when he
returned. “My wife and I are going back there
someday. We had such a wonderful time. But
next time, we’ll go for rooms in the same
TEACHER: “Leela, if you worked for seventeen
hours and were paid Rs. 21/- for every hour you
worked, what would you get?
Leela: A new party dress.
Frankly, it was not that memorable a wedding
night, “The bride confided to a friend, “In fact,
Manthans cork copped before the champagnes.”
A rich guy settled with a blonde for fifty rupees
extra if she would keep her hands over her head
all the time they were “doing it.”
“Sure”, she agreed. “For an extra fifty. I’ll do
Five minutes later, the guy got off the bed
looking satisfied.
“That was just fine, honey,” he said.
“Now that it’s over,” said the blonde, “do you
mind telling me why you wanted me to hold my
hands over my head?”
“I just wanted to make sure they weren’t in
my wallet. Explained the rich guy showing a
bundle of notes.
THE jealous wife didn’t trust her spouse one
bit. The slightest hair discovered on his coat
would lead to the most frightful scenes.
One night, after finding nothing at all, she
burst into tears and shouted, “And now you’re
even going with bald women.”