The Bright Side of the Web


The new customer enquired about the laundry
man :
“Do you really wash fine?”
“Of Course!”
“And do you also iron the clothes fine?”
“Oh, that, when we return the clothes, there
is hardly anything left to iron.”


Sunny: “I want a pencil please!”
Salesman: “Soft or hard?”
Sunny: “Oh, soft one. I have got to write to
my girlfriend.”


Teacher: “Why are you late today?”
Sunny: “My sister had a baby this
Teacher: “And are you an uncle or aunt?”


Teacher: “What is the chief import of
Ninay: “Tourists!”


The lecturer on physiology addressed the
student nurses.
“Today, girls, we will take up the heart, lung,
liver and kidneys.”
“Another organ recital,” whispered one
nurse to the other.
Nurse (to doctor) Every time I lean over to
take Mr. Sunny heart beat it increases.
Something’s wrong.
Doctor: “Nothing’s wrong. Just keep the
tap of your blouses buttoned.


A famous movie star who had been linked
romantically with every beauty in Bollywood
entered a lady-Harding hospital for a check-up.
Every nurse in the institution fawned over him.
Sunita, a beautifully proportioned nurse,
was at his side every time he stirred. When he
finally indicated that hid like to be alone for just
a little while, she told him, “Now if you want
anything at all, you need only pull this cord.”
“Thank you, my dear,” he smiled.
“What is the card attached to?”
“Me,” answered Sunita.


“Nurse”, asked the doctor, “Why is your
uniform undone and your hair all messed up?”
“I took that man’s temperature as you told
me to, why didn’t say he was an and critic?”


Mrs. Monika telephoned a doctor
practically, “Please! My husband’s at death’s
“Now don’t get excited,” said the M.D.
“I’ll be right over and pull him through.”


A woman was in the doctor’s office
arranging for the Six abortions.
“I hope you don’t think I’m too personal,”
said the doctor, but is this the same man who
was responsible for your three other
“The same.”
“Well,” continued the doctor, “how came
you don’t marry him?”


“To till you the truth, Doctor, he doesn’t
appeal me!”

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