The Brightest Humor on the Web
Ravi: “Tomato sandwich please?”
Waiter: “Here you are, Sir?”
Ravi: “Hey, What kind of sandwich is
Waiter: “You get what you order, Sir.”
Ravi: “The tomato is alright but the bread
appears to be yesterday’s.”
Waiter: “That can’t be, Sir, Our restaurant
was closed for one week. possible, the bread is
last week’s only.”
Sunny was a good dancer and used to visit
“La Paris” almost every night. One night he was
introduced to an exceptionally pretty girl. After
the introduction was over, the young guy asked
her :
“Do you dance?”
“I love you too,” she answered.
“Ah,” said the guy. “Then let’s love.”
Sunny: “How is the food here?”
Waitress: “I’m a waitress here, not a
“Are they a well-matched couple?” Mrs.
Meena asked her husband.
“Oh”, they certainly are he said, “He snores,
and she’s deaf.”
“I saw the doctor you told me to see.”
“Did you tell him I sent you?”
“Yes, I did.”
“What did he say?”
“He asked me to pay in advance!”
Sonia: “Darling, We’ll have to postpone
our marriage for a short while.”
Ravi: “But why? Don’t you love me?”
Sonia: “Certainly I do, darling. But I just
married another man.”
In the darkness, the waiter kissed one of the
Customer: “What’s this nonsense?”
Waitors: “I’m awfully sorry, Sir, I thought
it was your wife.”
The customer who was having a look at the
menu of one of the popular city restaurants
enquired: “What’s the difference between the
yellow plate special and the white special?”
“The white plate special is one hundred
rupees extra.” explained the waiter.
“Is the food any better?”
“No, but we were these plates.”
“As the case is serious,” advised the lawyer
to his client.
“You should better engage four good
“Couldn’t I have just one good witness?”