“The Funnies”


Mike had just moved into his apartment and
decided he should get acquainted with his across
the hall neighbour. When the door was opened,
he was pleasantly surprised to be confronted by

A young damsel considerably more than passing
fair and considerably less than full dad. Though
justifiably flustered by this smiling apparition.
Make nevertheless managed a remark singularly
appropriate to the occasion :
“Hi, I’m your new sugar across the hall. Can I borrow a cup of neighbour?”

A wag about the town we know told us recently
that his current girlfriend is treely electric. “In
fact,” he added, “everything she owns is

If a girl expects to win a man, she has to
exhibit a generous nature or else how generous
nature has been to her :

This reminds us of the dental joke about
the oilman who went to see his dentist and,
when asked which tooth was bothering him,
replied, “Oh, just drill anywhere, doctor. I feel
Lucky today!”

“Doctor,” said the obviously disturbed
Youngman to his psychiatrist, “My biggest
problem is that I always dream about baseball.
Nothing but baseball.”
“Don’t you ever dream about girls?” asked
the head shrinker.
“I don’t dare,” said the young man. “I’m
afraid I’ll lose my turn at bat.”

The modest maiden had just purchased
some ling eric and asked if she might have the
sentence. “If you can read this, you are too
damned close”, embroidered on her panties.
“Yes, madam,” said the clerk, “I’m
certain that can be done. Would you prefer to block
Or a script letter?
“Braille,” said she.

These days, too many beautiful women are
spoiling their attractiveness by using four-letter
words—like don’t, and can’t and won’t.

The six fraternity men come weaving out
of the off-campus gin mill started to crown
themselves into the Volkswagen for the rollicking
ride back home. One of them, obviously the house
President took charge of the situation.
“Herbie,” he said, “You drive. You’re too
drunk to sing.”

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