“The Funniest Texts You’ll Ever Receive: SMS Jokes Edition”
What are the chances that a fertility doctor
would be named Dr Seed; imagine this: “I’m
Dr Seed, this is nurse ovary, and of course you
all know my colleague, Dr Fallopian.”
A flirt is a woman who believes that it’s every
man for herself.
PRIEST to the young lad: Do you always say your
evening prayer before going to sleep? No my
mother does them for me.
What does she say?
Thank god you are in bed.
Ask any wife and she’ll tell you the secret of a
a happy marriage is in doing thind together—like
opening a joining bank account.
I wouldn’t be seen with a girl who’d go out
with a guy like me.
Two country teenagers got married. The girl
was told all facts of life lay her mother. The boy
had many heart-to-heart talks with his father.
However, right after the honeymoon night, the
bride called her mother and said, “I declare,
Momma, I don’t think that boy has ever been
The social worker asked the applicant for
welfare now, man-children she had.
“Well,” said the lady, “I had two by my first
husband, two by my second husband and then
I had two by myself.
The advice that you must first learn to walk
before you can run is not taken too seriously in
show business. Sometimes you can get places
faster by first learning to lie down.
To be successful today, a secretary
must be able to type, take shorthand and be free
to travel on weekends.
It was only a few hours before the wedding,
and the bride was weeping copiously.
“What are you crying about, my child?” asked
her mother.
“Why shouldn’t I cry, Mama? aren’t I about to
go out into the world alone with a man?”
“That’s nothing, Dearing. Didn’t your father
and I do it? “It’s easy for you to talk. Ma. At least
you went with Papa. But I’m going with a perfect