“The Funniest Web Joke in the Internet”


Banta was playing rummy with his Alsation
dog. A passerby asked, “Sardarji, can your dog
recognize the cards?”
Replied Banta, “Of course, but I win every
The passerby asked, “How do you manage
to win all the time?”
Banta replied, “You see whenever he gets
4/5 jokers, his tail starts wagging. So I know it is
time for me to pack up.”

Sunny: “Bunty your father is a teacher, but
your sister doesn’t even know how to read a
Bunty: “So what? Your father is a dentist
and your little brother doesn’t even have a single

Sunny: “Thank you very much, doctor, for
saving the life of my son.”
Doctor: “It was God who saved your son.”
Sunny: “However, thank you, and Shri
Doctor: “What about my fees?”
Sunny: “I will money order it to God.”

On our first wedding anniversary, my aunt
gave us a color T.V. as a present. She said, “Beti
the color T.V. is for your husband, this remote
control is for you.”

First guy: “My wife’s an angel!”
Second guy: “You’re lucky, mine’s still

A couple were on their way back home after
their honeymoon. The train they were traveling
in passed through a long, dark tunnel. After the
train had crossed the tunnel was so long, I could
have kissed you in the dark!”
The wife screamed aloud, “What! wasn’t
that you?”

Banta Singh and his wife wanted to buy a
color television set. They went to the biggest
television shop in Amritsar where the following
conversation took place.
Shopkeeper: “What kind of T.V. set would
you like to buy, Sir?”
Banta Singh: “Colour T.V. set only.”
After the shopkeeper had shown them the
different sets available, Banta Singh and his wife
went to one side and began an animated
discussion. After some time the shopkeeper
helpfully enquired, what are you discussing?
Maybe I can help you?”
“We have a problem, we can’t decide which
color to buy,” replied Banta Singh.

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