Sex is an act, performed between man and woman with the help of genital organs (Sexorgans). Here a brief description is provided for male and female sex organs.

Male Sex Organs

The sex organs of a male are quite a complicated form of a reproductive system. They produce semen, store it and release it into the woman’s vagina at the time of ejaculation, procreation, therefore, is the result of the union of the sperm cell and the ovum.

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The Testes 

The male organs comprise the two testes or testicles hung side by side in a sac called the scrotum, below the penis in its relaxed state. The testes oval in shape and about an inch long and an inch wide, have two different functions. These are made up of a series of jobs composed of minute tubules in which the sperm cells, the spermatozoa are formed and liberated. The internal secretion of sex hormones, which create sex impulses and cause the essential male characteristics in the individual and play its role with the other secretion glands in the body in sustaining the normal functioning of the body is achieved by it. In case this function is impaired before puberty, the development of the individual becomes seriously altered in, temperament and impulses, Since it is directly absorbed into the blood, these secretions are termed internal secretion.

In the seminal discharge, the male sperms formed in the testes are vital elements because these sperms have the power to fertilize the egg of the woman to conceive a new life. These highly vitalized cells consist of a head, neck, and long tail. It is in this head the nucleus is contained which transmits the hereditary characteristics of the individual. Having the power of independent motion, these sperms prosper themselves in the liquid secretion in which floats their tails having a floatingrate of approximately their own length per second. After the semen’s discharge, it requires an hour or more for the sperm to reach the tube where it fertilizes an ovum (egg). When the released female egg encounters one male sperm or spermatozoa, it penetrates the cell wall of the egg in a complex series of rearrangements of the elements of both cells, known as fertilization. Through in single male orgasm, about 200 to 500 million sperms are discharged, and only one is able to reach the walls of the cell. The remaining sperms are cast out along with the other residues of the physiological process. The spermatozoa are slowly formed and released in the testicles all the time.

The Epididmysis and Vas Deterence: Each of the cluster of convoluted tubes in the lobes of the testes in which the sperm cells are formed merges into a single tube, and the resulting mass of tubes in turn forms a complex network that constitutes a large annex to the body of the testes. It is known as epididymitis. The network of tubes of the epididymis is united in turn to form the seminal duct or vas deference. From the epididymis each seminal duct upwards in the scrotal sac and enters the pelvis cavity where it continues its upward course, then curves forward and downward to enter the urethra which contains the urine from the bladder.

The Seminal Vesicles 

The vas, two in number, issuing from each testis takes a round of the bladder and then empties into seminal vesicles. These vesicles are two small pouches, situated just behind the urinary bladder. The function of seminal vesicles is to store the semen and secrete a gelatinous substance which by mixing with the sperm thickens the semen and increases its volume. The secretion also provides nourishment and strength to sperms.

Since these testes and seminal vesicles are always secreting and manufacturing semen, sometimes the vesicles are filled to capacity and nature empties them in the form of nocturnal emissions as is in the process of orgasm. The phenomenon is usually accompanied by an erotic dream and the pleasurable sex feelings of orgasm.

It is a mistaken belief of old Indian theories that nocturnal emissions or wet dreams are a sign of weakness. These are natural, harmless occurrences to be expected in most normal men, particularly between the ages of fourteen and thirty-five. There is nothing to worry about. Untold mental torture and unnecessary expenses have been caused to millions of men through the miser presentation of quacks who prey upon the ignorance and fear of men in these matters.

Seminal emissions vary greatly in frequency between different men and in the same man at different times. Within the normal, the frequency may range from once a month to several times a week. Many factors—physical, mental, and temperamental—are responsible for it. There are some young men who rarely or never experience nocturnal emissions. Though the occurrence of emissions is natural, their absence does not necessarily indicate any abnormality. It is quite possible in their case that the contents naturally ooze out in the ducts, aided by bowel movements to be thrown out with urine from the bladder.

a man sleeps on his back. The reason is that in the position the weight of the partly filled or full bladder resting upon the vesicles increases the irritation to set off the reflexes of ejaculating semen. To avoid this heavy food should not be taken before going to bed and constipation should not be allowed.

The Prostate Gland

It is shaped like a horse chest hunt. Surrounding the neck of the bladder and the junction of the urinary and spermatic ducts, into which juncture the prostate empties its contents through some thirty outlets. The prostate secretion is also added to the semen before it is ejaculated in the vagina. Thus semen is the combined product of all these glands. Each of these glands imparts to the semen its many peculiar characteristics. The prostate is also a sexual gland that is situated below the urinary bladder. During the coital climax, the prostate contracts and mixes its own secretion in the semen. To sustain sexual vigor and strength, it is considered necessary that the prostate functions properly. The prostate secretes a milky alkaline fluid, the function of which is similar to the ducts of the vesicles. The alkalinity serves to protect the spermatozoa against acidity arising from the urine. This acidity damages the vitality of the sperm cells.

The Urethra 

A small duct called the urethra runs through the center of the penis down to its glands from the urinary bladder. This duct serves a double purpose—it empties urine from the bladder and ejaculates semen from seminal vesicles. Thus urethra is intimately connected with both the systems of seminal discharge and urine elimination. The urethra in the penis discharges both semen and urine but the sex mechanism of the male body is such that both the actions cannot take place together. During seminal discharge, a special valve automatically shuts off the urine.

The Penis

A child’s penis is small and grows along with the other organ of the body after the onset of puberty. The penis through which the bladder is emptied and the sperm discharged during intercourse is normally three to four inches long and in the normal flaccid state about one and a quarter to two inches in diameter. When a man is sexually aroused his penis grows erect, the organ measures about one and a half inches in diameter and five and a half to six inches in length along its upper side. It is made up in part of spongy tissues which become gorged with blood, making the organ hard and rigid. An erection is necessary in order to achieve the penetration of the vagina. In response to mechanical or psychical stimulation, the erection is achieved through a nervous mechanism that causes a rush of blood into the organ and at the same time greatly restricts its flow, thus causing rigid distention of the penis. Like the size the shape also varies from man. Penis is the male collating organ that conducts the semen into the vagina. There is no correlation between the size of a penis and a man’s sexual strength and capacity. The erect size also does not make much difference because the vagina has such an elastic cavity to accommodate any size of the penis. The most sensitive nerve ending in a vagina is the clitoris which can always be reached by any penis howsoever it be small.

The Glans Penis

The foremost end of the penis round like a knob, is called the glans penis. It is slightly thicker than the rest of the shaft. In the flaccid state of the penis, the head or glans penis is partly or wholly covered by a loose layer of the skin, in the uncircumcised, called the prepuce or foreskin. This is retracted for the purpose of cleaning and it becomes naturally retracted after entry in coitus. The surface of the foreskin is somewhat mucus owing to the gland which secrete a substance called smegna. It is an irritating secretion and should be regularly cleaned, otherwise, it makes the fore-part of the penis become cheesy in appearance by breeding germs. It should be daily washed with soap. The glans penis has the most sensitive nerve endings. A slight soft touch is needed to excite a man and to make the penis erect. It is mainly the penis on which a little rubbing whether by hand or vaginal contact sends the sex waves in the entire body, culminating in orgasm or ejaculation.

The Erection and Ejaculation

As also referred to earlier the effect of sexual arousal in men is a physical manifestation of the erection of the penis. Direct and gentle stimulation of the penis almost always causes an erection. This is borne out of reflex action and may occur in sleep. Erection may be caused without any rubbing of the penis just by erotic thoughts even. In the early morning, it may be aroused because of the urge to urinate. Most such erections terminate without any discharge.

Ejaculation is the culmination of sexual stimulation in man. Having entered the vagina, the most sensitive nerve endings of which the penis is made up, become tense and excited on account of the friction against the walls of the vagina, the copy head may experience further fanned by the secretion of fluids in the vagina. To and fro movements of the penis add to the arousal. The tension gets higher and higher till it reaches the climax to explode and get released. This process of the climax and the release of the seminal fluids is known as ejaculation. The basic difference between the sex mechanism of man and woman is that in the man climax and ejaculation or orgasm take place simultaneously while in woman there are two different states. At the time of climatic height and orgasm, the seminal discharge takes place through the penis in a number of spurts. The number of the spurt varies from 4 to 20. Just as the first menses indicates the onset of puberty in a girl, in boys the first ejaculation marks the entrance into adolescence.

Female Sex Organs

The female organs are more complicated and are confirmed in the body and not openly visible. Because of their apparent invisibility, the Indian girl is ignorant about their organs. Hence it is more necessary that full knowledge about the female organs’ structure and their functions be discussed in full detail.

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The Vulva

The two visibly fleshy folds, covered with hair are the outer lips or Labia Major. When parted they reveal two smaller inner lips or labia. The insides of the inner are covered with mucous membranes. The inner lips of the labia are one of the several sexual sensation centers. In sexual intercourse, these labia remain constantly massaged by the rubbing of the penis. In some women, the inner lips protrude somewhat. The inner lips meet at their upper ends which when separated look like the form of the wishbone of a hen.

The principal organ of the sex feeling, the clitoris, is situated just above the junction of the inner lips. The clitoris looks like a mini penis having erectile tissue and a head and free skin similar to the penis of the man. It is covered from above by a hood of skin. The clitoris is made of highly sensitive nerves which respond very well to sexual stimulation. It is from this center that the sexual feeling begins and permeates the entire body through the vulva and vagina. When erect, the clitoris looks like the size or shape of a small bean. About an inch below the clitoris is a small opening of the tube called the urethra. Its duct conducts the urine from the bladder. The urethra has only the urinary function and no sexual function.

The mucous membrane above the clitoris, like the penis of the man, is covered with glands that secret the smegma. Owing to the structure, cleanliness in the woman is more difficult than it is in the man.

It is not only hygienically necessary to keep it clean but also for this reason that it emits a foul smell which tends to inhibit sexual desire in the man.

The Hymen

Just below the urinary passage is the entrance to the vagina. In the normal virgin girl, this opening remains partially closed by a thin membrane called the hymen. Though it appears in different shapes but normally it looks like a crescent in shape appearing like the forward extension of the black walls of the vagina. In many cases during the first intercourse when the hymen is ruptured there may be slight bleeding and pain. It is a false notion that the hymen is the symbol of virginity. A nicked or stretched or tattered hymen does not mean the body has been penetrated into. It could be ruptured on account of jerks or falls that a young girl might experience. Many girls may not have much of it or others may lose it in doing some kind of vigorous job. Sometimes the insertion of a finger into the vagina may prove too hard for any hymen. Occasionally a hymen is so tough that it remains intact even after several sessions of sexual intercourse. It all depends on the kind of hymen a girl is born with. Generally, during the first coitus, the penis tears it in several places by its thrust. Repeated sexual intercourse continues to tear it till hardly a few shreds mark its former presence. At times in certain cases, it was found to be so flexible that instead of breaking into pieces by the penile thrust, it merely bends and allows the penis to gild over it. In some cases, the surgeon’s aid is obtained to slit open the membranes. But the bleeding and discomfort, when they occur, are not of sufficient consequence to warrant fear on the part of the woman. Therefore, it is important that fear be eliminated and that the woman enters into the first coitus with gay abandon. This is psychologically important because this fear powerfully inhibits her sexual responses and the function of the lubricating glands, leaving the parts dry. This increases the probability of discomfort and bleeding and diminishes the possibility of experiencing any sexual pleasure at the first coitus.

The Vagina

It is a tube or canal extending from the vulva to the neck of the uterus. It is 3½ to 4 inches in length in its normal relaxed position. It is here that the penis in intercourse is sheathed with its elastic walls. It receives the seminal discharge and allows the sperm to travel forwards toward the womb in search of an ovum. It is through this tube that a child passes to the outside world. During pregnancy the vagina and its outlet become capable of great expansion permitting the passage of the child from the womb without injury in many cases. In most instances, however, more or less laceration of the muscular structure controlling the opening of the vagina may occur. It should be vitally important that such tears receive prompt surgical attention. The use and control of the muscles of the vaginal opening and of the entire pelvic floor are necessary for the woman’s most effective participation in coitus. The relaxed condition and the loss of muscular control which results from the failure to repair perennial and vaginal tears may result in greatly diminishing sexual satisfaction in coitus for both partners and may render it impossible for the woman to achieve orgasm at all. The flexible walls of the vagina are lined by a mucous membrane secreting a fine fluid that keeps it moist and clean. It has great releasing and contracting power. It is because of this reason that the vagina besides being made up of flexible walls, is able to accommodate a much larger penis notwithstanding its small cavity.

The Womb or Uterus

It is a pear-shaped organ with heavy muscular walls. The virgin uterus measures about two to three-quarters of inches in length and two inches wide. Its elastic muscles expand considerably during pregnancy with the growth of the baby. Its upper part is connected to ovaries by two ducts called fallopian tubes. The organ is supported in the pelvis by strong ligaments. Its position is at right angles to the vagina, the upper, heavy end being directed forward towards the front of the pelvis. The small end (cervix) opens into the vagina and closes its upper end. After childbirth, the organ gradually retracts to its earlier size. The organ has powerful muscles to help push the baby out through the vagina. During pregnancy, the uterus retains and supplies nourishment to the growing baby till delivery.

The Fallopian Tubes and Ovaries

The upper end of the uterus, as referred to earlier, is joined by the fallopian tubes each about five and a half inches long, which extend right and left to the ovaries. The function of the fallopian tube is to conduct the ovum from the ovaries to the uterus. This is achieved through the contractile action of the tube’s finger-like fringes called fimbria. The sweeping motion of the fimbria is in one direction, which helps egg cells in moving toward the uterus. In most cases, the fertilization of an egg cell or ovum takes place during its journey through the fallopian tube. The process of passing of an egg cell through the tube is called ovulation. The fertilized egg is then moved down the tube toward the womb.

The ovaries are like the testes of the male. They produce the female reproductive cells the ova or eggs and internal secretions. Situated at the outer ends of the tubes, one on each side of the uterus, an ovary is about the size and shape of a large almond in the shell. Though they are comparable to the testes in their function, the hormone function of the ovaries is apparently more complete than that of the testes of the male. In addition to the internal secretion which governs the development of the specific female character and helps to sustain the normal functioning of the individual as an organism, the ovaries elaborate other chemical substances which control the reproductive functions. Just like the castration performed on the male if the ovaries are removed before puberty the development of the individual get drastically altered.

When a girl is born, her ovaries already contain these egg cells of ova in thousands. But then these are not mature. With the onset of puberty, the ovaries start their work of maturing the ovum. During the lifetime of a woman about 400- 500 egg cells mature. From the time of puberty till menopause, every month a mature egg is produced by one of the ovaries. The mature egg cells pass through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If an egg is fertilized it starts growing before it enters the velvety lined uterus which nourishes the egg, it remains alive for about 20-24 hours after entering the tube and then it disintegrates and gets absorbed into the body.

The Menstruation

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When the egg cell is not fertilized, the monthly preparation by the womb to receive a fertilized egg cell goes to waste, and the debris is cast out—the whole process is known as menstruation. Menstruation generally continues for three to five days but even longer in a few cases. While it is a normal physiological function, not to be regarded as sickness or being unwell, in severe cases the general letdown and the readjustments of the entire organism do involve nervous tensions and in many cases a variety of aches and pains for which due allowance is to be made in the social and personal circle of the individual. It should be clearly understood that a girl or woman, during this period should not be considered an untouchable as she is in most of the communities in India. As a matter of fact, the underlying reason for this belief was sympathetic—that in a period of menstruation, a girl or a lady might feel weak so she should be given full rest which was mistakenly converted into a hygienic one. But nowadays no educated girl or woman adheres to these obscurantic norms and treats the period day like any other day in their life. Maybe because of better facilities to contain this blood in sanitary napkins, the modern woman does not make a show of it. It is not physical but emotional a woman might feel disturbed during this period.

The Breasts

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Though the breasts do not strictly come under the categories of the organs we are discussing, they are being induced because of their special significance in the manifestation of the sexual arousal of a woman. Especially breast nipples signify one of the most sensitive erogenous zones on a woman’s body. Squeezing, sucking, and caressing of the breasts, particularly the nipples give rise to strong and most favorable sexual desires. Sexologists say that in the initial stages of married life, a woman drives more pleasure from any such stimulation of her breast erectile tissues and very sensitive nerve endings. These tissues become firm and erect during erotic stimulation. It is for this reason that breasts or mammary glands are two very important sexual organs. Though the breasts have their primary function in feeding a newborn child, their importance as a neurotic and sensitive zone permeating with a desire to mate has great significance in sexual relationships. Although their sizes vary from puberty to maturity and they grow large during pregnancy. An ideally formed breast has always been the most beautiful female symbol or characteristic.