“The Most Hilarious Joke on the Internet”
Concluding his final lecture before the
holidays, the professor of criminal law observed.
“Remember, gentleman, if you have an affair
with a girl under age, with or without her consent,
it’s rape: If you have an affair with a girl of age,
without her consent, that’s rape: but if you have
an affair with a girl of age, with her consent,
Merry Christmas!”
The Latin American diplomat was
describing his country to a U.S. women’s club.
“Our most popular sport is bull fighting,”
he declared.
One matron, obviously upset at the thought
of so bloody a spectacle, asked, “But isn’t is
“No,” said the Latin, smiling, “that is our
second most popular sport.”
We’ve come across a refreshingly unique
proposal of marriage.”
“Honey, how would you like to do this every
As Mark fixed himself a martini to carry
him through the ordeal of waiting while Peggy
got ready for their date, he could hear her singing
in the shower.
“Sorry I’m so late,” she finally called out
to him, “but I was shopping and lost track of the
time,” Glutching a large towel about her, she
edged into the room.
“Would you like to see me in my new
dress?” she asked. Mark took appreciative note
of her newly bathed charms straining at the
confines of the barely adequate towel.
“I would like,” he said with a smile, “something
We know an amorous million are who’s
terribly indiscreet, yet so wealthy that he doesn’t
give a damn. He begins each letter to his
sweethearts, “My Darling, and Gentleman of the
Mrs Marry felt bereaved but sympathetic
when she got the news that Juliette, her jewel of
a French maid was leaving to get married.
“Ah, well,” she said, seeing the glow of
happiness on the girl’s beautiful young face, “I
am overjoyed for you, Juliette. You will have it
much easier now that you’re getting married.”
“Yes, Madam,” said the girl, with a tingle
of anticipation that made her trim figure
tremble, “and more frequently as well.”