“The Ultimate Collection of Internet Humor”


Why are scientists breeding Mexicans
instead of rats for experiments?
They multiply faster, and you don’t get as
attached to them.

Daddy, what’s a clitoris?
You should have asked me last right? I had
it and the tip of my tongue!

What’s the definition of a perfect woman?
One that, after you’re done screwing, turns,
into a six-pack and three of your best friends.

Why do women have two holes?
So that when they get drunk you can carry
the home like a six-pack.

Do you know the new bra called the “Birddog?”
It makes pointers out of setters.

What’s the difference between a sorority
girl and a bowling ball?
You can’t get more than three fingers in a
bowling ball?

A ten-year-old little girl runs into the house
and says, “Mammy, Mammy, Can I get pregnant?”
The mother replies, “Of course, you can’t,
The little girl says, “Mammy are you sure?”
“Of Course I’m sure,” the mother says. The
the little girl runs out to the backyard and says,
“Okey fellas same game.”

How can a real man tell if his girlfriends
having an orgasm?
Real men don’t care

Two men were ongoing.
“I still say doctors should write more
plainly.” Yelled one.
“I disagree with you.” said the other. My
doctor gave me a prescription and after I had it
made up. I used it as a complimentary ticket to
the movies, for a year. Then as a railroad season
pass for a year, and now my daughter plays it on
her violin.”

“I wish I had enough money to buy a
hundred goats.”
“Why in the world do you want a hundred
“I don’t want a hundred goats.”
“But you just said you wish you had enough
money to buy a hundred goats!”
“Right…if I had much money. I could buy a
pickup truck.”

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