“The Ultimate Collection of SMS Jokes for Every Occasion”
A man attended a wedding where he heard
a guest tell the groom: “Congratulations. You’ll
be hearing a lot about me. I’m the man she’ll tell
you she should have married.”
Tormented by her husband’s infidelities, a wife
decided to take some decisive action. So the
next night she took a Magic Marker pen and
printed the following legend on the crotch of her
A man, aged 92 years, asked his doctor if it
was possible to have his sex drive lowered. Don’t
be ridiculous, said the doctor; at your age, it is
all in your mind.
Yes, I know, sighed the old bloke; that’s why
I want you to lower it.
I received a letter today from a man warning
me to quit talking to his wife, said Gulsan; what
What am I going to do? That’s simple, said his friend,
Just stop talking to the man’s wife, and your
the problem’s solved.
It’s not that simple, said the lover; he did not
sign his name.
“WHY do girls kiss each other, and men do
“Because girls have nothing better to kiss and
men have.”
WHY do people fall in love and not rise?
Because without fail, we can’t feel the depth
of love.
Because love has its own gravity.
Because in love, you rise in her eyes only if
you fall in line with all her whims and fancies.
My goodness doctor said the private nurse,
What graceful, slim hands you have; they belong
to a girl.
The doctor stepped towards her smiling. All
right if you insist.”
WHEN his neighbours returned from a long trip
in their new compact car, he asked them how
they enjoyed driving it.
“Oh, fine,” said the husband. “We had to stop
at gas stations more often than it did.”
MEN want to be the kind of people that people
look up to Gils and want to be the kind that people
look around.