If you wish to enjoy coitus in its entirety do at least, the following preliminaries :
The room where you intend to have coitus should be free from noise, interference and should be neat, clean, airy, well ventilated. The colors of bed sheets, curtains, and wall paints should conform to personal preferences and tastes. The red color is said to ignite sensuality. Dull, drab, colors should find no place in your sleeping room. Colors play an important part in the mind. Avoid dark red, blue, green, and violet colors, as far as possible. Pink cream, and fawn colors add to sex pleasure.
Keeping in view your mood, approach, preference, and likes and dislikes of your partner, wear only those clothes which are neither too loose nor too tight, rather those should be comfortable, revealing, transparent and sexy. The dress holds a unique place in a sex act. Don’t put on any dress which is likely to stand in the way of your body handling. Certain couples prefer to wear dresses that expose their bodies, some wish to wear scant clothes or only underwear. Those who wish to resort to the strip-at-ease method should wear only such dresses which can be removed slowly, making way for gradual removal thereof. Some couples prefer to enter sex in a total nude form.
The color of dresses should be able to heighten your sexual lust.
It is necessary that a bath with scented water or using cologne, or rose water will do away with the foul smell from the body. Bad odor is most likely to drive you away from conjugal love, as most people can’t withstand foul body odor, which is an impediment in a turn-on. While bathing, take care to wash your mouth, ears, armpits, genitals, thigh joints, and genitals thoroughly to ensure proper hygiene. Shave the armpits and hair on the pubic region, on and around the genitals, and use some pleasing, scented, and mild cream or lotion to rule out any chance of infections. When private parts are shaved, creamed/sprayed with lotion, one should experience added flavor in sex, as clean and shaven parts help in an early turn-on.
Spray your neck, ears, ear lobes, armpits, and chest navel portion with scented sprays but the odor of scents used should be pleasing.
Hair should be dressed and combed in such a way that your partner’s choice therefore should be quite visibly felt and noticed. Some persons fondle their partner’s hair with gay abandon. Dark, lengthy, curly hair is preferred by most men. If possible, wash your head with the same fragrant soap so that the pleasing smell stays for a longer period; at least before, during, and after coitus.
Breasts hold an important part in sexual arousal. Clean the teats and areola thoroughly so that when your partner sucks and kisses the nipples, no bad taste enters into his mouth, Under portion of the skin folds of the breasts should be cleaned properly. Some males hate to see hair on nipples or/and areola. So, if there is any hair thereon, pluck the same. Nipple-sucking is a pleasant and cheerful exercise.
There should be no aversion and hesitation in applying some cream, oil, or any other lubricant to the penis, glans of the penis, vulva, and vagina but it must be ensured that such lubricants are non-allergic, non-offensive, non-irritating, thus causing no harm to either partner’s sex organs. If the male penis is thick and long but the vaginal cavity is too narrow to admit penetrator or when there is extreme pain when the penis is inserted into the vagina. The matter of fact is that during the course of pre-coital play (or foreplay), the vaginal fluids lubricate the vaginal canal profusely when the use of any sort of lubrication is hardly called for. Moreover, the vagina is such a cozy, fresh, tender and muscular organ that has the capacity to enlarge itself to such an extent that the length and thickness of the penis are hard of any consequence, as the vagina, due to its flexibility can admit any ‘size of penis’. In one or two initial sexual unions, there may be some pain during the insertion of the penis but, due to its quality of adaptability, the vagina adjusts itself accordingly. When penis penetration can be done without any difficulty, there is hardly any need for the use of any lubricant but, if the situation warrants, there is hardly any justification or need for avoiding the use of any harmless and agreeable lubricant.
Most males prefer to perform coitus in bright light, the reason being that females’ body organs are visible and so that they can see, play, touch, and kiss with their sex arousal organs, and also watch their partner’s reaction, the intensity of enjoyment, her response, etc. But, bright lights may be avoided, instead, light pink colored lights be preferably used. Dark red, blue, or violet lights should be avoided unless there is a compelling preference for such colors. Women often prefer to have coitus in the dark or else under very dim lights where only shade of physical forms are visible. Anyway, the use of lights, color, and the duration of use, should necessarily be governed by personal likings and preferences.
Some couples are used to watching porno movies to arouse passion. It gives them an instant turn on, helps to know novel postures of coitus. In most cases, some couples opt to perform the entire sexual exercise, in accordance with scenes depicted in movies performed as per actions of the porno movie actors, the visualizing couples lose the sense of intensity and personal touch, as personal interaction and preferences get relegated to the hind seat. Porno movie viewing causes distraction of the mind which takes away sensual pleasure. Further, some couples may reach orgasm too soon to enjoy the pleasures of ejaculation at the final climax. Some postures may be more practical on the screen and may cause physical harm to the private parts of the couples. Premature ejaculation is often an outcome that leaves most women on the verge of orgasm, but not complete orgasm. Man’s purpose is served by viewing porno movies but their female partners don’t get a turn-on which factor causes an abrupt end to the sex acts, much to the disgust of the female partners.
Diane Ackerman says, “Feeling (of Touch) does not take the place in the topmost layer of the skin but in the second layer. This is why safe crackers are sometimes shown sandpapering their fingerprints.” In any area of the body where there are more blood vessels and nerve endings, greater potential for stimulative sexuality is found. Erotic Zones pertain to the genitals, mouth, ear lobes, breasts, inner thighs, and buttocks. Not only such body parts but feet, stomach, palms, and neck are hot erotic spots. More men consider their women’s thighs as an erogenous zone.
There is no denying the fact that the sequence of touch is bound to have a profound erotic effect. If less sensitive zones are touched first, and then gradually moving to the more sensitive erogenous areas of the body, it will yield a brilliant turn-on. If, on the contrary, the most sensitive are worked upon first, it may (as it often does) result in turn-off. Let the touch method be applied in ascending order—that is to say to first touch the less sensitive areas and then move to other more sensitive zones. We elaborate on the said point. If food is churned and masticated slowly, saliva will mingle with it, rendering it acceptable to the body. Similarly, if you go slow on touching methods, your juices and endocrine glands’ secretions will help you get a complete taste (pleasure), and your body will get attuned to all the sensuality elements generated by touch.
There are differences in the ways men and women prefer to be touched. Anna Moir and David Jessel are of the view that “Women seem to be far more sensitive to pressure on the skin. Although they don’t take longer than men to get aroused, as is widely believed. Many prefer a gentler touch at first, because of this greater sensitivity. But since people usually touch their lovers the way they like to be touched, you may need to show your partner exactly how much pressure you want.”
If you learn the art of timing into your mate’s sexual senses and also those of your own, it is quite necessary for both of you not to be a victim to habit, when any act is done in a routine manner. Our process of love-making is bound to be a drab monotony and even a turn-off. The most important part of love-making is that we all differ from each other’s response and the person we wish to cohabitate with, can have varied sensations, reactions, and enjoyment, from time to time, day to day.
We have about ten thousand taste buds that are grouped on our tongues by the kind of taste those are able to sense: Sour on the sides, bitter at the back side, and sweet at the tip, but the saltish taste can be perceived and sensed from (almost) any part of our tongue. When our skin is not properly cleaned, it also tastes mildly salty. So, the tongue and skin have a mild saltish taste. Moir and Jessel say, “Women are more sensitive to better flavors and also like higher concentrations of sweetness.” Leaving aside a preference for a particular type of taste, both men and women never prefer, rather despise, unpleasant tastes and foul odors. You don’t have to use heavy deodorants and perfumes in bed as they are capable to cause instant turn-off. Only clean taste, in the mouth and anywhere else in the body can turn on and prove erotic.
Words express our feelings and emotions and lovers have a great penchant for seductive sounds and adulatory words. When emotions run high and the mouth fails to express feelings, the eyes reveal the expressions. Sounds of pleasure, during sex, can also be erotic. Many people are inhibited about making noise in bed and as a result miss out on something that can enhance their pleasure and also their partners.” If love notes are not reciprocated by the other partner (such as) “I also love You,” one is liable to get angry than turned on. Let us admit that viable and congenial atmospheres do play a great part in erotica. Any move that causes or aroused any sort of erotic feeling is, by far, the best sex arousal technique.
Erotic sounds and adulatory averments can be exchanged when the mind is at peace, there is no disturbance, fear, or obstacle. You can’t enjoy sex under fear psychosis. You can’t even enjoy sex with a tense egoistic and unpleasant approach. Be happy, remain happy, and also look happy—no amount of remorse should even find a way into your bedroom. The more carefree you are, the more relaxed you stay.