Sex is not that easy, though seemingly it is quite wonderful. To express sex in terms of books and film style is quite easy, but when it is to be performed, most people falter and cut a sorry figure. Sex is a necessity that needs to be fortified with healthy teaching and training. Man often falters, not only due to lack of teaching and knowledge but in greater part, due to lack of proper and true application of love-making techniques.
- He fails often to excite his woman properly.
- He remains in an inexplicable hasty mental framework to prove to his mate that he is, indeed, a ‘quickly’ and can get on with the job of lovemaking in a fraction of a second. No doubt he has that ingrained capability but it is not he only who has to arouse himself, but take his wife to orgasmic pleasure.
- He fails to meet up to the hopes and expectations of the woman underneath him, thus leaving her mid-way to orgasm.
- Being in a flurry of frustration and anxiety, he lets his woman squeal with pain under mental agony and torture, aiming only to have him ejaculate.
- He proves to be a rank novice, forgetting that Lovely is a forerunner of successful coitus.
- Though some women love to be handled roughly, most of them like to be handled softly, gently, and caressingly—unfortunately this important is amiss in a man who often wants to have his own way, rather than moving in a spirit of cooperation and unison.
- He is required to devote at least half an hour or so to excite and arouse the woman who lets him control the reins of love-making.
- He should never apply copybook techniques or do what others prefer. He is handling his own woman and not any other man’s woman. He must bear in mind that every love-making technique and suitability of the same is surely an individual’s preference that need not be generalized. Let every husband devise his own sex strategy in concurrence with his wife.
- His bedmate is not like any other woman who can be handled the way he prefers. It is not a matter of choice but clearly a matter of mutual participation where sentiments, approach, and technique play fairly an unenviable role. Men are generally misled by certain persons as to ‘How To Arouse a Woman’. Listen to all, but do what suits man and his partner. So, never prove to be a selfish person.
In one or two sexual unions both can very well understand what is liked by a partner and what is disliked. The sex technique is a balance sheet of checks and balances of permutations and combinations of mutual acceptance but not of confusion (and not of misplaced confusion.) Love is meant to be enjoyed through well-tried and agreed-upon techniques of love play. The man should proceed in the following way to enjoy a fully blossomed coitus.
- He should try to make the muscles around the vagina relax, by clever manipulative technique and—so moisten her vagina that she is fully prepared to accommodate his penis therein. He should try to make her vaginal secretions in such a way that it starts flowing its love juices. The vaginal passage is to be rendered moist, welcoming, and fully lubricated.
- He should sexually arouse her to such a feverish pitch of frenzy that she begs her man to penetrate his penis into her vagina without any delay.
- Her sexual excitement should be pounded and inflated to such an extent that she herself starts participating in the activity. When a woman’s lips tremble, eyes redden, breasts get raised up with erect nipples, lips dry and the only murmur that could lie heard is beseeching, if not compelling, her mate to act at once or else she will reach her peak (a climax).
- To become a reasonably skillful lover, the young man would require 2-3 years, as he can’t learn, and shouldn’t also be expected to learn in a short time. The man should read about sexplay and sex act as reasonably as he possibly can. It would need an inventive, resourceful, and uninhibited partner who is permissive, at least in bed.
- ‘Prepare yourself properly beforehand, learn your techniques, and practice as a violinist on a woman’s body—move your fingers slowly, gathering momentum gradually, reaching the crescendo, and then reversing the movement of finger-play. Handle a woman as softly and carefully as a violinist does to his violin. Don’t forget your woman is an animate object that can dislike and like your method of play, can be revulsive also, but not the violin which is an in animate object.
- Some women hate their men emitting foul odor from any part of their body. It drives them away from active sexual indulgence. It is both nauseating and revulsive. Men, before entering into a coital spree should ensure, as a matter of personal hygiene, to cleanse their mouth, take a bath, using some fragrance, to ward off any chance of turning their woman away from sexual orgy. This is an important inhibiting factor that men often neglect.
- It is wrong to say that intense moments or when feelings run high, the couple shouldn’t initiate any sensual move. This is a totally misplaced notion. It has been observed that if in such a charged-up mental state, they indulge in sexual play, leading to a happy sexual climax, both will feel mentally and physically relieved as, during the interaction, they would exchange certain exciting notes, that their tension will get relieved. Let both of them, try out this suggestion to verify the veracity of our claim. Sex is a tension reliever of great magnitude when, after the tension element has been relieved, both can enjoy and indulge in even greater ‘heights of orgasm.
- The man should shave properly, including his armpits, and genitals, clip nails on feet and hands, and make sure that nails are clipped in such a way that their edges do not remain sharp so as to avoid any chance of injury to his mate.
- Dr. Delvin confirms the foregoing view and quotes the Roman poet, (from his book The Art of Love) that “even before the love-play began, the male should ensure he is properly groomed and, in particular that he smells nice and trimmed his fingernails and “which is extremely important in that when many wedding rights have been ruined as the groom caught a jagged nail on besides most delicate tissues and caused her intense pain and heavy bleeding.”
Though quite a few women could be sexually aroused to ultimate climax, by sheer sweet compliments but there is hardly any woman who does not wish to be complemented which imparts her a sense of a heavenly queen, even if she may be a clumsy or not that good-looking dame. Just appreciate her soft and beautiful body, appreciate each and every organ, telling her how beautiful and bewitching her body was, how sexy she looked, etc. Pay her such and many other compliments so that she feels that her husband is competent to appreciate her.
The modern woman is a totally different version of her former counterparts who were terrified and withheld by inhibition to say even a word. It was a silent love-making act, without any sound or whisper. So, don’t ever forget to express words like ‘I love you’, ‘You are the only one who is so beautiful’, ‘You have got a voluptuous and sexy body’, ‘Your eyes, hair, breasts and vaginal passage are unmatched’ etc. Remember the three-word phrase (I LOVE YOU) is more erotic than anything else and every woman loves to be told that repeatedly.
In paying compliments men outwit women, as they have more words and phrases in their armour. It must be ensured that appreciative words are not churned out in a row, rather those should be spread over and repeated often with some pause, or else your lady would feel that you are flattering and adulating her simply to befool her so that you can have your way. Don’t ever overplay or underplay the expletive words which may be liked by a sophisticated young lady who relishes such invectives but not by an experienced lady who would easily make out what you wish to convey. Never use any obscene and filthy words or never be rude in expressing your appreciation, because very few women get ‘turned on’ or ‘feel excited ‘by such uncultured words, even a call girl or prostitute won’t relish such averments. So, be decent, moderate, natural, and rhythmic in expressing yourself.
Your mate can be aroused if you use commonly used words in bed. There is no need to use technical words which are often not understood by many a woman. For instance, you can use the words. ‘A beautiful little pussy’ for the vulva, ‘Pair of Lotus’ for the eyes, ‘Cups’ for the breasts, ‘Love Juices’ for the vaginal dew drops, etc. Such words are fancied and loved by the women.
Women possess the uncanny trait of reading deeply into the eyes of men. They can easily make out whether you are a sincere lover or an amiable bed-mate, she will at once judge if you sincerely appreciate what she likes, but undue praise will make her hate you and treat you as a ‘part-time friend’. Even God failed to understand what mysteries are enshrined in a woman, then how could we, the mortal men, claim to know of her? She is mostly an implicit entity who is gifted with the quality of excellent intuitive faculty which can easily unmask your pretensions and false methods. If you think you can ever befool a woman or win over her favor, you are simply befooling yourself. So, don’t ever overact or overplay, let your demeanor be natural and honestly expressive of your intentions. In lovemaking false pretension, overplay, roughshod terms, obscene language have no place, to say the least.
the least. Remember premarital love-making is totally at variance with marital love-making. In the latter you are being assessed every moment, you have to stay with your mate for the most part of your life (if not till death), and you have to share mutually all the worries and anxieties in a spirit of ‘give-and-take’, your actions (at least the wrong (1) ones) will recoil and boomerang on you, making your married life miserable and force you to seek marital solace in another woman’s arms. So, handle your wife with the same care and softness, with which you handle your baby. She is also as delicate as your sibling, she expects a lot from you, at least she wishes to be appreciated and complimented, not only at bedtime, but during the day also. A pampered wife can open gates of heavenly bliss and unbound joy for you. It is equally true of marital sex-love and sex-play.
Each woman’s body, from head to foot, is replete with sexual fervor—each and every part of the body abounds in sexual instinct which requires to be aroused by gentle fondling, caressing, hugging, kissing, patting, and gentle squeezing techniques. Handle all her sexual organs gently, lovingly, keeping in mind that passion is scattered and spread all over her body—more particularly in lips, tongue and mouth, armpits, ear lobes; breasts, nipples and areola; pubic region; inner side of thighs, buttocks, clitoris, lips of labia, vagina. If you are able to handle all the organs, as told above, you can motivate, prepare and ready her for the sex act, or else you will have to cut a sorry figure.
The aforementioned organs of the body of a woman call on you and invite you to gently play with them, as those are the very seats of erotica. It is up to you, keeping in view the preferences of your mate, as to which organ is capable of arousing sexual passion, and how to handle her. She is lying flat underneath you and expects you to apply your love-play techniques in accordance with her wishes. During the course of love-play, she will continue to guide you to the amative and erogenic zones which, if touched and handled as per her preferential desire, could drive her to voluptuous sexual orgies.
Don’t simply caress the sexual parts of her body, but caress her whole body, the nature has devised her body in such a way that her whole body is manifest with erotic zones. It is not that she would take kindly and agree to all your manipulative techniques. You should, being her sincere bedmate, take into consideration what, organ she prefers to be caressed first. Certain women would don’t like to be kissed at the inception or arousal stage. Some have very sensitive nipples, and some don’t wish you should, at once, shift to her clitoris and vagina or else to labia. If you honor her preference, sensitivity to some organs, and abhorrence to other organs to be touched, then don’t force your own way. If you relegate your preferences and likes to hers, she will be trigger-happy in offering all the best she could ever offer. If she is happy, even heavenly bliss can’t measure up to her love gesture.