“Top Text Jokes on this page”
The guy who first said, “You can’t take it
with you,” had probably never met an old mind.
When a smart girl travels by train, she gives
the boys in the club car a wide berth.
A curvilinear young secretary just returned
from a magnificent vacation in a South American
republic, walked into the foreign exchange section
of her. New York bank and dropped a wad of
foreign currency on the counter. The teller
counted it carefully and gave her 53 $ in
“Do you mean to tell me that’s all I get?”
gasped the lovely thing.
“I’m afraid so, miss,” said the teller. “That’s
the legal exchange rate.”
“Damn,” the girl hissed. And like a fool I
give him breakfast too.”
As the cop helped the bruised and battered
bibber up from the pavement in front of the bar,
he asked, “Can you describe the man who hit
“Oh, yes,” said the drunk. That’s just what
I was doing when he hit me.”
The coed cutie returned to the sorority house
after her first breakfast date at a neighbouring
fraternity with her steady boyfriend. Asked what
she had, she replied dreamily, “Him and eggs.”
Two hipsters crossing the Atlantic by
steamship were out on the deck looking at the ocean.
The first cat said, “Man look at all that water out
“Yeah, man,” the second, even farther out
the cat replied, “And just thinks like that’s only the
top of it.”
While we generally have nothing but
contempt for the sassy feminine rejoinder to a
the forthright masculine proposition, we must
express a grudging degree of admiration for the
logic displayed by one beautiful chick. The doll
in question was being entertained at the
apartment of a friend of ours and at the proper
the moment he employed the time-honoured verbal
gambit: “Come on, baby, let’s live for tonight.”
For a moment, she considered the prospect
happily, but then her limpid blue herbs clouded
over, and she replied :
“Yes, but suppose we survive?”
“Sunny,” exclaimed the breathless coed,
telling her wide-eyed companion all about lat
night’s big panty raid.
“This bruiser from the football team got me
cornered, so I had to fork over my panties. What
else could I do?
“Later,” the miss went on. “I gave him the
The abundantly endowed starlet had just
stepped out of the bathtub in her hotel suite and
was about to reach for a towel when she caught
the sight of a window washer taking in all of her
charms. The starlet, too stunned to move, stood
starting at the man.
“Whatcha looking at, lady?” he finally
asked, “Ain’tcha never seen a window washer