We encounter the world through our senses. Simply put, we rely on our minds to function daily—for instance, the touch of the chair against our bottom tells us that it is safe to sit down! In addition to these functional attributes, our senses are vital for our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. In China, the purpose of the reason is believed to be the universe. They are the gates to all that happens and the open windows of our whole beings.
It is well-known that every molecule and atom of the universe is in constant vibration, vibrating on its frequency and wavelength. The vibrations of sound, colour, smell, taste, heat and light enter our bodies constantly through all our senses.
, Therefore, we can use all of these media to enhance our total well-being and help the body restore the balance of mind, body and spirit in the following ways.
Pleasant sounds encourage relaxation and are an essential link with nature. Sounds vibrate the air, stimulating Chi’s energy.
• Play music incorporating the natural sounds of birds, leaves rustling, babbling brooks, waves, whales singing or falling rain.
• Music is very therapeutic, but silence is also essential for physical and emotional health. So sit silently in a room of your personal choice and let your mind relax in quiet.
• Have healing sounds surrounding you, such as an indoor waterfall or a wind chime. Open the window and listen to the birds or sit beside a stream or river and absorb the sounds of nature into every cell of the body.
• Personally, the ultimate relaxation is hearing the beautiful romantic voice of Agnetha Falskog, the blonde from the Seventies supergroup Abba. Just hearing her voice singing The Winner takes it all or Wrap your arms around me sends me into deep relaxation and another, more peaceful world.
Clear natural light from the sun raises our spirits and promotes health and well-being through the pineal gland. Light is energy in its most accurate form. Light and colour create mood and atmosphere. Combined, they can dazzle or enhance, dim or brighten your mood.
• To increase light, have silky textured wallpaper or use vinyl silk paint on your walls; Scatter glass-top tables and mirrors, crystals and candles placed in water around your home.
• Have full-spectrum daylight bulbs.
• Sit in a sun-bathed, warmed room, and see how great it feels.
Colour affects us emotionally, physically and spiritually and stimulates our senses by encouraging relaxation or activity. So choose the colours of your rooms, towels and accessories with care.
Blue: Harmony and peace
Violet: Royal and sensitivity
Red: Warmth and vitality
Orange: Invigorating and warm
Yellow: Joyful and uplifting
Green: Nature and hope
Sound: Play the CD of your choice in a darkened room Close your eyes and let the music relax you.
Sight: Clean your room. Add a colourful rug. Sit back and absorb the positive energy that surrounds you.
Smell: Place six drops of your favourite essential oil into an aroma therapy burner and relax in the scents of nature.
Nature: Fill your home with plants and cut flowers.
Experience how the room and you.