Vegetables do not treat any disease like a medicine, but using specific vegetables puts the condition in check.
Put a layer of wet flour (thin dough) over a freshly cut bottlegourd. Wrap it round a clean cloth and bury it in the hot sand for about half an hour. Then take it out, remove the flour layer and squeeze the bottlegourd to extract its juice. Make the patient drink this juice for 40 days for total recovery.
Many think potato is just a minipack of carbohydrates and fats and has no medicinal value. But in the cases of acidity and flatulence, the best treatment is to eat two potatoes cooked on the red hot sand. Then add a little of rock salt, cumin-seed, black pepper powder and sprinkle half a lemon on it. Eat this dish after meals for a week.
Tomato is the ideal vegetable to cure this trouble. Tomato is very rich in iron content which is an essential ingredient for the regeneration of blood. Besides iron it is also rich in copper content which adds haemoglobin to make blood healthy and thick red. But it is more effective when eaten raw and its juice should be sucked in. Only its seeds are not as good and may be removed.
Many persons are not aware that raw tomato is a very effective stain-remover. The acidic content of tomato has the quality of removing the black spot without causing burn to the skin. The best way to do it is to apply a piece of a tomato on the spot. It is better to do so before you retire for the day. You must repeat doing so for about a week for getting the result. Soon you would find your skin acquiring its normal colour.
The roots of ‘Chaulai ka saag’ is very effective to cure this trouble. Still in the countryside this treatment is resorted to. Take about four handful of this root and grind it. Then strain it through a fine cloth. Make its decoction about 3/4 of a cup. Then take 1/ 4 of the cup of this potion and five gms. of Rasaut. Add half a gram of Nagkesar with it. Make a big wet tablet of this combination and swallow it with the remaining juice of the Chaulai root. You must swallow this tablet immediately as it is very bitter. Continue the treatment till get rid of this trouble.
After defecation and brushing your teeth in the morning, eat a fresh turnip raw, repeatedly cutting it by your teeth. This treatment will not only keep your teeth shining and firm, it will also help you get your digestive system working well. Alternatively, wash your teeth with the water to which a little of juice of spinach has been added. Since this water is rich in chlorophyll, it helps in keeping your teeth firm and clean. Drinking tomato juice will also help.
Cut the pieces of a big bottlegourd. They must be as big as to help you hold them properly. Now you lie down on your bed and ask your help to rub the pieces of the bottlegourd over your sole. Make them rub it at least for half on hour. Then you can have bath with cold water. Repeat the process for about 10 to 15 times in a month and you shall be totally cured of this trouble. If the pieces of the bottlegourd are kept inside the fridge before rubbing them, it would be still better.
These are mainly caused because of the impurity in blood. Treat them in the following way : Ask the patient to drink juice of red Bathua for three days. Make sure that he takes enough of this Bathua to have at least 30 gms. of this juice thrice every day. This will subside the extra heat accumulated in the body and consequently these boils and pustules will also disappear. Chaulai ka Saag is also very effective to cure this trouble.
Drinking tomato juice, having lots of spinach and Bathua in the food and having very light food are the tried and tested formula to cure constipation. Spinach and Bathua are rich in iron content and their combined effect is also very lethal for the worms inside the stomach. Hence this combination not only galvanises your bowels faster but also cleans the germs inside. Besides, this dish will have another advantages. All the problems connected with the lack of generation of blood shall automatically be taken care of. Eating raw tomatoes will also help.
Ask the patient to eat turnip vegetable as much as he wants. Even during the off season, you can get turnip by drying it in the sun during the season and using it after boiling in water when it is not available. Another useful vegetable is tomato. Feed the patient on it but make sure that you remove the seeds of it. It is better to give the patient soup of tomatoes. If tomato juice could be added in bitter gourd juice, this is the ideal preparation for treating this trouble.
Sucking a piece of pickle in which fenugreek has been added liberally will immediately restore your liking for food. Alternatively have red, well-ripe tomatoes raw after sprinkling a little of rock salt, black pepper and cumin seeds. Eat as much tomato as you want, but make sure that you eat more its pulp and less its seeds. If you suck a piece of tomato, it shall prove more effective. Having fresh radish with black salt and lemon-juice sprinkled on it will bring speedier relief.
Drink 20 gms. of tomato juice every morning and evening. If it be winter season, add a little of lukewarm water to it. Externally, extract about 10 gms. of tomato juice and add double of coconut oil. Make their homogeneous mixture and massage your whole body with it at least half an hour before you go to take your bath. In less than a fortnight your skin will be as velvety as you desire and glowing too.
For any ear trouble, pain or emergence of unusual sounds, treat the trouble in the following way. Add about a small bottle of Amritdhara in double of the quantity of pure mustard oil. For any pain, just put in a few drops of this oil and plug the ear hole with a cotton. soon you will feel relief.
Those persons who read poronographic magazines and seek dirty company generally suffer from this problem. In fact their power of retention of their semen becomes so less that they discharge semen at the slightest sexual reference. And since the basic fluid of the body gets weak, the whole body becomes weak. Such persons must shun such company and take lots of tomato juice. Also having spinach-seeds powder with milk early in the morning will cure this trouble.
• Mesh a raw potato and apply it on the burnt portion. The buring sensation will subside in a few moments. This is the famous fire-burns treatment.
• Mesh a Parval and boil in water to get its thick decoction. When it is lukewarm drench a piece of cloth into it. Don’t wring the cloth and spread it over the burnt portion. In a couple of hours the pain and buring will subside.
The time-tested and the safest treatment for this is having tomato and bathua mixed juice every morning and evening. Despite the combination been essentially heat giving, it cures the trouble in a couple of months. For this arrange half a kilo of Bathua, extract its juice—about 15 gms. and give it to the patient. If the patient wants he can eat tomato slices having black pepper and rock salt sprinkled over it. Also the residual part of the Bathua, whose juice has been extracted may be mixed in flour and chapatis be made of it for still quicker relief.
Although there are numerable remedies for it. Yet the best one is the following which cures the trouble speedily and cheaply. Prepare the vegetable of brinjal and mix it with garlic and asafoetida. Eat this vegetable a little every time like you eat chutney. This will release the gas and activate your bowels better. Alternatively, suck ginger juice and lemon juice having a little of rock salt sprinkled over it, after every meal.
The burning is not exactly in the heart but over heart which is caused by indigestion. Since the pain occurs at a delicate portion, normal treatment for indigestion is not very effective. The best treatment is to mesh a raw potato and extract its juice. Make the patient drink its juice at least twice a day. Just two spoonful of juice will do. But make sure that you add no spice to the juice, even salt. If the patient can eat raw potato , it would also help.
Heart palpitation could be caused by many reasons. Nervousness, some traumatic news or the same can start it. Whenever you feel it, just have a glass of cold water, followed by the juice of red Bathua. The cooling effect of the red Bathua will help considerably.
Those who consume cabbage in large quantity rarely have this problem. In fact the sulphur content available in cabbage prevents the weakness of hair. Having brinjal will help, as iodine is also essential for the firm growth of the hair.
Vegetables, especially brinjal help cure this trouble. Make the bhurta of brinjal and mix it with white onion. First lightly roast the white onion pieces and then mix them with the brinjal or Baingun Bhurta. Eat it with chapatis as much as you want. It is better if you take this special vegetable during the night. This combination would induce sleep.
Even after rubbing your body clean and taking bath, you have this feeling of itching, then you must deem it to be caused by the impurity of blood. In such cases have Bathua juice twice or thrice a day (about 10 gms.) mixed with the juice of tomato (5 gms.) only. This combination will not only cure the impurities in the blood, but shall also help in keeping your blood red and free of any infection. Have this juice twice daily for a week and the problem will be cured.
Indigestion is a common trouble caused by of taking food, at odd hours. People have a tendency of hardly chewing the eaten food—they gobble it down. That is why it is said in the Ayurvedic books that one must drink one’s food (i.e., chew it as much as to make it almost liquid) and eat one’s drink (i.e., drink so slowly as though you are chewing it.) If you take this precaution, eat food timely and drink a lot of water, you might not have this trouble. Eating Chaulai Ka Sag and tomato will also help.
Grind one full bittergourd and mix its juice in water. Ask the patient to drink it early in the morning. Although this would taste like bitter poison yet, it would set right the liver disorder soon. Drinking sugarcane juice and having radish with your food will also help.
Alternatively, burn about 2 kgs. of Bathua after drying it in the shades, as much as to make its ash in a clean utensil. Add seven to eight times more water to it and stir it thrice a day with your hand. After 48 hours, put it on the low flame. When the water is vaporised , whatever remain there is the alkaline portion of Bathua. Fill in a bottle and given to the patient its 3 gms. with whey. In a week’s time the infection shall be cursed.
For all sorts of kidney trouble, including even the stones problem use the powder of Bathua. Take this powder with a glass of lukewarm water in winters or cold water in summers. Besides, always drink a lot of water but not during meals. If you feel burning sensation in passing urine, have the juice of Kulpha leaves thrice a day for just a week. In case the blood also passes through urine then add a little of spinach juice with water and have it for a week.
To away with lethargy and making your body energetic, cabbage is the ideal vegetable. It contains ample amount of chlorine. Chlorine is believed to be the natural cleansing agent of the body. Have lots of raw cabbage or in the form of vegetable to be energetic.
This trouble leads to impotence among men and to frigidity among women. The grains of seeds of fenugreek are very useful to cure this trouble. Grind the seeds to powder form and have about one or two gms. of these with a cup of milk after lunch and dinner. This will not only restore the sexual appetite but also improve the digestive system. If you find these seeds rather bitter, you may add a little of black pepper, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, nutmeg, aniseeds, cinnamon, small and big cardamon—in short all the spices known as garam masala—in the powdered form with fenugreek seeds and take this combined powder with milk as described above. This medicine is good for both the ladies and gents.
Take 10 gms. of Chaulai ka Saag and 10 gms. of Jatamansi. Grind it to make it semi-liquid. Now add cows’s 200 ml. of milk and 100 gms. of ghee. Now allow it to boil as much as to make only fat-part remain of the solution. Keep this viscous liquid in a bottle and put a few drops of this oil into the nostrill having the pain in half of the head lower than even the pillow. If there is pain be in the entire head, put this ghee in both the nostrills. A week’s treatment will cure it.
Sometimes the area around temples becomes swollen and hard, and the whole look of the face undergoes a tremendous change. Take about 5 gms. of fenugreek seeds and even amount of barley grains. Grind them together and add a little of vinegar instead of water. Make a thin paste of the both and apply it over the mumps region. In few hours the relief will be felt.
The juice of Kulpha is ideal to improve your speaking prowess and that too speaking clearly. Not only lisping but even the inarticulate voice would also become sharp and clear.
If there is obstruction in the menstrual discharge, grind 10 gms. each of the seeds of fenugreek, soya, radish and carrots to a powder form and mix the powder evenly. Take 2 gms. of this powder with fresh water every three hours. The obstruction will be cleared. Fenugreek is good enough not only to clear the obstruction, it also stops if menstrual discharge continues. Boil 3 gms. fenugreek seed powder in milk and allow it to boil 5 to 7 times. When cold, strain and drink this milk. The discharge will stop.
As we all know this night blindness is caused by the lack of vitamin ‘A’. Tomato alone can take out this deficiency. The actual place of the deposit of vitamin ‘A’ is just below the rind of tomato. The best way to eat tomato to cure this trouble is to eat it by cutting it with your teeth. While cutting the big pieces by your teeth, suck its juice. Then you can spit out its rind and seeds. The juice of Bathua mixed with tomato is an ideal combination to cure this trouble.
Whenever you feel nausea, either due to some concussion in the head or even otherwise, start sucking pieces of tomato on which black pepper, rock salt and lime juice have been liberally sprinkled. If you want you can add a little of fresh mint leaves over the pieces also. In fact juice of tomato, pepper, rock salt and lime juice sprinkled over it should be administered in such cases for the quick relief.
Pain the joints is caused by the deposit of hardened phlegm over these points. Cabbage is the best vegetable remedy for it as it contains ample quantity of chlorine. Chlorine clears all these impediments caused by unwanted deposit. Have raw cabbage in the form of salad and also as vegetables. If this pain be accompanied by lack of blood then the patient should also have as much beetroot as possible. Cabbage and beetroot diet will not only cure this trouble but also make body glowing in health.
All sort of phlegmatic troubles have the decoction made of roots of the Chaulai Ka Saag. Although the leaves of Chaulai create cold feeling in the body but their roots surge heat wave in the body. Have this decoction every night after you retire for the day for a week. If you like you can add a little ginger juice also in the decoction. Having honey every morning and evening will also help.
Feed the child on tomato dose, either in the form of vegetable or juice. Tomatoes have the necessary vitamin ‘A’ to prevent the drying of the flesh and fill the child’s body. Make the child eat tomato in whatever form he wants. The more tomato he eats the better he becomes. But if the heavy dose of tomato causes a purgative effect, feed the child on half of potato. Just peel off and boil potatoes, then mesh them and add a little of salt, pepper and lime juice to make them more tasty. Alternatively, you can also make sweet halwa by mixing honey with the meshed potatoes.
Boil a few turnips in water. Rub the boiled pieces over the swollen fingers and wash them with the water in which the turnips have been boiled. Use their residual water to soak hand or feet in it. If you follow this treatment for about a week’s time, your fingers will become normal. Sometimes, the swelling at the join of finger is also caused by excessive cold. That is the symptoms of the rheumatic heart. Treat first the basic cause and then start this external treatment.
The easiest treatment for this trouble is to make poultice of the spinach leaves. Boil the spinach leaves in water and when they become soft, remove them from fire. Now grind them a bit. Heat the paste again on fire and tie it around throat for a couple of days.
For internal treatment, the best combination is licking honey and ginger juices every morning and evening. This will not only cure the throat trouble but shall also make your voice quite musical and sweet.
Take both the variety of Chaulai Saag, the ordinary one and the thorny one. Grind both the variety to a fine paste form and apply it over the part having the string of the scorpion. When it goes dry apply another layer. Additionally make the patient drink the juice of the roots of chaulai at three hourly interval. Chaulai is a great antidote for any kind of poison infected in the body. Continue the treatment externally and internally, and in a few hours the bite’s effect will be nullified.
Swelling of the spleen gives rise to many complicated diseases. The Sag of Kulpha is very effective to cure his trouble. Normally it is available in two sizes—Choti Nonia and Bari Nonia. Extract 10 gms. juice of Bari Nonia and equal amount of water in it. Then make the patient drink it twice a day. Soon the spleen will be restored to its normal size. The juice of bittergourd is also very effective to cure this trouble. Extract about 2 spoonfuls of bittergourd juice, add even amount of water and ground mustard seeds and rock salt. Make the patient drink if for just 15 days for the total relief.
The easiest and most effective remedy is to roast the fenugreek leaves in mustard oil. Now spread the mixture evenly in the sprained portion. Soon the injured would get relief. Even if there be internal contusion, the fenugreek leaves fomentation would take its care also. As an additional safety measure, make the injured person drink a glass of milk to which a pinchful of turmeric powder has been added. This internal and external treatment will bring the desired relief in a couple of hours.
If your skin is oily and shinning, rubbing half a lemon on the entire body before you go to take your bath is the surest and easiest remedy. Besides keeping your body free of skin trouble, the treatment would also make your body emit a fragrant, refreshing smell. In case of the dry skin, rubbing tomato juice mixed with the coconut oil is a very effective cure. In case your skin is neither very dry nor very soft and normal, then one should use oil combination for massage during the winters and the tomato combination during the summers.
To cure this trouble one should eat those vegetables which are diuretic and alkaline in effect. The alkaline content would disintegrate the stone and diuretic effect would throw the bits out through urine. Spinach had these qualities. Give 25 five gms. of spinach juice to the patient thrice every day for three days. For a change of taste give beetroot juice after every two doses.
Rub fresh raw potato on the stone and apply the extracted little juice of potato in the eyes. Not only this treatment is effective to cure trachoma, but even cataract can be dissolved by this treatment. This treatment ought to be continued till the patient begins to see clearly and brightly. In North India, people still resort to this treatment with very successful results. The whole cure might take about 2 months.
• Put some seeds of Brinjal over the burning cow-dung cake. Make sure that cow-dung cake may not be raw so as to emit smoke. When the seeds will touch the burning surface, they would emit smoke. Now use some hollow pipe to suck this smoke and let it tall on the aching tooth. This is a tried and tested remedy which brings relief.
• Sniff a little oil of mustard by one nostril at a time. Externally mix a little rock salt, five drops of lemon juice with a couple of drops of mustard oil and allow the saliva to ooze out.
Extract the juice of Kulfa-ka-saag (or leaves) about 5 gms. and mix with it with the juice of spinach leaves, about 10 gms. Drink the potion at least thrice a day for all sorts of urine trouble. If there is scanty discharge or painful discharge or urine with a few traces of blood, this treatment will cure all of them. Continue the treatment for a couple of days. But make the sure that you drink lot of water in between the dosages.
If there is the symptoms of gonorrhoea in men, the disease shows itself in the irritation of the urethra, scalding pain on passing urine and a viscid yellowish-white discharge; in women, it begin with a yellow vaginal discharge, pain on passing urine and very often inflammation of the glands situated close to the vulva, the patient should be given water mixed in milk and also the juice of Chaulai leaves. Prepare the Chaulai juice in the following way. Put about a handful of Chaulai leaves in boiling water for and allow it to cool off. When lukewarm, strain through a fine cloth and keep this water drinking purpose. Whenever the patient feels thirsty he must take either this water or milk water solution or better take them alternately. The entire infection should clear out by means of urine and in about a fortnight’s time he would get relief. Such patients must not sit on hard seat and should shun reading dirty and cheap magazine and indulging in sexual intercourse.
The ideal treatment of the weak eye-sight would be having lots of tomatoes, as the weakness of the sight is caused due to lack of vitamin ‘A’ in the body. You can use curd and tomato combination either in the form of vegetable or as syrup. In about two parts of tomato juice, beat one part of fresh curd. If it to be salty, add a little of rocksalt, a piece or two of onion, black pepper and cumin seed. Add finely chopped coriander leaves to make it more tasty. Have it in your lunch and dinner. If you want it to be sweet, then add a little of jaggery and sugar.
Since beetroot is full of iron, calcium and phosphorus, eating beetroot either in the form of salad or vegetable goes a long way to provide strength to the brain cells. Beetroot will also provide the necessary constituents to the body to make it more red and hence a better capacity to assimilate the absorbed oxygen. When you eat beetroot as salad, cut the soft leaves also. Have this salad as much as you want and in a couple of days you would start getting the desired effect.
For white spots on the body, the freshly cut pieces of tomatoes provides quick relief. Wherever these are, just tie the pieces of tomato over them. Leave them as it is for a few hours. Still better if you tie the pieces of tomato over the affected spots when you retire for the day. In the morning you can take your normal bath without using soap. For internal treatment, have tomatoes and fresh coconut as many times as you like. These spots occur because of the lack of calcium in the body and this tomato and coconut diet will subside this deficiency.
Bathua is the ideal medicine to cure this trouble. Extract the juice of Bathua, about two or two and a half spoonful and add a little to rock-salt to it. Make the patient drink it at least thrice a day, preferably after main course meals. Additionally, make the patient eat Bathua in the vegetable form. Bathua is very effective to cure the worms. Besides, it is a very good laxative and not only the worms are killed, the laxative effect shall clean them out of the system also.
Weak digestion results because of the excessive consumption of fatty, fried and rich food, that too at irregular hours. The tension of modern life also adds to this trouble. These adverse condition put extra pressure on the liver which is further aggravated by taking alcoholic drinks. And it must be remembered that there is no medicine to cure a damaged liver. So, having reuglated, light diet and following strict regimen is the only way to cure the trouble. One must plan one’s day’s menu and strictly adhere to it. Begin your morning by having a lukewarm water—a glassful with half a lemon’s juice squeezed into it. Then take light breakfast or porridge and germinated grams, followed by milk. In lunch have curds, grams, followed by milk. Bathua and fresh salad having cabbage, beetroot and radishes. Take just a glassful of sweetlime juice in the afternoon. In dinner have tomato spinach mixed juice, salad, and chapatis made of gram flour. End your day’s menu by having a glassful of lukewarm milk with isabgol. In less than a week’s time, you would get the desired relief.
If one continues to take, tomato, cabbage, spinach, bathua, beetroots and milk, one is not likely to develop any weakness. Because these vegetables and leaves supply the necessary vitamins and mineral essential to keep body in good trim. Potato, cauliflower and tomato’s combination not only gives a very tasty vegetable but it is also full of nutritional elements. For even sexual weakness, tomato is a very potent cure. Have tomato juice in the morning and follow it up by the ground seeds of spinach, to be washed down with plain milk. Not many people are aware that the seeds of spinach are very powerful aphrosadiac. If one sticks to this diet for about a month and doesn’t indulge in sexual intercouse, one would become as sturdy as an ox in every way and his body would not only be powerful, but supple and full of life.