Water for Glowing Skin and Proper Health
One of the best boosters for glowing, healthy-looking skin is something you don’t need to spend any money on. It comes to you free of charge—if that’s how you like it- and it is right there in front of you. What am I talking about? Plain old H2O, or, more simply put— water!
The effects of drinking more water become apparent in your looks almost immediately. Apart from feeling healthier, you’ll find that your skin tone improves almost overnight. Your face looks softer and fresher, your eyes have more sparkle, your lines and wrinkles will seem less pronounced, and your body will work more efficiently as the toxins and waste are washed away.
Drinking water helps you feel less bloated, and it has been proved that it doesn’t lead to fluid retention. In fact, drinking water helps prevent this by flushing out the toxins and waste that accumulates in the tissues and causes oedema ( swelling). You will also have better muscle tone because your muscles aren’t dehydrated.
If you are watching your diet, drink a glass or two of water when hungry. Dehydration triggers false feelings of hunger, so it’s easy to confuse thirst with hunger. Serious calorie counters will find that a glass or two of water before eating will help suppress your appetite.
Even though most Western countries pride themselves on the quality of their drinking water (water that comes straight from the tap), this has not stopped around 75 per cent of all Westerners from drinking bottled mineral waters. Look around the streets of Delhi and see how many foreign and local people have adopted this rather fashionable approach to dehydration. Anyone with any business sense should capitalize on the growing market and design the ultimate in water bottle bags; they could rival sunglasses in the who’s who of fashion. It now seems that most health-conscious Delhites carry a bottle of water wherever they go when out of the home. It is incredible.
Natural spring water, whether fizzy or still, is full of natural minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium and small quantities of trace elements like iodine, copper, and iron, all of which are essential for good health and, in particular, healthy skin. Fizzy water, whether it comes from the ground that way or has carbon dioxide (which gives it the bubbles), is absorbed into the body quicker than still water but is thought by some beauticians to aggravate cellulite.
As the temperature rises, so should your water consumption, whether on holiday or at home. When we are hot, we sweat to help cool our bodies down. By helping regulate your body temperature, you won’t sweat as much and avoid becoming dehydrated. One of the most typical causes of tired-looking skin is dehydration on the surface and throughout the body. One should aim to rehydrate his body by drinking two to three litres (four to five pints) of water a day. Ideally, This should be taken as plain or lightly flavoured, unsweetened water and not tea, coffee or other caffeine-containing or sugary drinks.
You should also cut down on tea and coffee. People who drink a lot of tea, coffee, hot chocolate and cola-type drinks are more likely to have tired-looking skin and suffer from greasy skin and spots. This is because these drinks contain caffeine, which prevents your body from making good use of the vitamins and minerals in your food. Drink no more than three cups of coffee, tea or other caffeine-containing drinks daily.
Keep your alcohol intake low. Excessive alcohol intake may lead to skin problems such as split veins. Avoid drinking more than the recommended 21 units a week ( a unit is the equivalent of a glass of wine).
Try to give up smoking. Nicotine does not help you keep healthy skin. It attacks the blood vessels that feed the skin with nutrients and oxygen and drain away the waste products from the skin. Therefore, your skin becomes poor at ridding itself of unwanted substances and, in severe cases, also starts to lack oxygen. Other substances produced by smoke can age the skin considerably and affect the nail beds and hair follicles, which nestle in the epidermis. If you want a youthful, healthy appearance, try to quit smoking.
An easy way is to start the day with a fresh cup or two of water. These first glasses are critical because you are reversing any mild dehydration that may have occurred overnight, significantly if you cut off your water consumption a couple of hours before bedtime to reduce nighttime trips to the bathroom.
If you are habitually showering and dressing before you go to the kitchen in the morning, you could leave a cup or bottle of water handy for you to drink during your dressing routine. It is best to drink water on an empty stomach to avoid unnecessary dilution of digestive juices, so about half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water. One of the best skincare products available today in India is the Evian Atomizer. A light spray for the face or body with this pressurised water in a can, it will refresh, soothe and moisturize the skin on contact—combating the effects of ageing and the environment. Use Evian Atomizer water spray throughout the day to hydrate the face and assist in cooling the skin down. It can be sprayed on and over makeup. It is small and easy to carry and should be part of everyone’s makeup kit— including you men!